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  1. #1
    Community Member Verdant_Force's Avatar
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    Default Wand Enhancements

    DC and Spell Pen enhancements for wands - Yea or Nay? Provide a reason for your answer to help me understand please

    Along the same topic - What are MUST HAVE enhancements, in your opinion, for a Sorc that specializes in NO type of spell type or subject (CC, DPS, Buffing). Just the essentials that every Sorc should have.

    Enlighten me
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  2. #2
    Community Member
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    NAY on the DC/SP enhancers on wands.

    YAY on the wand/scroll MASTERY, which increases damage from these items. They work on HEAL scrolls and cure wands for sorcs, and also on the reconstruct scrolls for WF sorcs/wiz.

  3. #3
    Founder Freeman's Avatar
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    I don't think they are necessary, simply because for them to be effective at higher levels, they would have to give a large boost to both. The highest caster level I've seen on an offensive wand was 10th, which means it would only have a +10 to an SR roll. Most full casters have over a +20 to their rolls. There's already a DC enhancement line for wands, but even maxed out, it pales in comparison to an actual caster's DC. In short, I think it would be too little gain to be worth the cost of the action points.
    Freeman - Human Bard - Thelanis Fulfilling my duty to the ladies of Stormreach
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  4. #4
    Community Member arminius's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Freeman View Post
    I don't think they are necessary, simply because for them to be effective at higher levels, they would have to give a large boost to both. The highest caster level I've seen on an offensive wand was 10th, which means it would only have a +10 to an SR roll. Most full casters have over a +20 to their rolls. There's already a DC enhancement line for wands, but even maxed out, it pales in comparison to an actual caster's DC. In short, I think it would be too little gain to be worth the cost of the action points.
    Unless it worked like Heighten, and automatically got boosted to a DC that matched the cast spell--however many plusses that took, in which case it would be really overpowered. I can't see it happening. It looks like the bottom line is that wands and scrolls that fall into that category are just useless. Which isn't that big a deal, really, something has to be less useful that something else, otherwise we'd have packs the size of Nebraska.

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  5. #5
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    I put points in that and now regret it. I think I will be taking them out. It just doesn't pay.

  6. #6
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    I do take the Wand/Scroll Mastery on my casters to at least the second level. Minimal investment for some nice added healing/damage. If Im looking to conserve a little sp on my sorc I will alternate between wand/spell attacks sometimes. Not huge damage but it does conserve sp/$ for both offensive and defensive use to a degree.

    Any other wand/scroll lines dont seem at all useful past level5-6 imo.
    Last edited by llevenbaxx; 07-21-2008 at 01:35 PM.

  7. #7
    Founder Freeman's Avatar
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    The mastery line is nice for anyone using healing wands and scrolls, and I have some levels of it on my bard. It saves money in the long run, since fewer casts means fewer replacement costs.
    Freeman - Human Bard - Thelanis Fulfilling my duty to the ladies of Stormreach
    Yuvben(Halfling Rogue), Acana(Drow Sorcerer), Walket(Human Cleric), Mahoukami (WF Wizard), Knicapper(Horc Fighter), Pyetr(Human Bard), Mazinger (WF Barb), and Belcar(Halfling Ranger).

  8. #8
    Community Member Merkinsal's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Verdant Force View Post
    Along the same topic - What are MUST HAVE enhancements, in your opinion, for a Sorc that specializes in NO type of spell type or subject (CC, DPS, Buffing). Just the essentials that every Sorc should have.

    Enlighten me
    Lol. Ok, I'll bite although I get the distinct impression you are wiser than you say, your purpose up for conjecture, hence you say "Enlighten me "

    I came up with a list and erased it lol

    You said "every Sorc" so of course that is impossbile because some sorcs could care less about spell penetration, charisma and/or would argue any of the enhancement lines. I have to ask myself if there is an answer because I see nothing in a basic general list that is of any real benefit to anyone. Much better to build a sorc in a deliberate way depending on playstyle and preferred spells. Now that is a question someone can get interested in, but not me. I really only know the builds I make and why. A build specialist I am not. So, why may you ask did I post this? Because I spent so much time typing it lol.

  9. #9
    Community Member Atax's Avatar
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    Never leave home without:
    Energy of the Dragon Blood 1-4
    Charisma 1-3

    Everything else is totally based on build.
    Nukers want: Damage Amplification 4 (of their choice), along with Spell Crit Chance 3 (of their choice). If you want massive crits, 2-3 into Spell Crit Multiplier.

    Anyone planning to charm/instakill or otherwise cast DC-based spells end-game will want Spell Pen 2 or 3, along with equipment and a feat or both feats.. I currently use Spell Pen 2, Both feats and blue dragonscale.. +24 and I rarely ever fail to overcome SR except in Subterrane (Where I promptly switch to nuking/CC/buffs)

    Wand enhancements are simply worthless.. your actual spells are FAR more effective and you will always have a shrine to use to get mana back. Wands suck and therefore wand enhancements suck.

    Spell Threat decreasing enhancements are up for debate. Many casters get their spell threat as low as possible so that when grouped they are free to spam spells and not get noticed... On the other hand, there are also many, like myself, who just don't care. I'm a WF Sorc and I want aggro on me so I can run them into my CC and gather stuff to ball lightning. (270hp + reconstruct makes this cake)
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  10. #10
    Community Member Verdant_Force's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Merkinsal View Post
    Lol. Ok, I'll bite although I get the distinct impression you are wiser than you say, your purpose up for conjecture, hence you say "Enlighten me "
    Haha, nah man I just wanted some opinions as to what enhancements you would never consider removing. I'm not gonna flame you or anything. You are a quick one though - I'm not new to this game at all and certainly not to D&D in general.

    I just wanted a little insight (although I've been playing the Sorc for a few days now and have more of an idea of what I want to do with him.)
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  11. #11
    Community Member Merkinsal's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Verdant Force View Post
    Haha, nah man I just wanted some opinions as to what enhancements you would never consider removing. I'm not gonna flame you or anything. You are a quick one though - I'm not new to this game at all and certainly not to D&D in general.

    I just wanted a little insight (although I've been playing the Sorc for a few days now and have more of an idea of what I want to do with him.)
    lol, good times

    Just so you know, my initial list did not have 4 levels of energy of the dragonblooded like atax, only 3 ,but by the time you get that far in the enhancement line you'll know what you want to put points into and you can always redo them, try new things.

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