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Thread: I gotta ask....

  1. #1
    Community Member stalksdeath's Avatar
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    Default I gotta ask....

    Why peeps seem to ask for WoP rapiers (finish the question before you comment on this please) and Shortswords only? It seems like they intentionally leave out daggers? Is there something I'm missing here? If one was to decide it didn't HAVE to be a rapier, and they could indeed *sink* to a 17-20 crit range, why would they not include a dagger in their list of wants? It seems like it should almost be even MORE desireable than a shortsword, if anything, considerring that it is a simple weapon and any class can use it without penalty (obviously not really an issue in 99% of cases, just saying....)
    If I'm being an idiot and have missed something reaaalllllly obvious I guess I wouldn't be that suprised, but feedback either way is welcome

    "The Mains" - Stalksdeath, Mantra, Warwolf, Hydrah, Tyrrant, Lahfawnduh, Apox, Cay, Savu, Dirtbag

  2. #2
    Community Member Soul-Shaker's Avatar
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    Feb 2006


    Quote Originally Posted by stalksdeath View Post
    Why peeps seem to ask for WoP rapiers (finish the question before you comment on this please) and Shortswords only? It seems like they intentionally leave out daggers? Is there something I'm missing here? If one was to decide it didn't HAVE to be a rapier, and they could indeed *sink* to a 17-20 crit range, why would they not include a dagger in their list of wants? It seems like it should almost be even MORE desireable than a shortsword, if anything, considerring that it is a simple weapon and any class can use it without penalty (obviously not really an issue in 99% of cases, just saying....)
    If I'm being an idiot and have missed something reaaalllllly obvious I guess I wouldn't be that suprised, but feedback either way is welcome
    Just a matter of reach. My first WoP was a dagger which I used religiously for 2 mods then I got a ss and rapier. The reach is a big difference and even more noticable when your chasing mobs.
    Last edited by Soul-Shaker; 07-26-2008 at 12:15 AM. Reason: changing wording range meaning reach :)
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  3. #3


    Two possibilities:

    Racial enhancement for shortswords
    Daggers are the sissiest weapon evahhhhhhh!!
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  4. #4
    Community Member
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    Jun 2006


    Ya drow get bonus's for Rapier and SS , not sure about other races .... i wish my daggers where both rapiers
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