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  1. #41


    Quote Originally Posted by Issip View Post
    I can try that tonight, and maybe that helps me find where lag is coming from, however my latency is very low, my connection is very fast, and my client computer is high-end, so there's nothing I could do to help any of that. I'd rather the answer not be that internet connections being what they are it's impossible to program an MMO that allows arrows to fire properly - I don't buy it and don't see the point of having ranged combat if it's just not possible to make it work properly.

    I remember this issue (or an extremely similar issue) being much much worse a long time ago, then it was adressed and got much much better, so much that I failed to notice it for ~1 year (I've been playing since pre-order, and my ranger is a pre-order toon). My OP title "Bows not Firing Again" is a reflection of that - this behavior is not new, it was supposedly fixed in the past (and was from what I saw) and seems to creeping back in.

    If this wasn't something that most ranged players seem to be experiencing then I would point at my own system/connection/race/choice of toon name/color of armor, etc., but from what I've gathered from the responses to this post it's not me, and it's not in my control to resolve.
    I'm on a high end as well, and next to no latency so I'm in that same boat as well. The only times I really notice anything in the slighted is when lag seems to hit or when the AT&T jumps are foobaring things. At this point that is what I'm really suspect of, but as I don't have the code, I can't be certain nor test it. I really wish the devs could 'fake the net' in their dev lab. I mean it shouldn't be that hard to fake internet hops, induce delay, and packet drops that are never reported back.

    I don't think things ever got fixed so much as improved though.

    What I really wish our ranged attacks were given is the leading AI for shooting that mobs have.

  2. #42
    Community Member GlassCannon's Avatar
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    Deepwood Sniper activateable clicky causes a non-fire.

    In other words, the Deepwood Sniper Enhancement has stopped working as intended. This happens less often when Improved Precise Shot is active, and may have a Minimum Range. I found it works more often when farther away than when close. I was using it on the Fire Elemental in Shroud part 2, and on Arraetrikos, with consistent non-fire situations.

    Autoattack now overrides Deepwood Sniper as well, preventing the hotkey/slot from activating without furious spamming of said button for several seconds.

    During Manyshot, there were periods during which the bow did not fire at all, despite my character animation going through all the appropriate motions.

    During standard firing motions, 96% of the arrows rolled a hit or miss, while 4% of the standard firing motions were clearly ignored by the server, and did nothing.

  3. #43
    Community Member Strumpoo's Avatar
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    Yep, I agree Glass.

    Deep Woods sniper is having problems right now.

    I am noticing LOTS of problems with it when fighting Big Red.

    It doesn't seem to be registering much anymore. ESPECIALLY with autoattack turned on.
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  4. #44
    Community Member Turial's Avatar
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    I have also noticed that when fighting big red....perhaps all of this is tied into that enhancement somehow.
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  5. #45
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    My ranger does not have deepwoods sniper, he's a multiclass mutt, so it's not limited to that enhancement. What Glass said about manyshot sounds incredibly familiar though, shots just not firing.

  6. #46


    Quote Originally Posted by Issip View Post
    My ranger does not have deepwoods sniper, he's a multiclass mutt, so it's not limited to that enhancement. What Glass said about manyshot sounds incredibly familiar though, shots just not firing.
    I'm a pure ranger, with arcane archer as high as I can go.

    So far the only times I really see loss of arrows is when I switch targets in the middle of shooting after I've been spamming the attack button. By the same premisse if my target dies, and I switch, I can still have lost shots for a time.

    It is as if the que isn't dumped at change so the old shots are still directed towards what should be the old target, but as the old target no longer eixsts because I changed targets, these shots are lost until the newly targeted npc comes into the que to be shot, at which point shots start to register again.

    I've been able to replicate this with auto attack, and with manually spamming the attack button.

    (yes, I've started to try to see if I can't get some of these same issues you guys are.)

  7. #47
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    I am very disappointed not to see this make the updated known issue list - it makes me feel as though it's not going to be adressed anytime soon, which is very sad.

    Last night I took heavy repeating crossbow proficiency with my Bard. I see what people were talking about with repeaters - I think the issue is similar or the same although it looks different when it happens. With repeaters, however, it is the most repeatable live combat bug I've ever seen.

    To produce bug with repeater:

    Walk into any instance until any mob is in range.
    Tab to target said mob.
    As soon as you see the white target ring on the mob, right click to fire repeater.
    First 3 shot burst you will hear *snap**snap**snap*, but you will not see any bolts, your combat log will not register anything, you will not see damage numbers or little "miss" texts floating in the air.
    The most interesting thing you will notice is that despite the fact that you did not hit the mob, or even miss the mob, you managed to aggro the mob.
    Once you reload you can usually get a roll for the next 3 shots, though not always.

    I can submit FRAPS of both the lonbow bug and repeater bug if I can find a place to host the video (~1Gb files).

    Seeing as this can so easliy be reproduced can we please get it aknowledged so there is some hope it will get fixed? I am loosing patience with this issue - it has a very significant affect on ranged combat, and knwoing that any time you change targets or even at random times your bow may or may not fire is extremely frustrating.

    From the known issues list:
    Due to an issue with the engine upgrade, other player's characters may appear to be "choppy" in movement at times. This does not effect your own character, only other characters you are viewing.

    You sure this doesn't also affect ranged shots and spells? Maybe if it's tied to that and they fix it the ranged problem will go away as well, I don't know, but trying to ignore this issue has turned into ignoring my ranged toons (AGAIN!).
    Last edited by Issip; 07-30-2008 at 03:14 PM.

  8. #48
    Community Member GlassCannon's Avatar
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    Default Those are some BIIIG videos man! Submit 'em.

    Quote Originally Posted by Issip View Post
    I can submit FRAPS of both the lonbow bug and repeater bug if I can find a place to host the video (~1Gb files).
    How did you get them so blasted huge????

    We really need a better Vid Capture method... can anyone suggest one?

    As for the bug, yeah... it's very easily reproduceable and is probably linked to the Firewall "Balance"(I use the term as loosely as it can be used in such an utterly fraudulent manner).

  9. #49
    Founder Litz's Avatar
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    Since bows in the game can fire without strings why does our characters pretend they are pulling one. Seems like our characters are slowing down the rate of fire by playing make believe.. We should just point the stick and let it fire. Heck we could even just call them wands..

  10. #50


    Quote Originally Posted by GlassCannon View Post
    How did you get them so blasted huge????

    We really need a better Vid Capture method... can anyone suggest one?

    As for the bug, yeah... it's very easily reproduceable and is probably linked to the Firewall "Balance"(I use the term as loosely as it can be used in such an utterly fraudulent manner).
    I haven't played with it at all, but can't X-Fire record video now?

  11. #51
    Founder Snagger's Avatar
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    Default Turbine fix this already!

    I have been frustrated by this ranged bug for too long. My repeating xbow does not register (no miss, no "to hit roll", no nothing - just the firing animation) up to two out of the three shots per volley.

    Turbine, please fix this (again) already.

  12. #52
    Community Member krud's Avatar
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    My ranger doesn't have manyshot yet, but I'm also getting missed shots. However, sometimes it just looks like lag, since I get damage numbers showing up quite a few seconds after my last shot is fired.
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  13. #53
    Founder Snagger's Avatar
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    I have run many tests on this issue. Trust me - it isn't lag that is causing loss of shots. It is a bug on the server side code. Of this I am sure.

  14. #54
    Community Member Kreaper's Avatar
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    I noticed another ranged issue yesterday. I was playing a lowbie wizzie and fired my crossbow at a crate and he just kept firing. He shot about 20-25 bolts before I could get him to stop. (I changed weapons.) What really irritated me was that he was firing faster than my l16 Ranger fires his longbow.

    I rarely shoot the crossbow so I don't know if this is common or not.
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  15. #55
    Community Member Kreaper's Avatar
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    Oh yeah, I'm not sure if he was actually firing bolts or just going through the motions but I am assuming he was using bolts because I am about out now. (Still on the starter bolts.)
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  16. #56
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    Quote Originally Posted by Kreaper View Post
    Oh yeah, I'm not sure if he was actually firing bolts or just going through the motions but I am assuming he was using bolts because I am about out now. (Still on the starter bolts.)
    You're running around with a fully-auto crossbow!? The Stormreach Feds are gonna be kicking in your door.

  17. #57
    Community Member Seacog's Avatar
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    I noticed this twice on my rogue/ranger yesterday while mouse firing, i call it firing blind, manually aiming the bow, whatever you wanna call it....and each time i saw the reason, and felt like a tool, and am wondering if you overlooked the fact that, you had a dead target targeted, the corpse of say a hobgoblin you just took a collectable off? When i have a corpse targeted and i manually aim somewhere else, the arrow fires straight down at my feet. I even did it a few times on purpose to check, when i have nothing targted and am firing blind i have never lost any shots, missed, yes, lost no.
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  18. #58
    Founder EightyFour's Avatar
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    I've had problems also with this, but I notice that I get it mostly while running around, like with repeaters, sometimes greatcrossbows, and on manyshot with bows, and sometimes with just a bow, it just depends, I'll get two of the three numbers that come up above the mob's head, but I figured ranaged is so broken anyway that it's just something I have to deal with.
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  19. #59
    Community Member The_Phenx's Avatar
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    Happening all over the place last night...
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  20. #60
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    Quote Originally Posted by Seacog View Post
    I noticed this twice on my rogue/ranger yesterday while mouse firing, i call it firing blind, manually aiming the bow, whatever you wanna call it....and each time i saw the reason, and felt like a tool, and am wondering if you overlooked the fact that, you had a dead target targeted, the corpse of say a hobgoblin you just took a collectable off? When i have a corpse targeted and i manually aim somewhere else, the arrow fires straight down at my feet. I even did it a few times on purpose to check, when i have nothing targted and am firing blind i have never lost any shots, missed, yes, lost no.
    Yeah, this was one of the first things I eliminated - definately not the cause of all of it.

    One thing I noticed very recently that I had not noticed before, I swapped arrows (open inventory, open "quiver", eject a stack of the new arrows you want, find the stack of arrows you ejected in your inventory, move them to the arrow equip slot, use arrows in the quiver to set the new arrows you want to reload to the top stack, close quiver, close inventory). I got this done and once all the windows were closed I thought I'd be off and shooting silver arrows. I had ghost shots for at least 6 rounds - the longest I've ever seen (usually it's 1-2 shots missed).

    I'll see about recreating this one, I hadn't run across it because changing arrows is such a pain that I rarely do so with an enemy in sight.

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