Looking for an estimate on the value of a +1 Anarchic Burst Silver Longsword of Pure Good.
Looking for an estimate on the value of a +1 Anarchic Burst Silver Longsword of Pure Good.
"At the end of all things, let it not be said that I didn't pull the switch that killed us all."
100,000 plat? Not that I'd pay that much for it, but I could see someone paying that much.
Last edited by orcbanian; 07-26-2008 at 01:53 AM.
Ghallanda ~ Sanctus Armata ~ Rumforged WF Ftr 15/Wiz 1 (First Toon) Dwarby Dwarf Clr 14/Pal 1
Rumcannon WF Sorc 10 Rumpunch WF Monk 9 Orcbane WF Rngr 2/ftr 6 Rumbow WF Rngr 6/Monk 1
IMHO I think either a 2 hander or a finessable would be worth a lot more, I could see about 75k-100k plat
Explain to me why. A person dual wielding weapons like this or similar will out damage a 2 hander hands down. I dual wield a + 4 Holy silver Khopesh of Pure good and an anarchic Burst khopesh of pure good and there is not a single 2 handed user that will out DPS me on the fiend.
I may be selling/trading it then.
"At the end of all things, let it not be said that I didn't pull the switch that killed us all."