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Thread: For Icey

  1. #21


    Quote Originally Posted by InfidelofHaLL View Post
    u might also try a 12 ranger/3rogue/1monk build
    Why? Monk Recovery doesn't cut it., #1 source for DDO information.

  2. #22
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    I can't wait for Half Orcs so I never have to see another dwarf! =p
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  3. #23
    Founder sudabba's Avatar
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    Default help plz

    i need help i love the build but im wondering what u would do for a 28 pt build since i am still new to the server im playing on
    TY for anyone that helps
    Roltarn: Squishy of Squishies

  4. #24


    Quote Originally Posted by sudabba View Post
    i need help i love the build but im wondering what u would do for a 28 pt build since i am still new to the server im playing on
    TY for anyone that helps
    I'd probably got 16 Str/13 Dex/14 Con/12 Int/12 Wis/ 8 Cha and respec to CE when ya get a +1 In tome., #1 source for DDO information.

  5. #25
    Community Member Naso24's Avatar
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    I went with 12Ranger-2Monk-2Fighter. This gave me 2 extra feats, and it seems like there is never enough. With the STR potential from that build, it is a shame to not have stunning blow. To get UMD up as high as you have

    1 Khopesh
    3 OTWF
    6 Spring Attack
    9 IC Slash
    12 IC Pierce
    15 Power Attack
    F1 Combat Expertise
    F2 Stuning Blow
    M1 Dodge
    M2 Mobility

    16 Str + 1 tome + 4 level + 6 item + 2 Ram's + 1 enhancement = 30 Str
    14 Dex + 3 enhancements + 6 item + 1 tome = 24 Dex
    16 Con + 6 item + 2 enhancements + 2 favor tome = 26 Con
    13 Int + 1 tome = 14 Int
    14 Wis + 1 tome + 6 item + 1 enhancement = 22 Wis
    6 Cha + 2 tome + 6 item = 14 Cha

    If you go with these stats and classes, your UMD will not be that good, but you will be able to have a higher intimidate (extra feats to allocate if you wish).
    Margolie L16 Wizard Beaar L16 Fighter14-Rogue2 Beaaar L16 Cleric Gwynneth L14 Paladin10-Cleric3-Sorc1 Relle L16 Ranger15-Rogue1 Aluzia L7 Bard Bareskin Rugg L16 Ranger2-Monk2-Fighter2 Manbearpigg L12 Cleric10-Monk2

  6. #26


    Quote Originally Posted by Naso24 View Post
    With the STR potential from that build, it is a shame to not have stunning blow.
    Stunnig Blow is good, but not that insanely powerful, in my opinion.
    Quote Originally Posted by Naso24 View Post
    If you go with these stats and classes, your UMD will not be that good, but you will be able to have a higher intimidate (extra feats to allocate if you wish).
    Low UMD costs you 4 AC..., #1 source for DDO information.

  7. #27
    Community Member Milolyen's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Borror0 View Post
    Puts points into Jump.
    Max Balance
    Max Intimidate
    Max UMD.

    • UMD:

      19 Ranks
      3 Charisma bonus
      3 Golden Cartouche
      2 Head of Good Fortune
      4 Greater Heroism
      34 UMD

    • Intimidate:
      19 Ranks
      3 Charisma bonus
      15 Intimidate Helm
      2 Head of Good Fortune
      4 Greater Heroism
      43 Intimidate

    A crafted Cha skills item would but you at 37 UMD and 49 Intimidate.

    So, with GH, it's 35/36/27. Awesome saves. Might be a bit lower in real, but oh well, still really high.

    So, guys, let me know if you find any big mistakes. And Icey, hope you like it.
    I am a little confused here ... you say take rogue at lvl 1 and that is the only class that is able to take UMD not as a cross skill. So how are you able to get 19 ranks? Wouldn't it be 4 ranks at lvl 1 and then .5 ranks every lvl past that for 12 total at lvl 16? Then not sure but isn't intimidate the same way? Or are monks able to take that without it being a cross skill rank?


  8. #28
    Community Member Artierius's Avatar
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    Rogues get Intimidate and UMD as class in essence this allows you to have it as a class skill even when taking other classes.....however it will cost you 2x the skillpoints when raising it with those other classes that don't have it.

    Example: UMD

    1st rogue - 4 points (cost is 4 skill points)
    2nd ranger - 1 point (cost is 2 skill points)

    Hope this helps

  9. #29
    Community Member Milolyen's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Artierius View Post
    Rogues get Intimidate and UMD as class in essence this allows you to have it as a class skill even when taking other classes.....however it will cost you 2x the skillpoints when raising it with those other classes that don't have it.

    Example: UMD

    1st rogue - 4 points (cost is 4 skill points)
    2nd ranger - 1 point (cost is 2 skill points)

    Hope this helps
    Okay so you are able to raise a cross class skill by a full point if it was a class skill at any one time.

    Was thinking you would still only be able to put in only 1 skill point and it would only up the skill by .5 upon each lvl up.

    Thanks for the info

    P.S. No I don't do much MCing

  10. #30
    Community Member Jaysensen's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Milolyen View Post
    Okay so you are able to raise a cross class skill by a full point if it was a class skill at any one time.

    Was thinking you would still only be able to put in only 1 skill point and it would only up the skill by .5 upon each lvl up.

    Thanks for the info

    P.S. No I don't do much MCing
    Not exactly. Separate out Rank vs Point. Rank is your score without mods. Poiints are only used while building.

    You can put in one skill point, and it raises the skill rank by .5 You can put as many as you can until you hit the cap as designed by the formula.

    Someone can confirm this but I think it is...
    Uncapped: Level +3 max Ranks
    Crossclass aka uncapped skills are level +3 / 2 Max Ranks

    Take my newbie RangerMonkRog
    Rog first level, buy skills at one point per rank. Uncaps UMD Intimidate, allowing me to reach the maximum intimidate score. However only the rog level has Intim as a class skill. Thus on Level 1, I pay 4 points for for ranks. On every other level, I pay 2 skillpoints for 1 rank. Take Search. Class skill for Ranger and for Rog, but not for Monk. On Ranger and Rog levels, I buy search at 1 for 1. I dont buy it at all on Monk level, as it is more efficient ot buy it at the class rate. On Monk levels, I bought other things - like Balance.
    Namesake of The Lava Divers, Khyber

  11. #31
    Community Member Jaysensen's Avatar
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    Take another example. I hope this is clearer than what i just wrote.

    Lets say you are level 10 of X and you decide you want UMD now. You take a Rog level. This uncaps UMD to 10+3 ranks. You are buying a Rog level, so it is a class skill AT THIS TIME. You can put in ALL of your skillpoints into UMD at a 1 point for 1 rank rate...until you hit the cap.

    Then when you go from 11 to 12, of say your original class, you buy UMD at the cross class rate. But lets say you want to take ANOTHER Rog level at 16. You should level to 15 at X class. Then for 16, buy Rog level and invest your skill points into UMD at 1:1.
    Namesake of The Lava Divers, Khyber

  12. #32
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    Could make the case for halfling on this build ... off the top of my head PLUS AC, Reflex, DPS, and MINUS HP, DR, Fort. Only mentioning it because you are not MAX DR/Intimidate nor are you using Dwarven Axes.

    Would also consider if Dwarf (at least for now) swapping out toughness after level 11.
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  13. #33
    Community Member Stonebread's Avatar
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    I was considering the same build. (But I'm subbornly clinging to Elf even though Dwarf is superior because I have no Elves right now. I'm hoping they get a boost some day...)

    However, I think delaying the Monk levels until after 9 might be better. This lets you get Improved Crit 3 levels earlier and I think you will actually have better AC wearing +5 mithral chain until you can wear the higher level equipment (you could even wear Chaosguardes for +2). You'll also have Barkskin at lvl 9 this way. You may want to shuffle around feats.

    1. Dodge
    3. Mobility
    6. Spring Attack
    9. Improved Critical
    10. Combat Expertise (Monk feat)
    11. Spring Attack (Monk feat) and swap Oversized TWF in lvl 6 slot
    12. Two-Weapon Defense/something else.
    15. Power Attack

    I didn't include Toughness because it is assumed on the Helm at lvl 11.
    Last edited by Stonebread; 09-12-2008 at 01:03 PM.

  14. #34
    Community Member Turial's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Jaysensen View Post
    Take another example. I hope this is clearer than what i just wrote.

    Lets say you are level 10 of X and you decide you want UMD now. You take a Rog level. This uncaps UMD to 10+3 ranks. You are buying a Rog level, so it is a class skill AT THIS TIME. You can put in ALL of your skillpoints into UMD at a 1 point for 1 rank rate...until you hit the cap.

    Then when you go from 11 to 12, of say your original class, you buy UMD at the cross class rate. But lets say you want to take ANOTHER Rog level at 16. You should level to 15 at X class. Then for 16, buy Rog level and invest your skill points into UMD at 1:1.
    Huh, it really works like that? I need to get them to put towering oaks in the game.
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