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  1. #1
    Community Member Kurlore's Avatar
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    Default A Day Of remembrance!

    First off, i would like to thank all the fellow members out there that came for the gary run today, i want to give special thanks out there to the following guilds that showed up today,
    The Final Brigade, Relics Of the Last War, Ancient civilization, Sparta, Bloodline Dynasty,Shriners Anonymous, Stormbringers, and it was noticed i saw a few bloodlords members, Thank all of you, and thanks to davey for letting them know, (If he did) and all the lonesome members out there that were covered up, i still say thanks!
    Kistalin must get big props for helping me set this up, it wouldn't have been so easy without him, thanks to ughh for bringing his group along for the run aswell, and last be very not leat,
    I would love to thank Mr Gary Gygax for the wonderful times he has given to me in this game!

    Screen shots will be posted later and will let you see some of the dedication in this, if gary was to see this, he would be proud....very proud. (Ps, Thanks kist)
    Last edited by Kurlore; 07-27-2008 at 07:22 PM.
    ~> Leader of Final Brigade on Agronessen <~
    Roju-16 Barb, Karnack-16 Clr, Barbowsas 9-Rngr/ 7-Wiz, Vegasi 1-Brd/15 Rngr, Armonias 2 Pali/14 Sorc.

  2. #2
    Community Member Kurlore's Avatar
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    ~> Leader of Final Brigade on Agronessen <~
    Roju-16 Barb, Karnack-16 Clr, Barbowsas 9-Rngr/ 7-Wiz, Vegasi 1-Brd/15 Rngr, Armonias 2 Pali/14 Sorc.

  3. #3
    Community Member Nirvana's Avatar
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    It is nice, but why did you (or someone else) stand on the top of the shrine. It's kinda rude and defeat the purpose of the whole thing you know.
    . .° . . .° .°°° . °°° . ° . . .°
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  4. #4
    Community Member Kurlore's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Nirvana View Post
    It is nice, but why did you (or someone else) stand on the top of the shrine. It's kinda rude and defeat the purpose of the whole thing you know.
    I did it so i can manuever some of my photography skills, i only got on to get the pics and soon then got off.
    ~> Leader of Final Brigade on Agronessen <~
    Roju-16 Barb, Karnack-16 Clr, Barbowsas 9-Rngr/ 7-Wiz, Vegasi 1-Brd/15 Rngr, Armonias 2 Pali/14 Sorc.

  5. #5
    Relic of the Last War
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    Thumbs up Good Show

    Yeah, he was just taking new angles on the pictures.

    I'll have my pics up shortly. They were impressive!!! Awesome showing, Argonnessen.

  6. #6
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    You know why Gary died, right? He saw how 4th Edition was turning out, and died of a heart attack.

  7. #7


    Quote Originally Posted by Azoralq View Post
    You know why Gary died, right? He saw how 4th Edition was turning out, and died of a heart attack.

    Don't be disrespectful on the man's birthday.
    [Founder/Leader of the Bloodlords of Argonnesen]
    [DaveyKhealerAcapellaParlospiGodithGearey Gygax]

  8. #8
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    You're right, should have waited a few hours. It's the way he'd have wanted it, though. A good joke to remember him with.

  9. #9
    Relic of the Last War
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    Quote Originally Posted by Azoralq View Post
    You're right, should have waited a few hours. It's the way he'd have wanted it, though. A good joke to remember him with.
    Meh... He'd want us to be playing his game. 4th Edition most certainly isn't the game he made. DDO is much closer to his kinda adventure.

  10. #10
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    Default broke his heart to see the writers destory his game...

  11. #11
    Relic of the Last War
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    Default Aha!

    Quote Originally Posted by Azoralq View Post broke his heart to see the writers destory his game...
    Ok ok, I'm just going to suggest we stop with the innuendos, eh?

    Faern's about to post some really great screenshots from the event. Congratulations to the guys that won some free loot including the 100K plat & Disruptor.

  12. #12
    Community Member Mazeratti's Avatar
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    Thumbs up

    Last edited by Mazeratti; 07-27-2008 at 10:32 PM.
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  13. #13
    Relic of the Last War
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    Post Tomb of the Forgotten Hero - A Hero's Soul Reborn (Master Copy)

    For Argonnessen: The Event Teaser as Posted, with modifications.

    A late twilight wind passed with an energizing chill throughout the Open Palm Inn. The hearth was lit and burned intensely to ward the cold from the floor despite the numerous occupants of the Inn. Haddi Malewud's eyes were wide with worry, partially because she couldn't possibly serve this many patrons at once if they actually ordered something. It seemed as if every soul in Stormreach Proper was making their way to her establishment in the Jorasco Ward, and for good reason -- Ghosts! Rather, a single ghost -- it had been sighted at the Tomb of the Forgotten Hero, and just thinking about it ran an unnatural chill down Haddi's spine as she listened to the patrons gossip about the omen.

    "One of the Twelve's mystics had been paying respect to the Noble Warrior's grave when they said they'd seen it," piped up Meek Havefoot, a local herbologist that had been working at Delera's Graveyard earlier that day. "Some kind of ritual he performed, he did -- saw him do't earlier and thought noth'n of it. But then I heard the cry for help, I did! And when I showed up, he was white as a ghast! I don't think he expected to see whatever it was he saw, no Sir!"

    The Twelve's emmisary sat huddled by the hearth, rocking back and forth in a trance, muttering the name Gygax over and over to himself. Brother Bancroft of the Silver Flame knelt beside him, seemingly perplexed as he examined the shaken man for any sort of bewitchment or ailment. He stood slowly and stated aloud to anyone listening, "This man has no curse nor ailment that I can remedy. It's almost as if someone else is channeling their words through him. Whatever this enchantment is, I cannot break it!" His fist slammed in frustration against the hearthstone, emphasizing his frustration. "I think...

    A demanding high-pitched voice cried out, "Break What!" A small figure stood between two children at the front of the crowd, his brow furrowed as he stood impetuously waiting for an answer.

    A bugbear moved quickly through the crowd and pointed at the halfling. A low snarl escaped from Wheeler the Bouncer, his fur standing up across the back of his neck. "You keep silent -- no interrupting, or else I toss you."

    The halfling placed his hands upon his hips and puffed out his chest defiantly at the bugbear as he chirped, "I, am Ramses!"

    A bottle of spirits flew across the room and narrowly missed Ramses' nose. Wheeler's next response was more cordial. "Me no care who you are, you silent or you go!"

    Giggling could be heard along with an oriental dialect from two halflings near the door, waving to Ramses. An intense cry of displeasure at being seen in their company sent Ramses backpeddling towards the door. The foreign halfling's eyes opened wide as they saw the displeasure in Ramses' face and angry gestures, which encouraged them to run out the door themselves, Ramses quickly following with irrate high-pitched chirps. A few of Crockett's Bloodlords let out an uneasy laugh to break the awkward silence and one tossed a dagger into the dart board for good measure. In the corner of the room a ruddy dwarf sat silently smiling from his chair and eating popcorn by the handful.

    The door burst open with Micah d'Jorasco followed by the paladin Mhykelle of the Silver Flame and the archmagi Aspenor. Micah scampered to a stop somewhere in the middle of the room, waving her hands frantically to get everyone's attention. "Everyone, everyone! Listen here, Blossom & Annabelle d'Jorasco are coming at once to answer your questions! Yes, we need your help, and no I don't have all the answers!" Micah wrinkled her nose in disgust at the bugbear looming over her and challenged him, "Do you know who I am?" She placed her hands on her hips and defiantly stared up at Wheeler.

    "Me tell you no more talking over Brother Bancroft. Me tell you to leave or be silent. You do both badly!" He clenched his fist, snarling.

    "We don't want any unneeded trouble, mutt." Mhykelle stepped towards the bugbear, his hand slowly resting on the hilt of his longsword. Aspenor's eyes flared with unnatural light as he moved beside Mhykelle.

    Haddi Malewurd quickly threw herself between Mhykelle and Wheeler, pushing the bugbear backwards. "No no, there's a misunderstanding!!! He thinks she's someone else!" Haddi wheeled about on her heels and swiftly kicked Wheeler's shin, sending the bugbear howling in pain. "Don't you have any idea who that is, you dolt!?! I pay you to stop trouble, not create it! Now go back to the brawling entrance and make sure no children fall into the pit, for heaven's sake!"

    Wheeler rubbed his shin and eyed Micah suspiciously, unncertain that he was being told the truth. He peered at Micah with uncertainty. "Me no throw bottle at you? You no run out door with two more halfmen?"

    Micah's face blushed, suddenly realizing what had happened. "Oh, that guy! I'm a girl." She furrowed her brow, looking at the bugbear in utter amazement. "I suppose you don't really care about that, do you? That guy was looking for a job for his two foreigners, so I told them there had been some grave robber attempts at Penitent's Rest Cemetary and that they should go set fire to the unearthed bodies and keep whatever they find buried with the bodies that the grave robbers left in their haste. For the record I don't look a thing like that rogue!!!"

    "Of course not, cousin. You're a willow-clasp locket and more precious than the sweetest ambrosia." Blossom d'Jorasco stood at the Inn's doorway, a tender smile upon her lips but concern worn upon her brow. "We can't be fighting each other when disturbing events like this are at our very hearth." Blossom nodded her pointed chin towards the Twelve's enchanted emmisary. "This man needs our help, and perhaps we need all of Stormreach." A cheer rose from amongst the crowd as Cupcake and her outlaw muskateers rallied the room in support of helping the Twelve's emmisary.

    Anabelle stepped towards the emmisary, shaking her head omniously. "He is not sick, nor has he suffered any mental damage. There is something else within this man." Whispering archaic words of the gods, Anabelle touched the emmisary's head with ther hand and fell backwards in silence. Every visage fixed upon the emmisary's body, which stood proudly and unaware now. The emmisary's eyes were white and rolled back and his skin radiated with a sheen that no living creature possessed. A firm, imposing voice echoed throughout the Open Palm Inn.

    "My Soul bore many to the Outer Plane
    In this I have come to resolve the Past
    It is naught my wish to revive the Slain
    But they have stolen my Experience Past.

    There is naught found upon the tombstone of Gygax
    To mark his words, for they are not his Last
    My concern for Delera, her dying words must ask
    That you living free us both, for there is a Necromancer that's Cast.

    A vile hex, a spell, a curse far worst
    Our lives part now, but you'll strive to best
    The Thrall's taken my soul's experience with a curse
    And now I ask you all, free a Noble Warrior at Rest."

    Silence fell upon the room and the emmisary slumped to the floor, unconscious. Blossom ran to her sister and attempted to wake her, but the communication with Gygax had left Annabelle limp and unaware. The murmur rose to a roar as the meaning of the fallen's rhyme.

    "Wait! In the name of Common Sense, cease this noise!" A fair and striking dark elf stood at the doorway, unnoticed all this time. She wore a rapier and the symbol of justice across her chest, but her eyes were piercing and scintillating gems of truth. She turned to Mhykelle and Aspenor, bowing slightly. "You two have no idea, but I've been where this Gygax requests we go. It's in Delera's Tomb -- somehow the Necromancer has revived himself by entrapping the Soul of the Tomb of the Forgotten Hero. His name is Gygax, and he gave his lifeblood so that others might live within our world. His Soul is now entrapped within a bauble, a trinket. It's known as a Boon to those who seek Power, and the Necromancer has ensorcelled its benefits for himself. We must free Gygax from this Evil!"

    The speaker was Lessah of the Stormbringers, voice of Reason and Compassion. Wherever she went, it was sure that Brenna Wavekin lurked in the Shadows, silently assessing the situation and calculating the next move. These two knew things that no mortal should know, and none dare asked where they gained their unworldly intelligence.

    A mountain of man stumbled forth from the bar, his speech slightlly slurred by spirits. "Whatdya mean, we must free Gygax? Dee Mountain hasn't got dee tyme fer this, manner. Let dee spirits sort themselves out -- we be liv'n dee good life fer dee blood is pump'n and we be in dee flesh we breathe, manner. Dee Mountain knows this."

    Lessah scoffed, assessing the drunkard with slight amusement. "You, of all things, aren't even capable of lifting a sword to the challenge. No, I think Stormreach is better w'out your help. This is a mission for the good and the just."

    His brow furrowed and Kilimanjaro's rage flared, his drunkenness suddenly vanquished by the words of the dark elf. "Good! You say fer good, manner!!! I'll show you the might of good! Oh, I know good, ahhrgh!" An empathic cry of rage rang out through the tavern as the larger than life man stumlbed forward and unslung his hammer and swung it mightily upon the hearth where the Twelve's emmisary had collapsed. A bright shimmering light flashed across the hearth as it crumbled to dust with the force of the warrior's hammer. Wheeler howled and tensed to lunge into a fray, but a weak voice pierced the resonation of Kilmimanjaro's hammer.

    "Wait...." The eyes of the living fluttered to life through the emmisary. Silence overtook the room. "Gygax.... a good man... Save him. Save the Voice of the Master..." The emissary's eyes rolled back and in a second his life passed beyond the realm of the living.

    Kilimanjaro huffed a powerful breath and crumbled to his knees, sobbing. "What've I done, manner? Dee emmissary is gone by dee Hammer of Life. My hammere, dee hammer... it done wrong.... where be dee good in what've done?"

    Two hands fell upon the shoulders of Kilimanjaro. He looked to his left and Lessah stood there. Her eyes spoke volumes. "You did what you felt was right. There is good in that. Attone and make this world better, Kilimanjaro."

    He turned to his right, and light fell upon his tears. Faernsprite, the ranger of valour and his adventuring companion looked upon the mighty mountain of man with caring eyes. "You made it right. You done well, Kili. Let's finish this Gygax's request. He needs us." Faernsprite squeezed Kilimanjaro's arm, nodding softly to him.

    Blossom stood silently from Annabelle's collapsed body, her hands trembling. "I do not know what will become of my sister, but this I do know -- she will not have delivered this message from the dead to the living in vain. Stormreach, it is the request of House d'Jorasco that you honor Gygax's request. Please, retrieve The Voice of the Master from the Thrall of the Necromancer. Let us put Delera to Rest and with her, Gygax's last request shall be honored. The Noble Warrior's Soul shall be reunited with his final resting. The Forgotten Hero must have reconcilliation!" A loud clamour amongst the uneasy patrons of The Open Palm Inn resounded, affirming that they would do their best to save Gygax from the Necromancer's grasp. The Voice of the Master flashed within its confines and Gygax's Soul felt an emotion it had not in over a decade -- Hope.

    Written by: K.J. Dark, 2LT USAF

    Credits: All characters are credited to Turbine, the imagination of Gary Gygax and The Heroes of Stormreach -- All of You.

  14. #14
    Founder Vorn's Avatar
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    It was a fun event. Thanks for making it happen. I bought Chainmail and the little white box of three tan D&D books in 1976 so the writings and games of E.G.G. have long been a part of my life. Thanks again for creating an opportunity to honor him.
    Vorn, 30 Fighter

  15. #15
    Community Member Mazeratti's Avatar
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    Thumbs up Kudos to you

    Yes Kurlore, Kudos to you for the idea and kudos to those who participated.

    I would have felt very honoured and blessed if I were he, to know how many people care that he lived and about the things he did.

    It was nice just to see everyone, gathering together too.

    Anyway, thanks Kurlore, thanks Argo oh and of course thanks Gary.
    Follow me on TWITTER - IF YOU DARE

  16. #16
    Community Member Attomic's Avatar
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    While it's been said that Bill Gates changed the face of technology more than any one person on Earth, it could be said that Gary Gygax changed the face of the entire Western society more than any one other. *doffs hat*
    Quote Originally Posted by Kreaper View Post
    If a warforged eats tinsel and he's scooting on his butt in the dungeon, does he make sparks?

  17. #17
    Community Member Kurlore's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Attomic View Post
    While it's been said that Bill Gates changed the face of technology more than any one person on Earth, it could be said that Gary Gygax changed the face of the entire Western society more than any one other. *doffs hat*
    Indeed, gary pretty much created the whole gaming universe for us.
    ~> Leader of Final Brigade on Agronessen <~
    Roju-16 Barb, Karnack-16 Clr, Barbowsas 9-Rngr/ 7-Wiz, Vegasi 1-Brd/15 Rngr, Armonias 2 Pali/14 Sorc.

  18. #18
    Community Member Attomic's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Kurlore View Post
    Indeed, gary pretty much created the whole gaming universe for us.
    He and Arneson got us geeks to socialize with each other, and the world was never the same again. Now the big summer blockbusters are often fantasy, conventions have become true media events and those "poor sad geeks"... well, a whole load of people work for them now.
    Quote Originally Posted by Kreaper View Post
    If a warforged eats tinsel and he's scooting on his butt in the dungeon, does he make sparks?

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