oh sugar, just call me Uma.
oh sugar, just call me Uma.
xX-----==<<<Yes, I roleplay. Get over it.>>>==-----XxOriginally Posted by Beol
Guilds -- Officer: Umber Hulks, Member: Knights of the Silver Dragon (KotSD)
Characters: Nalinor (Human Rogue lvl 20), Cargonar (Dwarven Fighter lvl 11), Atlanon (Dwarven Fighter 11/Barb. 2). Beltakorr (Human Barb. 18/Fighter 2), Fleabite (Halfling Wiz. lvl 9), Skirahzalon (Drow Bard lvl 8).
Agorth Brutalum: L20 TWF Dwarf Barbarian, Shinkura: L14 WF Sorceror (3rd life), Wisspering Willow: : L19 Rogue - assassin, Arisiana: L9 Pally (2nd life). Metalika: L20 Tempest Ranger Gurddy: Level 18 TWF Dward Barbarian It's all about fun, isn't it?
(insert Uamhas' story here, not quoted to save loooong pages )
VERY nice Uamhas! I really enjoyed it.
Ringos-JohnDenver-Lillis-Dacta-Erahn-CPants-Jhain : Silver Waffle
"You assume that Clay is an ass because he's Legion..." Shyver
ahem, if it's ok with you? I'll be the sucker and the fool and bring my own sheets?
another excellent tale
any guild would be proud to have you in it
Rather than clutter up this thread as the story deviates from the OP topic, here's a link for anyone interested in reading future installments of Oloth's story. There is more to come.
xX-----==<<<Yes, I roleplay. Get over it.>>>==-----XxOriginally Posted by Beol
I Copied and Reposted Uma's latest post from the Web Site she Linked ABOVE: Without permission. I don't think the OP will mind. If I'm wrong then I'm wrong and it would be the first time so, you all consider that and the effect denying me this one small pleasure would have on my soul before telling me to buzz off........................
Though understandably irritable, I know my usual sunny disposition will overcome so I can have a cordial business meeting with my client. My faith in my own good nature is confirmed when he is still in possession of his lungs after I find him..
He snickers, “Cake, huh?”
Did you know, that when you restrict the flow of air in a person who's complexion is naturally greyish, that they attain interesting hues of lilac and violet? They also make some very entertaining noises.
“You owe me triple now you lying, filthy little gnome! That was no fekling elemental.” See? Calm, cool, collected. I've got this negotiation thing in the bag. Oh. Yeah, I do need him be able to talk. I'll just release this garrotte.
Once he can breathe again, he moans and wails, pounds knobby little fists at his greasy scalp, and shows other actions indicating polite contemplation of my reasonable offer. He counters with a suggested reduction of my fee, due to the fact that I'm here and the job hasn't been completed.
“YOU owe me a refund, cow! You haven't finished the job, yet!” A crafty look enters his eyes, and he attempts to use what he perceives to be leverage, “Not an elemental, eh? Should be easier for you, then. I'll pay half when the job is done.”
One of the tools of successful negotiation is a firm grasp of your client's needs, as well as the ability to use gentle persuasion to your advantage.
“You'll get a refund when mephits shoot out your bum! That... thing... is a Bralani,” There. Infuse just enough of a hush in my voice to convince him I'm feeling the challenge. No guilt in omitting the fact that I'd never even heard of eladrin before today. Recognizing “need-to-know” is another important tool in successful negotiations.
“Tell me everything you know about your squatter, and I'll let you off with only paying me double... and you'll put up the flash needed to service my gear. Unless you really would rather use your new mouth to breathe from?” See? Incentive.
He gives me confused eyes, at which point I use the tip of my thumbnail to describe an imaginary line across the column of my neck, while mouthing the words, “Smile. Wide.”
Success! Contract renegotiated, terms achieved.
His babble starts out as an unintelligible blur, but he quickly becomes coherent with a gentle nudge, another glimpse of the garrotte is all it takes.
It seems my client is a prospector who's big strike is just around the corner... yay. hurrah... He didn't dig that mine himself; he “acquired” it in a game of chance. Lucky break. Seeing his shot at riches beyond measure blahblahblah, he moved himself out to the site and set up shop without checking the history. Poor planning. What the previous owner didn't tell him (and, coincidently what he didn't tell me) is that the place came with a live-in tenant- X'xin. The elemental.. I mean.. hottie. freak... uhh... Bralani.
I got taken. I should have held out for ten times my normal fee, a percentage of his future earnings, and his firstborn. In all honesty, I'd have gone back regardless for my dagger, but it's the principle of the matter, you see. Ah well, water over the dam, time to prepare.
Seems there aren't many local sources of information on Bralani beyond what the Old Cackler told me. Ok, maybe if I make a list of reliable info, I'll have a better chance at success. They're from a different plane, so theoretically they can be banished... Check. They're intrinsically good, but unpredictable. Check. They can do magic. Oh boy, I'll say.. ahem... Check. They can change shape. That would explain the whirlwind-become-man... Check. They favor the bow. Check. And they can... Fly? Fly. Fek. I mean Check. Okayokayokay, don't panic, I can work this. I just need to make sure my planning is tight, and my execution flawless... no pun intended. This time, I think a little reconnaissance before charging in is in order.
The hauberk is left with the armorer for cleaning, and the teleport mask in the hands of a wizard I trust to do whatever it is mages do to renew the enchantment within it. This means no get-out-of-jail-free... If I'm caught I'll have to rely on my cunning and skill to liberate me. Joy. I have some skills but the more I learn about X'xin and his kind, the more I feel the need to cover every eventuality. I'm not totally without resources, though. From my nifty wardrobe come supple leather trews and a matching tunic that move with my body like a second skin. I never thought to ask the skinner what kind of animal donated, but the leather is tanned a deep grey with a line of shadowy rosettes that look like flexible scales down the spine of the blouse. Though it feels velvety-soft and thin as a mephit-wing, I have yet to be damaged by an arrow, dart, or bolt while wearing it. Beneath the sleeves are a pair of stilettos, each with their own endearing properties: Lady Banish for the left-hand draw, and a plain-looking dagger at my waist. The right-hand draw is left empty in anticipation of the return of my favorite. I have footwear this time, too- a pair of lace-on sandals with extremely thin leather soles that allow me to feel the terrain without being subject to every thorn and pebble. Okay, Oloth. Enough stall- erm, prep-work... time to do some scouting.
There's an added bonus to the kind of work I do. The Rush. Now, I'm not talking about drugs- Those dream-lily potheads with their glazed stares and slack jaws occur to me as an ideal example of natural selection: they're getting closer to removing themselves from the genepool one fix at a time, and I'm okay with that. But The Rush is just that. A rushing surge of life. Better than sex. What? Sex is... well, it's just a process. The Rush? Truly amazing. It starts as a tightness, a glimmer of anticipation at the base of my scalp that turns every hair into a sensory organ in its own right. Sometimes it builds slowly, other times it is a rapid process, but it never gets old. That glimmer becomes a prickling down my spine that spreads as a slick elasticity in the muscles just under my skin. I feel as if I can taste color and touch thought. The tantalizing slickness becomes a rapid flutter of sparks in the bloodstream, like being injected with liquid starlight. This sharpening of my senses makes everything around me so clear I can see shifts in air currents, smell the heart of a stone, and hear the moon crying.
The Rush is well and truly on me by the time I return to the mine. Each step is choreographed, even my breathing is synchronized to make every move blend into the pattern of the world around me. I'm in the zone and unstoppable... and it's totally wasted.
Once inside I am startled by the total absence of debris. Gone are the broken and battered remnants of furniture, the shredded fabrics and scattered bits of whatever... Instead there is a single piece of parchment, pinned open in the center of the hard-packed dirt floor by what appears to be my dagger. I can get a faded whisp of his scent- like the distant aroma of nomad spice- but there's nothing for him to hide behind- the room is bare. I mean beyond spartan. None of the heightened senses that have yet to fail me in detecting a threat give any indication of his presence. They do, however, warn of a trap. Now there's a surprise.
Thorough inspection reveals an almost invisible filament that trails from the crosspiece of the dagger up to a relatively low-hanging stalactite. Simple disarm, and I smirk a little as I retrieve my dagger and pick up the parchment. I'm not really paying too much attention as my lips move and I read the unfamiliar words aloud. I'm scoffing to myself about being underestimated, when I fall prey to that very sin myself. The tripwire was a ruse- the scroll itself is the trap. It's a teleportation spell, and I have just enough of a working knowledge of the written language of mages that when the last word is spoken, the spell is activated. The irony does not escape me as my vision blackens for that infinite second of disembodiment and I am pulled to an unknown destination. I am so very screwed.
I'm not sure what I was expecting, but this definitely isn't it. I'm in a bowl. A huge, granite bowl. The sides are straight up and tall enough that shadows rule at all times except during the peak of midday... and dusk is imminent so the next midday is a good long way off. The only non-magical way I can see to enter/leave is by climbing the sheer rock face. Or flying. Fek.
At the center of the bowl is a simple structure, little more than a lean-to with that golden man reclining in the shadows beneath the awning. He looks very comfortable, and completely unconcerned with my presence. Wily beast. I have a strong impulse to corpsify him, but that urge is tempered by prudence: I need him if I'm to get out. I'll just... be firm. Lay down some ground rules and insist they be followed. He's not evil, unless my sources have decided today is the day to make practical jokes on unsuspecting rogues, so he'll respect my wishes. Right? Of course he will.
Just call me Uma.
Uamhas, Xyvael, Aurea, Dalharil, Phae, Solonora, Avuna, Tyrynyn, and more...
I need part three like an addict needs their next hit. Great job, now get to work on satisfying our insatiable need to hear more....more.....more! Does he kill her? Does she kill him? Do they you know....? Do they part friends? Is the hiree trying to pull a big one they both turn on him? I have to know!!!
Agorth Brutalum: L20 TWF Dwarf Barbarian, Shinkura: L14 WF Sorceror (3rd life), Wisspering Willow: : L19 Rogue - assassin, Arisiana: L9 Pally (2nd life). Metalika: L20 Tempest Ranger Gurddy: Level 18 TWF Dward Barbarian It's all about fun, isn't it?
Great Stories All!
I just found this Thread and will have to Find one I did A while ago.
I will post it if I can find It.
It was Created completely Out of Whole cloth...
From a Picture in a Magazine; and a Video game Title!
Official Muskateers Bartender
Proud Officer of Acme Fighting Co.
"It's a dangerous business, going out of your door, Frodo my boy." He used to say. "You step into the road, and if you don't keep your feet, there is no telling where you might be swept off to." ~ Frodo Baggins (Quoting Bilbo Baggins)
Is this the Days of our DDO Lives? Part one was written in an hour, and after my editor *snicker* finished with it, total time invested was about 2, maybe 2&1/2 hours. Part two was even quicker. I'm sticking with that formula. When the nebulous ideas become a strike of inspiration, I'll write it, and you may consume at leisure. Please Bekki, put your story up here. I love to read.
xX-----==<<<Yes, I roleplay. Get over it.>>>==-----XxOriginally Posted by Beol
Official Muskateers Bartender
Proud Officer of Acme Fighting Co.
"It's a dangerous business, going out of your door, Frodo my boy." He used to say. "You step into the road, and if you don't keep your feet, there is no telling where you might be swept off to." ~ Frodo Baggins (Quoting Bilbo Baggins)
Warning...*Long Post*
Never make a deal with a Wizard:
Or ( The Long lonely road of Guttersnipe…)
Part one: The Set up:
Eddie “Guttersnipe” Plisken was a Half Elven Fighter/Rogue who was raised in the Streets.
One Day he is approached by an Old Gentleman in the Streets and Beings
He was rather low on Funds; he found what he said to be of particular Interest…
“Young rogue, I know of you though you know me not…
And I have a proposition for you…”
*“Guttersnipe” looks at him with a wary eye*
“How do I know you are not the Law?”
“I assure you I am not…” Guttersnipe senses he is telling the truth…
“Okay I’m listening…” (Still not sure he can trust the person…)
There is a Wagon about two weeks south of here headed in this direction.
In this Wagon are two Paladins and a Cleric… All are royal Guard…
The Wagon is loaded down with Supplies, Gold and Jewels…
I want you to ROB THAT WAGON. Leave the food,
Take the money and Jewels and any EXTRA weapons you can find…”
“But do not Harm ANYONE on the wagon…”
Does this interest you? Guttersnipe nods in acknowledgement.
“Don’t sound that hard… Don’t hurt anyone, and don’t be seen,
And take only the money and jewels…and any extra weapons…
I got two weeks you say…?” (begins to think something sounds funny)…
“What’s the catch?”
Well as I said they are both royal Guard and are guarding something
Precious That I… DON’T… want stolen…
I want you to take ONLY the treasure chests…Nothing else.
The Treasure chests hold all the money.
Do you think you can handle it…?
“I can get it done, though it may take me
several horses to carry all the Money, jewels and Weapons…”
and it could make getting away tricky…”
I will provide two pack horses to help you…and this.
Hand him a ring with Magical writing…
*Looking at the ring…* “Thanks! But…What’s in it for you?”
“Let’s just say I have an ‘Interest’ in the future of these individuals…”
“I still think you are not telling me everything, but I’m in…”
“What’s you cut?” “Nothing, you keep everything you can take.”
“Including that ring.” Guttersnipe Asks… “Uhhh... what’s it do?”
It will allow you to cast a spell Called “Pass without trace”
three times a day… It has enough radius on it to cover you and your horses.
And will Last several hours…
Now Guttersnipe start to get concerned, this was starting to get... spooky.
“Wait a minute; let me get this staright...you want me to hit this Wagon,
you want no cut, You place limitations on what I can take
You want Want no one harmed, and
You start handing out loot BEFORE the Mission!?
Now I don't have a problem with not hurting anyone
Like my old Guild master used to say...
whenever you have to fight... things have gone badly...
Do I WANT to know what’s going on!?
*by he was afraid that he may be getting in over his head…*
Don’t worry about that, you probably DON’T want to know.
But have no worry, your role in this will never be known…
Guttersnipe thinks to himself …”Why don’t I believe him…”
Guttersnipe then thought Okay, here goes…
guttersnipe would go on to make History as the Unknown Thief
that Robbed the Heir to the Kingdom.
And forever caused thieves in the region
to receive the Death penalty if caught!
He would later learn WHO he robbed, and who had hired him and to this day
Is infamous in the land…as the Rogue who shaped the Destiny of a Queen.
Official Muskateers Bartender
Proud Officer of Acme Fighting Co.
"It's a dangerous business, going out of your door, Frodo my boy." He used to say. "You step into the road, and if you don't keep your feet, there is no telling where you might be swept off to." ~ Frodo Baggins (Quoting Bilbo Baggins)
Part Two: The Heist:
Guttersnipe watched from his hide as the Wagon moved closer up the road,
Trying to find a way for a lone thief to Take the Wagon, not fight the Owners
AND… have time to be Picky…. It was going to be a tall order…
He thought back to the lessons of his master…
“The best heist is the on you pull off where
you never have to draw a weapon…”
“Hmmm….. I will need a distraction…”
Eddie proceeds to find a mark and set up a distraction…
He spends the next week planting the Seeds of dissent among the people…
He sets up rumors of a witch in the area; Using his consummate disguise skill
and Embellishing as he goes until the whole town is in a lather...
Just about the time the wagon arrives … And He brings the whole thing to a head
right about the time the Paladin’s and the Cleric get into town…
The Wagon rolls in to witness a frightful scene… the Entire town in turmoil
as Accusations are Flying fast and furiously! Talk of witchcraft, evil, and witches!
And To top it off; They see An Old woman being led to an awaiting Bonfire!
The Paladins don’t wait! They leap into action to bring peace to the town.
And stop a potentially innocent old woman from being burned at the Stake…
For a moment Eddie stood frozen in shock! He didn’t expect this!
He just wanted to spread rumors to get the town stirred up…
So the Paladins and cleric had to play peacemaker!
He happily see’s them stop this in time and the woman saved
But things were still quite tense as they tried to sort things out…
Meanwhile, Eddie shakes himself out of his shock induced trance; and
sneaks into the back of the Wagon and... pauses for a moment...
The CLERIC was still there! "OH NO!" he thought.
He quickly takes in the Scene, Okay; The Cleric was clearly transfixed
in Amazement at the Chaos in front of her, he had a chance,
but he would Clearly have to be more careful than he planned
this was now going to be more tricky than he had planned on.
So Eddie carefully and quietly moved The chests from the Wagon,
And into an Awaiting Two wheeled cart.
This... All... UNDER the NOSE of the Cleric who was too wrapped up in the
The Passion play unfolding in front of her to notice what was going on…
He quietly leads the Cart (with Rag wrapped Wheels) from the Town
And out to his Awaiting horses…
While the two paladins try to sort out exactly what happened…
They return to find in Shock that ALL their Money is GONE!!!
They trailed the Wagon out of town to find several overturned Chests
And a small amount of remaining funds…
Apparently the Thief couldn’t quite carry it all…
The tried to track the thief but whomever it was, they were long gone…
And thus Eddie got away… And the rest is history…
Last edited by Bekki; 08-11-2008 at 02:03 PM. Reason: width, pacing, and Punctuation...
Official Muskateers Bartender
Proud Officer of Acme Fighting Co.
"It's a dangerous business, going out of your door, Frodo my boy." He used to say. "You step into the road, and if you don't keep your feet, there is no telling where you might be swept off to." ~ Frodo Baggins (Quoting Bilbo Baggins)
Part 3: Redemption:
Now understand, Eddie was never really a bad guy, He would just get in over his
Head sometimes… and THIS was one such time… and when I mean he got in over his head,
I mean he got in WAY over his head…
He had no idea at the time that this one heist would haunt him for years…
He was pursued for years by the Paladins…However; he was also lied to by the Wizard.
The ring that he was given did not work as advertised, the first time Eddie used it
he wound up caught in a vortex that transported him through time…
Eddie lived off of the treasure he had acquired for a time
but soon the money ran out and he was forced to take up his old profession…
only now he was trying to find a way to another realm… for the country
he landed in had only one penalty for thievery…DEATH.
And it was the “Death” part that bothered Eddie… so he sought the means to depart.
He signed on with a group seeking a scout to help them on a journey…
the female warrior leading the expedition was rather attractive and Eddie had experience as a Tracker,
So he could handle the scouting without allot of trouble…Now she was not
all that thrilled at hiring a rogue but the Wizard mentioned that for what they were to undertake,
his skills would come in handy, so she relented. Luckily for Eddie,
or so he thought. For his he knew his past was out there, lurking, and waiting…
However the Wizard traveling with them bothered him for some reason…
Note: (I will change the names of the characters other than mine,
as I do not have permission to use their real names; My one friend whose character the wizard was,
Drives a truck cross country. and I was not able to reach him to get his permission to use his
Character’s name at the time of the writing. And some of the others
I have lost touch with over the years as some were re-stationed in the service.)
Only he couldn’t put his finger on it yet… perhaps it was the way he stared at him.
Trouble struck as they made their way through the pass… when an early snowstorm hit.
The group made its way to a cabin to ride out the storm… and it was here…
That Eddies past finally caught up with him… In grand fashion even…
While engaged in conversation Eddie took exception with the way the wizard
always seemed to “Lord over the female warrior, who it turns out was not JUST a
Warrior maiden But, A Princess and a Paladin…
“Why do you always give her such a hard time, we have been questing for Months!
She has been busting her behind, and you NEVER seem satisfied!”
Eddie ranted, “Why don’t you cut her a break!” Eddie Raged.
The wizard Cassious Howled at Eddie in Anger. “HOW DARE YOU question me!?
When I found YOU; you were almost out of money!
And very likely; destined for the gallows!”
He raged, at the little scout who dared Stand up to him
and embarrass him in front of the group.
“How dare I!?
You treat HER like a Chambermaid!
You watch her like a hawk,
You don’t let her even hardly talk to ME, even when I am trying to do MY JOB!
AND About ME; I ask you!
WHO found the Mountain on the MAP!?
WHO solved the riddle that the QUEEN and the LAND were one!?
WHO saved us ALL from traps too lethal and numerous to mention!?
WHO saved us ALL; AND YES THAT INCLUDES YOU; from the avalanche!?
Who was it Cass!? IT WAS ME! The little SCOUT! The little Rogue!The Plebe!
The one YOU treat like something you scrape off of your BOOT!” Eddie raged!
He knew he tread on dangerous ground, he knew this wizard was more than he seemed.
But he didn’t care, he had found love, and even if he knew, she could never love
A Guttersnipe such as he, he would defend her with hi dying breath.
He also knew that it may very well come to that, for Cassious was furious now.
Casious exploded! He countered icily “How dare you!
How dare you stand there you little upstart and pass judgment on ME! I KNOW the TRUTH!
I KNOW your PAST! And if you do not toe the Line, I WILL REVEAL ALL!”
For a heartbeat EDDIE stood frozen in fear! HOW, How could HE know?
It was Years ago, over 20 years ago in fact, How, How could he…
The Realization hit Eddie like a War Hammer to the stomach; and his world Shattered!
But Eddie was determined to stand his ground, even if it meant his death.
And it was fast beginning to look like it would…
“IT WAS YOU! You were the One that hired me ALL those years ago! I WAS YOU!”
Eddie countered; there may yet be a way out of this…without revealing himself…
Cassious though was not backing down… “I caution you “Scout” you have FAR more to lose than I.”
He Replied “Do you think you can stand up to ME?” You have not a clue of my Power! Let me give you a ‘Small’ demonstration…“DIE!”
And with that Eddie collapsed to the floor…
Valerie Valkyrie screamed, “NO!” And rushed to Eddie’s side… She looked at Cassious with fury in her eyes;
“How could you!? He has done nothing to you…”
Cassious regained his composure… “My dear you do not know him as well as you think.
He is not what he Seems…” She countered, still enraged, “Oh; And THAT gives you the right to kill him.” He responded arrogantly; so I am right, you DO care for him,
He is BENEITH YOU Princess and don’t worry, he is NOT dead It was merely a Command Spell. He is only in a state of Catalepsy, he will recover, but perhaps now he will fear me as he should.” She only grew angrier at him as he stood there smugly…
Knowing Eddie was alive did not make her feel better, but only angered her further…
For she knew the courage in his heart; and she knew… he would not back down.
“Perhaps YOU under estimate him, he is stronger than you think.” She vented.
As Eddie slowly regained consciousness, and woke up, his head still pounding…
“So, you didn’t KILL me after all… I guess I should count myself lucky…”
Eddie stated snidely, “So I guess this is supposed to scare me in to obedience.”
“Look ‘Cass’ I don’t care how powerful YOU are, I don’t CARE if you can kill me with a word!
You have been dragging us halfway round the continent and you have been short-stringing us On WHY!”
He continued; “and THAT is what I want to Know!”
He was tired of Hiding, he was tired of running, he was snowbound, and had nowhere to Go.
It was time, “you have threatened me this whole trip and I am tired of it,
“You should listen to me, I KNOW things about you all… Well I DON’T CARE!”
He was at the point of no return now… “You threaten to expose MY past, don’t bother I will do it FIRST!”
He slowly turned to the Princess… “I am sorry; I have been lying to you all,
I am no Ranger, I am a rogue, and not just ANY Rogue…It Was ME…”
She looked at him in confusion and it hurt him to his soul…”
Your actions have proven your worth Eddie, what do you mean… it was you?”
This hurt beyond words,” I was the one who robbed your Wagon as a Child”
She looked at him in Shock and it Chilled him to his soul; “But…How?”
The Paladin, “Sven” the female Warrior and the Cleric All looked at him in abject Shock!
“IT…WAS YOU!?!?!?” Eddie just looked at them in resigned Acceptance…”Yes.”
I was hired by Cassious to rob the Wagon; it took weeks of planning to
Arrange to get in, get you two away from the wagon, get the goods and get out of there before you got back.
I didn’t know the cleric was still in there until I got started.”
He continued even though he knew this was a death sentence…
“I was lucky because she was SO distracted by the chaos, she never noticed me…”
He is happy to see the look of forgiveness in her eyes…along with…something else…
Could it be? No that is impossible, there is no way…
Eddie continues. “I am truly sorry about what happened; I had no idea what it would come to.”
Though he could see forgiveness in the Princess; the Paladin’s were NOT so forgiving…
“Do you KNOW what you did to us!? We got SO poor we got to the point of
Jousting over a Set of LONG UNDERWEAR!” “Because we could only afford one pair!
Do you know how humiliating that was! And, that was just for starters!”
Eddie had to resist the urge to giggle over the visual
of to Paladin’s Jousting over a set of Long underwear…
“We have endured YEARS of Hardship because of and the penalty in this region is…”
Valerie steps between them and Eddie; as Sven, still fuming starts to close on Him.
“Wait! I know the price as well as you Sven but Eddie is right, without him,
we may not have gotten as far as we did, and on a number of occasions,
I know that it was his “Skills” that I am sure of that Saved our lives…
and yet all he asks is redemption…”
Edward, your deeds of the past were quite nefarious, but you have truly redeemed
Your self in helping me to regain what was lost.”
At this point the Wizard surprisingly steps forward, “Now my liege it is Time…”
He steps to her and kneels; the time is now for you to bring peace to the land.”
As everyone stood there in Shock he continued.“Eddie was right,
it was me who hired him, you see many years ago it was known that there was a plot
to over throw the Kingdom, and remove the Royal family.
This event would plunge the Kingdom into darkness, and it almost succeeded…
They tried… and failed… to destroy the whole family but true heir was out there,
Somewhere. Knowing what was to occur, you’re Parents had you spirited away.
I was charged with protecting you and seeing that you were raised with the Knowledge
Of whom you truly were; BUT I had to keep you anonymous so that NOONE would know
your heritage until it was time… For where it to get out to soon…
You would have surely been killed. Now my princess, it is Time!”
Sven spoke up. “And the robbery?” Cass smiled…and looked at Eddie.
“Yes it was set up. I am sorry about that Eddie.” He looked to the rest of them, and continued.”
But it was necessary. You see though your parents were well meaning, and right to send you away in secret.
The money they had sent would have only be a beacon for the renegades to follow,
and you would have eventually been found.”
He waited for a moment for his words to sink in.
“It was the only way for you ALL to remain anonymous. You must admit,
a group of two rich Paladins and a cleric are hardly inconspicuous but a group of destitute pilgrims
(He smile impishly for a moment) JOUSTING over Long underwear, they are SO poor”
He stifles the smile though it IS difficult. “Hardly the mark of the realm.”
He again looked towards Eddie, “You have played your part well my friend.
And for more than even I suspected” He marveled at Eddie
“I truly gave you the ring to allow you to escape unharmed, though how you wound up here?
I do not know… It is truly interesting…if you would indulge an Old man, I would LOVE you help to figure it out…”
He smiled at the group again.
This chapter my friends, is almost done, you have regained your birthright.
We still have a little further to go, but now my friends the real work begins…
I know I have deceived you all, but I had no choice, so I ask you, Are you all in?”
The group of now friends and loved one al respond with a resounding…
And the small band of adventurers would go on to restore the rightful heir
to the throne, and she in turn would restore the kingdom to it glory.
And Eddie, though he and she loved one another he would love her enough to walk away…
for He knew if he were to stay, she could not do what she had to do.
She had offer him a full pardon and he graciously accepted, and then they said their goodbyes;
both formally, and in private. And then he brushed her tears away, kissed her,
and walked away… It was both the hardest and most noble thing he ever did.
But he knew he had no choice.
For he that what was he…but a simple rogue.
He could not ask her to compromise her beliefs or do anything less
than uphold the law; and he would not risk embarrassing her, and his very presence
could do just that, for what would happen if it were known the Queen loved a scoundrel such as him?
Her reputation would be destroyed, and the Kingdom thrown into turmoil.
He would do anything to protect her and he knew that and to do so now,
He had but one choice….he must leave… and so he did…
Last edited by Bekki; 08-11-2008 at 07:48 PM.
Official Muskateers Bartender
Proud Officer of Acme Fighting Co.
"It's a dangerous business, going out of your door, Frodo my boy." He used to say. "You step into the road, and if you don't keep your feet, there is no telling where you might be swept off to." ~ Frodo Baggins (Quoting Bilbo Baggins)
Bravo Bekki!
xX-----==<<<Yes, I roleplay. Get over it.>>>==-----XxOriginally Posted by Beol
Thank you,
But I have to say, I must share credit with an Excellent DM, Who
helped me to role play this out.
All I did was Keep a diary of what we did as a party
We worked together as I party and It made the experience Awesome for all!
The events I chronicled above took Place between 90-91 during which Time
I had to leave the party for 8 Months (I was Deplowed to Desert Shield/ Desert Storm)
I Re-joined in time to help to complete the campaign, But somewhere around 20-30 years
had elapsed in game time... so we had to work together to come up with a reason WHY I dissappeared.
I had offered to re-roll, but my friend wanted to try to keep me in so, One night while My friend and I
were talking we cooked up a way for Eddie to stick around,
And it made for a neat finish to the campaign...
Last edited by Bekki; 08-11-2008 at 07:42 PM.
Official Muskateers Bartender
Proud Officer of Acme Fighting Co.
"It's a dangerous business, going out of your door, Frodo my boy." He used to say. "You step into the road, and if you don't keep your feet, there is no telling where you might be swept off to." ~ Frodo Baggins (Quoting Bilbo Baggins)
Very nice Bekki! I enjoy reading the great stories here...I spend less on books!
Ringos-JohnDenver-Lillis-Dacta-Erahn-CPants-Jhain : Silver Waffle
"You assume that Clay is an ass because he's Legion..." Shyver
Official Muskateers Bartender
Proud Officer of Acme Fighting Co.
"It's a dangerous business, going out of your door, Frodo my boy." He used to say. "You step into the road, and if you don't keep your feet, there is no telling where you might be swept off to." ~ Frodo Baggins (Quoting Bilbo Baggins)