Looking for offers on +1 W/P Heavy Repeater...LVL 10 No Damage
Looking for offers...PLAT, high end rapiers, bloodstone, etc....
Highest offer is 1 Mil PLAT.
Looking for offers on +1 W/P Heavy Repeater...LVL 10 No Damage
Looking for offers...PLAT, high end rapiers, bloodstone, etc....
Highest offer is 1 Mil PLAT.
Last edited by gahusker; 08-06-2008 at 09:11 AM.
Take a look at this post (http://forums.ddo.com/showthread.php?t=153499) and see if there is something there that interests you in trading.
It is ok to hate me, I don't like me most of the time.
The Harsh Reality is "we both believe we are right"
People are strange
Relax, it is a game to be enjoyed.
PMs responded.
/responded to more pms.
/looking for more offers...Plat offer in excess of 1 Mil Plat