I'm the same way with resources. I have a mana potion sitting there and if I we need, I will burn it gladly. I'll do anything to win the quest.
I will admit that I'm new to the game. Maybe that's why. I've just gotten to the top level with my first character (a sorcerer, of course). I had a blast getting here. There's something different now, though. There are many leaders who demand that I do things, which is cool in general because I'm relatively new. Ironically, though, I find that they are rarely much better than I am (despite my newness), and the strategy I was leaning towards in the first place was perfectly applicable. It's expensive to retrain my sorcerer and can require many days of waiting. I don't like every single new leader demanding I pick a different spell that happens to be their one and only strategy for beating the quest.
One thing I am not new to is PNP D&D. And, I will say, evey good DM finds a way to help feature and use the skills of as many character types as possible in nearly every quest. I'd love for a bit more of that.
I guess I just don't find the end grind as much fun as I hoped. I find the end games players way more irritating and overly serious about the game than the players on the way up here. I love playing as a team, but I also feel that now I am expected to follow a template rigidly without deviation. I doesn't feel like adventuring to me. It feels .. well.. kinda dull. Especially after I've already done the same thing a bunch of times.
I guess I have a few more months to see if I stick with the game or not. At times I love it, but at times it drives me nuts.