+1 Banishing Light Mace of Shattermantle (ML 12 no RR)
+1 Crippling Heavy Crossbow of Disruption (ML 12 no RR)
+1 Ghost Touch Dagger of Disruption (ML 12 no RR)
+2 Vicious Warhammer of Disruption (ML 14 no RR)
+1 Paralyzing Light Crossbow of Enfeebling (ML 14 no RR)
+1 Paralyzing Heavy Mace of Righteousness (ML 12 no RR)
+2 Paralyzing Composite Longbow(ML 12 no RR)
+1 Anarchic Dwarven Axe of Smiting (ML 12 RR Human)(UMD 22)
+1 Shock Shortbow of Smiting (ML 12 no RR)
+3 Vorpal Greatsword Of Tendon Slice (ML 16 RR Dwarf)
+1 Vorpal Dwarven Axe of Lesser Goblinoid Bane (ML 12 no RR)
+5 Flaming Burst Greataxe of Deception (ML 14 no RR)
+4 Seeker Heavy Pick of Maiming x2 (ML 10 no RR)
+2 Anarchic Bastard Sword of Greater Halfling Bane(ML 12 no RR)
Maul of Malice , +5 Enchancement Bonus, Incite +20%, Intimidate +10 (ML 12 no RR)
Dusk Heart ,Improved False Life , Dusk (ML 9)x2
Clever Goggles, Intel +6 (ML 13 no RR)
Clever Goggles of Bull's Strength, Intel +6, Bull STR 1/Day (ML 15 no RR)
Acid Guard Robe of Heavy Fortification(ML 12 no RR)
Charismatic Cloak of Elvenkind Cha +6 ( ML 15 no RR)
+5 Lesser Acid Guard Mithral Chain Shirt of Shield (ML 12 no RR)
Ogre Power Ring of Lesser False Life Con +6 (ML 15 no RR)
Ring of Balance +15 (ML 15 no RR)
Striding Ring of Bestow Curse 30% (ML 15 RR Dwarf)
Ring of the High Priest Wis +4 Greater comand ( ML 13 no RR)
Clever Ring of Tumble Int +6 ( ML 15 no RR)
Daggertooth’s Belt (ML 11 no RR)
Jorgundal's Collar x2 (ML 13 no RR)
Dexterous Boots of Springing, Dex +6 , Jump +3 (ML 15 no RR)
Striding Boots +30% (ML 13 no RR)
Striding Boots of Springing +30% (ML 15 no RR)
Shard of Vollun wizardry 3 and improved radiance 3 (ML 11 no RR)
Several Small and Med ingredients and 4 Large Chain/2 Large Arrow/ 1 Large Shrap
What I’m looking for at this time.
Large Ingredients
+2 Tomes
+5 Mithral Full Plate (no RR or Dwarf)
Shield Fragments
Tome Pages 1,5
Phase Hammer
+3 or higher Vorpal Great Axe (no RR or Dwarf only)
Please send PM or send in game tell to Relwic Thanks.