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Officer of ARCHANGELS - Thelanis
Strummie . Gruffie . Jinksy . Perversion . Sluffie . Indulgent . Adjuration . Wary . Disparage . Subdue . Affinity . Bestial . Contrivance . Indria . Thermo . Outlandish
Well, as long as this thread has been returned from the dead, I suppose it's as good a place as any to let you guys know. I've started (but not completed) a template system for the forum output. What that means is you will be able to design whatever output format you like, and save that as a template file, to which you can apply it to whatever character you want. Any time you go to output a character, you will be able to select (from a dropdown menu) from all of the available template files found in your particular planner directory, and your character will output based on that file.
I will even, based on user feedback, take the most popular template designs and make them "official", meaning that they'd be included in the planner download for others to use.
No more will I have to hear about how the forum output sucks!If you don't like it, you will be able to custom design your own output! So there!
It may take me a while to get this to a useable state (it's not entirely unlike putting an entire mini-compiler right in the character planner code), but I've got a start on it already. So hopefully sometime in the not too distant future this will be available for you guys.
The locus of my identity is totally exterior to me.
"On my business card, I am a corporate president. In my mind, I am a game developer. But in my heart, I am a gamer." - Satoru Iwata
nice to see that it is still being worked on. however i still say you should dump the executeable, and move to web-based work (if you have the necessary skills of course).
yes i know i rezed this thread, however im new to the game (check my post count), so im kinda new to the forum as well.
php is not my native language (that woud be C++), but I have some skills in that area. But it's not something I want to tackle (I simply don't have the time, unfortunately). I know there have been a couple of attempts at such a thing (you'd have to hunt around on the forums for them), but I don't know exactly how far they were taken and if they are still being updated or not.
The locus of my identity is totally exterior to me.
"On my business card, I am a corporate president. In my mind, I am a game developer. But in my heart, I am a gamer." - Satoru Iwata
im not a programmer, but seeing as how they are both "languages", isnt there some sort of cross-compiler or something so that you could write in C++ and output in php?
Unfortunately no. Not a programmer either, but I did major in it for a time, and know my way around code a little bit, and I can tell you its nothing like a language translator - each programming language is far more complex in most cases, and there isn't a way to port from one to the other usually because each language has their own capabilities and limitiations - what you can do in C, for instance, you cannot do in java (speaking very generally here).
So while a cross-compiler sounds nice, what you are essentially asking for is a diesel engine for a 18 wheeler to be shoved into a pinto. Just doesn't work like that.
I can see posting the build, great tool indeed, incredible work.
However, if I was gonna ask about it I would summarize.
I would show what I think HP, AC, DPS, DR and more would be.
I would list my feats and why/what I want to change maybe.
I would mention some enhancements (such as PrE)
start stats are easy to type.
I think the builder is great for planning out a toon, especially when to take feats and how to deal with multiclasses.
New people would not know how to post anything else though.
And the planner does not cover all the extra buffs, items, would have.
Cannon fodder build The Stalwart Defender, Raid Tank
Worst Shroud PUG EVER!!!!!! Epic Fail (started 1/13/10, necro'd 3/9/10, 4/20/10, raised dead 3/ 9/11, necro'd 4/9/11, 5/28/11, fame petition necro 8/5/11, necro'd 9/30/11, KIA 10/3/11, True reincarnated famed (by cleric Cordovan) 10/4/11,
Not quite true: SWIG can do it.
Have Borror0 design an official one, so he can't complain
Example layout: (Some additional formatting required, but should get the point across)
Example Character Name, Race: Dwarf, Hit points/Spell points/Maximum Ki
Ranger 11
......................... STR/DEX/CON/INT/WIS/CHA
Starting attributes: 18 / 13 / 15 / 11 / 08 / 08
Attribute level ups: +5 / +0 / +0 / +0 / +0 / +0
Inherent (Tomes): +2 / +0 / +3 / +2 / +2 / +0
Final base attributes: 25 / 13 / 18 / 13 / 10 / 08
Feat Selection:
01 Dodge, Favored Enemy Undead, Bow Strength
02 Rapid Shot, Two Weapon Fighting
03 Mobility, Diehard
05 Favored Enemy Construct
06 Spring Attack, Improved Two Weapon Fighting, Manyshot
09 Toughness, Evasion
10 Favored Enemy Giant
11 Greater Two Weapon Fighting, Precise Shot, Improved Precise Shot
You should be getting the idea by now...
Skills: Should *only* list skills the player has actually put points into for concise viewing!
Skill Name / Rank / Attrib / Bonus / Final
Balance / +07 / +02 / +04 / +13
Concentration / +14 / +04 / +10 / +28
Ranger Skill Boost I
Ranger Skill Boost II
Ranger Skill Boost III
Ranger Sprint Boost I
Dwarven Axe Attack I
Dwarven Axe Attack II
Dwarven Axe Damage I
Dwarven Axe Damage II
Dwarven Constitution I
Dwarven Constitution II
Racial Toughness I
Racial Toughness II
Racial Toughness III
Ranger Favored Damage I
Ranger Favored Damage II
Ranger Favored Damage III
Ranger Tempest I
Ranger Dexterity I
As you can see I gave the highest enhancement of each line a brighter color than the ones used to reach it, I also gave the Prestige Enhancement its own darn color because of how important those are to a build. One should be able to rapidly pick out PrE choices within the list. And like I said before giving the example, yes it could use some better formatting... but I wasn't going to spend much more time than I already have.
As for listing out every last temporary bonus? Pfft let them do that on their own. Not everyone has access to all of them. Though one could put an over-ride option in the character builder that lets you add the extra numbers into the final calculations if you know them, and then lists the adjusted final value after the base final number., #1 source for DDO information.
I personally think that'd be a great additional reason for you to do the design.Originally Posted by Borror0
i completely disagree with borro and suggest we all now post our builds in binary
uber build