There are several ways to get it. But the others probably don't fit what you want.
WF, Wiz, Dragon Mark of repairing.
But way of the mechanic allows it too. Only prob is you can't take Way of the mechanic until 6th lvl. (6.1 or 2 actually I think...then you need 2 more AP for K-9) Some of the other ways can give you the dog at lvl 1.
I think Way of the Mechanic and Dragon Marks of Passage are a must. High Int, and Cha.....find a balance that you can live with for the rest.
Maybe mix Brd, but a Rog can have UMD as a class skill too, and can have a high Cha too.
Oh, Insightful Reflexes is good for a High Int Rog.
Decide what spells you think would be nice, and see if you will be satisfied to use UMD. Look at the bard abilities and decided if you want bard or not.
Sry, I don't really have a specific build.....just suggestions, guidelines.
Seems he should be a lock/trapsmth. If only the devs would give you a sonicscrewdriver to replace those lockpicks.
The high lvl Rogue feats seem appropriate to me as well.
It's a hard call whether to mix with bard or not.
Seems to me you will get a lot of suggestions that make him more of a combatant. But then again, in DDO, it's hard to have a good char who is not a combatant.
I have a WF High Int Rog Mechanic. He is difficult to play, since he really is not very good in combat. His Sneak Attack damage is decent but he can't hit anything.
But if I had endless money and infinate backpack space, I could see ways for him to contribute.
if you do go with a Rog/Brd mix, take a higher Cha than Int. Use Glitterdust and get those sneakattacks in.
Curious: What name will you use?