Scarab of Protection 12 spell absorbtion and SR 20?? How much is it worth
Scarab of Protection 12 spell absorbtion and SR 20?? How much is it worth
The charges don't come back once they are used, and it then disintegrates. I would say less than 10k plat at most, and even then only to someone who specifically wants it for tanking the dragon or the like.
Exile of Xoriat
yeah i mean if it didnt have teh 12 charge then diseningrate id use it for the SR 20
The 12 charges are for negative energy arent they? In which case it is worth about 20seconds standing in the arcane skeletons aura
Star Firefall
20 Rogue Assasin
Currently on life 42 of 42 (Final Life!)
well if anybody wants it, its basically gonna be about 10 to 20k or maybe even free not sure yet
Pretty sure a charge is only spent if a spell penetrates the SR and is then absorbed.
Lendra/Lendraa/Mordachi/Deathsong and assorted other gimps
and I have picked up several - as people say, they are awesome lowbie twinks. Usually between 25k and 100k gold. Not much more than that tho.
Dead Blades Guild
Xoriat lives on in our hearts...