I am willing to bet your ranger has far more ac then your barbarian, so therefore you wouldn't notice it as much. Lets just say average capped ranger has around 32-36 ac, average capped barb will have maybe 25-26 raged tops, without outside buffs or the best gear. This pretty much means the barb will be hit by any level 6 monster or more with relative ease. Those 10 points more ac on your ranger increases the ability to be missed by near 50% now factor in the duskstones chance of automiss 10% the time anyway... that will raise a barbs chance of being missed to... 15% optimally under those circumstances, yet the ranger is being hit maybe 50% of the time to begin with so how many misses from roll were because of blur? you would at BEST notice maybe 5% difference, so 55% chance of miss.. not a huge difference in increases again, until you notice on your barbarian... they are missing... thats what makes the difference, your barb isn't GOING to be missed unless already blurred, your ranger, will be. IMHO you have your trinkets backwards, give your duskstone to your barb, and your bloodstone to your ranger. I'd freakin kill for my barb to have a duskstone, unless i bring 100 pots i can't even solo TR norm past part 6 because EVERYTHING hits him. A 10% chance...welll if they miss me, they are dead before their next swing anyway, would come in handy in them 1 on 15 fights.