First, I start with comments about the build. What I want of the build. Do I want high AC, or do I want to dump it totally. UMD? Trapskills? Got 32 point buy, or you're stuck at 28? Is there anything we should know about the playstyle. Maybe it's a solo chracter. Maybe it's for a dedicated group. Telling us more about the goals you have in mind will help us giving the proper feedback.
[end game level break up] (example: 15 ranger/1 fighter)
18 Str + 6 item + 4 level + 2 tome
= 30 Str
8 Dex
18 Con + 6 item + 2 tome
= 26 Con
8 Int
8 Wis
8 Cha
Any comment about your stats that can be helppful should be added.
- 1. Uber feat #1
- 3. Uber feat #2
- 6. Uber feat #3
- 9. Uber feat #4
- 12. Uber feat #5
- 15. Uber feat #6
- 15. Uber feat #7 (fighter)
Level order should go here.
Favored enemies for rangers should also be listed here.
Armor Class:
If you care at all about AC, list it here. Otherwise, don't bother with it.
Try to divide the AC in at least three columns:
While maximum AC in the perfect party-make-up may make you feel uber, it is totally unhelpful. Same to know you can reach XX AC while you have your Action Boost or Uncanny Dodge active. While those
are high numbers, their value is laughable at best. what really matters is knowing where you'l be 90+% of the time. This is where stuff like being part of a dedicated groups comes into play.
Breakdown of skills that needs to be broke down like UMD, Intimidate, Disable Device, Open Lock, Search, Spot, etc.
No one really cares about your end game Jump score, but knowing how high your UMD, Intimidate or rogue skills will be at matters.
You can do a level by level distribution of your skills, but that's optional.
- UMD:
19 Ranks
-1 Charisma bonus
3 Golden Cartouche
2 Head of Good Fortune
4 Greater Heroism
27 UMD
- Intimidate:
19 Ranks
-1 Charisma bonus
15 Intimidate Helm
2 Head of Good Fortune
4 Greater Heroism
39 Intimidate
Hit points:
Tell us if you're confortable with the amount. Only Include buffs you can maintain the whole quest.
Knowing your HPs with double Madtsone is not helpful... even less if you're a sorcerer.
Saving throws:
Base Saves: +99 +99 +99
Enhanced abilites: +0 +0 +0
Luck bonus: +0 +0 +0
DSD: +0 +0 +0
Resistance: +0 +0 +0
Total Saves: +99 +99 +99
Satisfied about the saves?! Other things not taken into consideration.
At the end, you can add your concerns overall about the build. What you want us to check more. If you wonder if +50 Intimidate is enough for [insert goal in here]. You may (or not) list your eng game gear, etc.