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  1. #1
    Community Member SniptheShadow's Avatar
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    Default Any Vampire the Masquerade fans?

    I've never played this myself but I always find myself picking up the books for it and scanning them when I go and thumb through the D&D books at the bookstore near my apartment.

    I was just wondering if people have played it and how cool or uncool you think it is as a game; pros vs. cons.

    It looks rather in depth. Do you think it would make a good MMO?

    Thanks in advance.

    Guilds -- Officer: Umber Hulks, Member: Knights of the Silver Dragon (KotSD)
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  2. #2
    Community Member silverraven's Avatar
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    I believe that they are working on an MMO, and its a simplified version of D&D. It revolves around 10-sided for each point in any ability. It allows for more role playing without too many rules. There's even role playing parties, although I've only been to one.
    "!", the Late Heath Ledger as the Joker StormLord Mascot

  3. #3
    Community Member Arganosh's Avatar
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    I used to play in some live action events at gaming cons I used to go to. Was always quite fun. I also learned that "I have some information you might find useful" is a great way to get someone to follow you to an ambush.

  4. #4
    Founder Drider's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by SniptheShadow View Post
    I've never played this myself but I always find myself picking up the books for it and scanning them when I go and thumb through the D&D books at the bookstore near my apartment.

    I was just wondering if people have played it and how cool or uncool you think it is as a game; pros vs. cons.

    It looks rather in depth. Do you think it would make a good MMO?

    Thanks in advance.


    I played this when it first came out and for a few years after. It can be a great game, it's a deeply political game more then an action one. However, there of course is alot of fighting that can be done. The game system was bland but did it's job, not sure how it has changed over the years though. It was all based on d10 dice at the time.

    Out of all the World of Darkness games though, Mage was my favorite.

  5. #5
    Uber Completionist Lithic's Avatar
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    It seemed like a great game, but is out of print. Now they have an edition that brings all of those games (Vampire: the masquerade, Werewolf: the apocalypse, etc) together called "World of Darkness"

    My old DnD group almost tried vampire, but we realised that we were too hack and slash for it. The video game based on Vampire is awesome though (Vampire: The Masquerade, Bloodlines). If you get a quest to go to a hotel, trust me and play through it at 2am in an empty house.
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  6. #6


    My roomate nad his friends love it., #1 source for DDO information.

  7. #7
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    Quote Originally Posted by Arganosh View Post
    I used to play in some live action events at gaming cons I used to go to. Was always quite fun. I also learned that "I have some information you might find useful" is a great way to get someone to follow you to an ambush.
    Never carred for thier live action combat system I much prefer something like NERO or Dragoncrest as far as larp combat

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  8. #8
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    Its an ok game if you have a decent gm yeah I know you need a good gm for any rpg but I think its even more important in the white wolf games that being said I have had a lot of fun in the games I have played of course I destroyed the last game we were in by making most of the homeless of the city my ghouls and having a Tremere(spelling) as a partner keeping me up with a large blood pool.

    Beware the Sleepeater

  9. #9
    Founder Drider's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Uska d'Orien View Post
    Its an ok game if you have a decent gm yeah I know you need a good gm for any rpg but I think its even more important in the white wolf games that being said I have had a lot of fun in the games I have played of course I destroyed the last game we were in by making most of the homeless of the city my ghouls and having a Tremere(spelling) as a partner keeping me up with a large blood pool.

    Hehe, I ruined one of our games by selling out all the other PC's to the Sabbat.

  10. #10
    Community Member Uamhas's Avatar
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    World of Darkness=great good fun. However, you really do have to have some smarts for it to play well for you, unless you have a very bored, desperate, or forgiving GM. For it to really pay off, you have to put alot of thought into character generation, but once you get familiar with the mechanics, it gets easier. Some savvy in political methodology will definitely serve you well. I've done some live r/p with a group of friends, and some online before yahoo changed their chat rooms. Heh. A bezerker Toreador... and a werewolf fight club. Think outside the box.
    Quote Originally Posted by Beol
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    xX-----==<<<Yes, I roleplay. Get over it.>>>==-----Xx

  11. #11
    Community Member silverraven's Avatar
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    Malkavian all the way...I single handedly ruined my best friend's Masquerade craze with one those
    "!", the Late Heath Ledger as the Joker StormLord Mascot

  12. #12
    Community Member Jixxel's Avatar
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    Unfortunatly the whole original series is out of print. Now they have a watered down version Vampire the Requiem. The original World of Darkness was a such an awesome game system. It had its bugs in it, but don't they all. I played Vampire, Werewolf (my fav), Mage, and Changeling for over 6 yrs. I think the one thing I truly enjoyed is I could take real life places and make them into these dark mirrors of their real life counterparts.

    I think the only thing I didnt like was that even though all the games used the same basic system they did not mesh well, it was a real headache to bring a Werewolf/Mage/Changling/Wraith into a Vampire or vice versa.

  13. #13
    Community Member SniptheShadow's Avatar
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    Lots of great info from everyone! Thank you.

    On a personal note from RL: soon I'll be heading off to a snowy place for a graduate degree. Since I'll be locked away with my books and my make-believe and studying a bunch, I wanted to maybe try out an RP game of some sorts -- if I can meet a few like-minded folks up there. I hope so. I think I may try and find the older version of Vampire and give it a try.

    I just wanted a bit of perspective fro people on the game first, so thanks again.

    Guilds -- Officer: Umber Hulks, Member: Knights of the Silver Dragon (KotSD)
    Characters: Nalinor (Human Rogue lvl 20), Cargonar (Dwarven Fighter lvl 11), Atlanon (Dwarven Fighter 11/Barb. 2). Beltakorr (Human Barb. 18/Fighter 2), Fleabite (Halfling Wiz. lvl 9), Skirahzalon (Drow Bard lvl 8).

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