Not looking for uber gear, just need to switch some spots around.
+6 CON Ring
Mysterious Ring (lvl 11)
+6 WIS Necklace (lvl 13) x2
+6 CHA Circlet (lvl 13)
+6 WIS Helm (lvl 15)
+6 WIS Helm (lvl 13)
+6 WIS Ring (lvl 13)
+6 STR Ring (lvl 13, rr WF)
+6 STR Gloves (lvl 15)
+6 DEX Gloves (lvl 15)
+6 DEX Gloves (lvl 13)
+6 STR Belt (lvl 13)
+6 STR Belt, 3/day Shield (lvl 15)
+6 CON, Lt Fort Belt (lvl 13, rr Human)
30% Striding Ring (rr WF)
25% Striding, +3 Jump Ring (lvl 11, rr Dwarf)
+5 Protection Necklace (lvl 13)
+4 Protection Disease Imm Necklace (lvl 11, rr Dwarf)
+4 Protection, UWA (lvl 13)
Grt False Life, Disease Imm Belt (lvl 13)
Grt False Life Belt (lvl 11)
Adherent's Pendant (lvl 11, Pally only)
Helm of Freewill (Imm fear, SR 17) (lvl 11)
+6 AC Bracers (lvl 15)
Manacles of Ceaseless Toil Bracers (lvl 13)
Chord of Reprisals Belt (lvl 11)
SR 19, Disease Immunity Belt (lvl 13)
Grt Sonic Resistance Ring (lvl 13)