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  1. #41
    Community Member Aeneas's Avatar
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    I agree, but refuse to read everyone else's comments already. So, here's what i want people to post for their new builds.

    What i need to see:

    Level split (or lack thereof)
    start stats
    end stats with tomes(no +3 tomes please)
    character goal/direction
    feats taken

    what i don't need to see:
    character name
    enhancement breakdown
    skill distribution
    level up stat points
    save breakdowns
    AC breakdowns with 10 pieces of raid loot
    equipment list

    (most of this stuff is no-brainer and based on your character goal assessment i can guess what your core enhancements will be and where you'll be throwing your skill points.)

    The only time the full planner sheet needs to be posted is if you're a new player and you really have no idea where to put things to maximize your character and you're asking for help.
    Last edited by Aeneas; 07-28-2008 at 08:22 AM.
    Aeneas - Boosterseat - Eulogy - Diminutive - Moths

  2. #42
    Legendary Founder Ron's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Borror0 View Post
    Same, what about an AC calculator. Period. You check what you want. I could help you making sure everything is there, if ya want.

    You'd "just" have to code it.
    You're aware this already exists? It's not up to date, but it's there. In virtually the exact form you just requested.

    This is what I keep saying. There are options in there that no one even knows are there. It's too complicated, and therefore, not used.

    It has to stay simple. Every new UI element that goes in just ups the odds they won't get used. You have to keep that in mind when you ask for 20 new checkboxes, heh. I'm more than willing to work with you guys on this, have no doubt. But, I'm going to draw the line in the sand at some things over this issue, if it's too complicated (not to code, but to use), people won't use it. It NEEDS to stay easy and intuitive, or it doesn't work. I've learned this the hard way.

    I don't mind helping but I don't see the use to it myself. Anyway, wiki syntax is really easy... and in doubts, HTML works.
    Alright, cool. We'll talk later.
    The locus of my identity is totally exterior to me.
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  3. #43
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    DON'T DO IT RON!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    DOOOOOOOMMMMMMMM!!!!! Beware the temptations!!!!!

  4. #44


    Quote Originally Posted by Ron View Post
    You're aware this already exists? It's not up to date, but it's there. In virtually the exact form you just requested.
    I know, but it's... err... lacking.

    I tried to use it, and then realised than due to the lack of variables, it's useless. Otherwise, as a newbie, I would have had used it. A lot. I think that no one will argue that Armor Class is very confusing for a new player, as the "What stacks and what does".

    Quote Originally Posted by Ron View Post
    Alright, cool. We'll talk later.
    In-game or via IM is fine with me, PM me when and by which media with me and I'll be there., #1 source for DDO information.

  5. #45
    Community Member adrinor's Avatar
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    I like how you post builds Borro. Very easy to read
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  6. #46
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    Boooooooooooooooo!!!! Boo Borror!!! Boooooooooooooo!!!!

  7. #47
    Community Member Dawnblade's Avatar
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    Someone is bored at work

  8. #48


    Because I still hate bad lay outs and it's easier to point to this than explain it., #1 source for DDO information.

  9. #49
    Community Member Tanka's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Borror0 View Post
    Because I still hate bad lay outs and it's easier to point to this than explain it.
    Ever try getting in touch with Ron to help him design something more simplistic?
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  10. #50


    Quote Originally Posted by Tanka View Post
    Ever try getting in touch with Ron to help him design something more simplistic?
    Good idea. I should. I'll send him a PM about it now., #1 source for DDO information.

  11. #51
    Legendary Founder Ron's Avatar
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    I do remember this guys.

    Unfortunatley, at this point, the planner is not likely to get any major work done on it by me. I'm infinitely busy on my own game project right at the moment and for the forseeable future (I'm wearing about 12 hats right now, hehe).

    I'll do bug fixes, and when the level cap raises, I'll spend the time to open up those levels, but in all honesty, I'm not likely to be able to find the time to spend on the planner to add major new features any time soon. I know that sucks for you guys, but my priorities have shifted.

    I'm trying to get guidance from Turbine on if I can release the code publically or not. I hope to be able to and let you guys add to it, make it a community effort (which would be a lot better than you all having to wait on me anyway), but I don't want to get sued Presuming they say it's okay, I will post the code and you guys can go to town on it.

    I may even put it up on our Subversion server so that it's version controlled, but I'd have to look into that. There are security issues involved with our own private repositories, and putting a public repository up on the same server might be problematic (or perhaps not, I don't grek all that network stuff all that well, not really my area of expertise).
    The locus of my identity is totally exterior to me.
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  12. #52
    Founder Lifespawn's Avatar
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    people using the planner just need to do enhancments at the end that makes it much easier to read and scroll through.
    Quote Originally Posted by MadFloyd View Post
    Fernando has yet to even suggest a nerf of anything.
    Oh and by the way (referring to your sig), we aren't nerfing the Torc.

  13. #53


    Quote Originally Posted by Lifespawn View Post
    people using the planner just need to do enhancments at the end that makes it much easier to read and scroll through.
    Checking feats is annoying too., #1 source for DDO information.

  14. #54
    Founder Lifespawn's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Borror0 View Post
    Checking feats is annoying too.
    because you have to scroll down just a bit to see the feats?
    Quote Originally Posted by MadFloyd View Post
    Fernando has yet to even suggest a nerf of anything.
    Oh and by the way (referring to your sig), we aren't nerfing the Torc.

  15. #55
    Community Member Gunga's Avatar
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    When posting builds, please don't ever use Borrorrorroro's format. Just use the forum export tool that is available with Ron's character planner. Thanks.

  16. #56
    Community Member Dexxaan's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by gunga View Post
    when Posting Builds, Please Don't Ever Use Borrorrorroro's Format. Just Use The Forum Export Tool That Is Available With Ron's Character Planner. Thanks.
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  17. #57
    Community Member Jay203's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Gunga View Post
    When posting builds, please don't ever use Borrorrorroro's format. Just use the forum export tool that is available with Ron's character planner. Thanks.
    aye, because it ticks him off THAT much
    PS: Greensteel RUINED the game! and you all know it!
    less buffing, more nerfing!!!
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  18. #58


    Quote Originally Posted by Ron View Post
    I'm trying to get guidance from Turbine on if I can release the code publically or not. I hope to be able to and let you guys add to it, make it a community effort (which would be a lot better than you all having to wait on me anyway), but I don't want to get sued Presuming they say it's okay, I will post the code and you guys can go to town on it.
    I don't believe Turbine would have a leg to stand on. You would be releasing code, that you wrote. You didn't write it while working for Turbine. It doesn't contain any code that is used on the servers themselves. It doesn't re-produce what they are doing. It only contains your interpretations of how the game works. We know enhancment B comes after enhancment A. We all know the D&D rule set. What you created is not a game. Its a tool to help one figure out what they already could without it, on their own, with their own knowledge of this game.

    Now, Re-Producing their game, so people can play it, that would be a no no, but you are not doing that, in the least.

    That's just my opinion. You may be waiting much longer than MOD9 for an answer from Turbine on whether its ok to release your code....
    Last edited by Sanadil; 02-26-2009 at 10:56 AM.

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  19. #59
    Legendary Founder Ron's Avatar
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    No, it's not the code that would get me in trouble. That's entirely mine. But the program is tied to their in-game graphics (which are entirely Turbines, and are copywrited by them), and that's where it gets sticky.

    Now, I DOUBT they'd have an issue with it. After all, what you would get with the code (in terms of images) is no different than what you get when you download the planner itself. But I'm taking no chances with it.

    At the very least, if someone high up decided I was doing something they didn't like, I'd get hit with a perma-ban (which is entirely within their rights to do for any reason they want). At worst, I could get into legal hot-water

    As it is, I've never gotten explicit permission to use those images, and I've always felt like I've been walking on thin ice with the planner in that regard. And I don't want to push it any more than I have, hehe.

    If they say I can release the code, I will. If they don't (either by explicitly saying no or by saying nothing at all), well, then I won't. If that's the case, then I'll continue to update the planner as long as I'm here in DDO (and I have no immediate plans on leaving) in order to keep it up to date with the changes in the game. It just won't get any new features.
    The locus of my identity is totally exterior to me.
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  20. #60
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    i have a better idea... why not make the planner web-based?

    coding might be a little different, but you could easily make the layout like it is now on the web site, and have drop downs for different slots for gear.

    something along the lines of this:

    the above site allows you to create (and to show others, by providing a link to your specific gear profile) and edit a specific gear loadout for your toon, and shows the finalized stats after gear has been input. granted, it would be different for DDO, but still similar in most aspects. then, all we would have to do would be to provide a link to your character profile (NOT your account profile) on the forums and people could see exactly what you saw when you input the loadout.

    btw i HAVE played the game that the above fan-site is about, it is also a free-to-play model, possibly the first MMO to use that model. it is quite fun once you get the hang of how the system works.

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