Hi everyone! I think we've got an exceptionally good show for you this week. Besides having some good news and other stuff, we've got an interview with Tolero and a ton - a ton! - of good stuff from the DDOcast crew this week.
Buzzsaw got the chance to chat with Tolero about some guild-related stuff and managed to get some news out of her as well. There's the latest on Turbine's DDO plans for GenCon and Pax along with other stuff on "Guild Life". Rheebus has put together an excellent "Top Ten Things You May Not Know About DDO", Alex has some thoughts on monk hate on "Inside the Monestary", Sigfried puts together an excellent 'special forces' build and gives a good insight into the character creation process on "Crunchy Bits", Lessah has some permadeath talk and other stuff on "Know Your Role" and more! Really, a ton of good stuff on this week's show.
You can find the episode HERE - just left click to play, right-click and 'save as' to download as an mp3. Here's a LINK to the episode using the built-in Cyberears player, for folks who don't have or want to use the player on their computer. You can also find the show on Cyberears, iTunes, Digg, Podcast Pickle and many other podcast aggregators.