Late last night was pugging the Shroud. We could only get 2 clerics. 1 was a veteran the other an unknown, unguilded uncertainty.
The PUG cleric didn't speak, didn't type but did the job well. Was all over the healing and kept the party up.
What was funny was later in part 3 the PUG cleric sent a message to the other cleric in Chinese. The penny dropped.........
It was funny and in a way everyone was on tender hooks for part 4 & 5. Apart from the obvious language barrier we completed with relatively little fuss.

Congratulations to both Loothorse and Billysusan for doing a sterling job as cleric's. I would recommend both for the job to anyone.

p.s. Does anyone know how to say 'Mass Heals' and 'Get your spell point's back' in Chinese?