I got a Moog's ornament here (+1 dex, no lvl req, trinket, rather valuble for twinking monks).
I'm looking for money, but feel free to offer anything.
As far as i've seen its worth a bit, but if i'm just an idiot, then tell me.
I got a Moog's ornament here (+1 dex, no lvl req, trinket, rather valuble for twinking monks).
I'm looking for money, but feel free to offer anything.
As far as i've seen its worth a bit, but if i'm just an idiot, then tell me.
Last edited by fooker69; 07-17-2008 at 02:55 AM.
I'll give you a runed ogre femur for it!
/TELL Tackilack ~ Tackalack ~ Taq ~ Heartattack ~ Scrooge
If you search the auction house and the only results are priced at 50000 gold (as often is the case on our server) and you're a new player, you're going to have a skewed perception. People post outrageous prices on low level gear for twinking and a new player probably doesn't realize that the AH prices being in gold (instead of plat) makes them look bigger. Also a new player has trouble feeding himself (potions) let alone buying stuff on the AH.
Be nice to the newbies or there won't be anyone to play this game.
NOTE to new players: there are some real A-holes that post outrageous prices on the Auction house, in the hopes of separating those who spend real $$$ for plat, vs. those who earned it, and therefore more savvy to the game economy.
My best advice to you is to slow down, get a "feel" for what is valuable vs. a complete rip-off, and go from there.
Most importantly, set yourself limitations on what you are willing to pay in the AH.
Moog's ornament is +1 dex, by the time you get to level 5, which is about 4 hours of playing, you have outgrown it, and ready to move on to the Tangleroot +3 stat items.
I have sold moog's ornament for a starting price of the base value (100plat?) and buyout for 200 plat.
Of course I sell 90% of what I find on the auction house, so I dont put gigantic buyouts on the hopes of "getting lucky" I price my stuff to move, and make a profit.
I hope this helped and always remember, "buyer beware!"
Shaamis is REBORN! Stronger!Faster! DRUNKER THAN EVER!!! - DeathSmile Guild on Hardcore - The Drunken Monk of Stormreach on all other servers!
And to finish where MT started.....
And there are even more A-holes that highjack threads and love to make fellow khyberians feel about as tall as an ant. For instance the first few replies you recieved.
Appologies for their 'lack-luster replies'
The item you have is not worth much except maybe just equipping it and using it until you find something better. Otherwise i would just sell it due to the fact that there is a posting fee involved with the auction house. It will only cost you plat to post something that wont sell.
If you are new to the game, welcome and I hope you enjoy your time here. And if youre that strapped Ive got some extra plat laying around.
Last edited by Slink; 07-18-2008 at 09:14 AM.
SidekickzDysmoniaEilisia PSSC
After a lot of research, our accountants have determined that 863 plat is the number that MOST new players consider a lot in this game.
Now if everyone would be so kind as to donate 863 plat to Each new player they meet, we'll have a server full of happy New players
I expect you to start, mail the gent 863 plat LMAO
Seriously, to the OP
If you need anything send a tell in game, Always happy to help out new players and answer questions.
Officer of the Holy Warriors ~Deport the Halflings over to LOTR!
Main: Allistair Alts : Variant spellings of Allistair My friends know me as Alli as most alts name start with Alli
*2nd Account been playing since 04/06 and registered on forums 05/06 User name: Nefahrin
Nah, i have a basic understanding of economy here, I just saw all those things in the AH and assumed it was valuable for something, and presumed someone would want it here.
That is rather close to how tall i felt. I felt a little taller after throwing a comeback. About the size of a medium monstrous scorpion if i'd have to estimate XD
lol you're all like the only people so far who have been nice to me D:
Ironically thats very close to the amount i have in game. I have like 7-800, i can't remember. (and seeing how much i have and realizing how little that is in this worlds economy, us newbies don't have a good grasp on money i guess :P)
And I have a bunch of +1 and lesser blank bane items that I need to go throw in the AH for a few plat. So, I think i'm good on cash for now until i raise a few levels and need to start grinding dungeons or whatever it is you people here do to get money.
On a similar note, are there any like surefire easy ways to get cash and decent equips (other than to stupid sites like mmygold.com. I REFUSE TO PAY FOR MY GOLDZ)?
Ive reported this thread and asked that it be moved to the Argonnessen trading forums.
Binding is Admitting Defeat ~ YndrofianPlook~Squidgie~Eyern~Irnbru~Grotesque
Of The O.S.D, Argonnessen
Is this another failed attempt at insulting me? I don't get it.
Oh, and my toons name is Vengeancebot (note that vengeance is spelled thusly. Not "Vengance" as many people think it is spelled).
Oh, and I have yet another question. About how long do you suppose it takes (in levels) to get 400 rep so I can make a drow?
Last edited by fooker69; 07-18-2008 at 08:52 PM.
Not really...
There have been a larger than normal number of threads closed, deleted and (assumedly) resulting in infraction points handed out in the Argo forums in the last week or so....
I won't go into the reasons why, because they lock down threads that talk about locked threads. (there is no fight club)
But from the general tone of the first few responses to your thread so far, it's got potential.![]()
Osharan, Esharan, Osharina, Usharina, etc... I'm the 'sharans. Epoxy. Notverysexy.
I've taken the craft disturbing mental image feat... You have been warned!
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