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  1. #1
    Community Member Belwaar's Avatar
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    Default What are some Monsters that you'd like to See Implemented in DDO in the future? everyone's talking about what's WRONG with the game and all that...blah why not a "happier" topic?

    Pull out your Monster Manuals! What are some monsters that you'd like to see in the game??

    Personally...I'd like to see more dragons, but the good ones (gold, silver, etc.). I think it'd be cool to do have like a Dragon War, where you'd do quests for the "good" dragons and eventually lead up to some crazy-ass raid where you had good vs. evil dragons waging war in the background or something...

    Just a thought...

    I'd also like to see a COLD weather area where you could fight Yetis, and other creatures of the North; sorta Icewind Dale like..

    Just ideas...
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  2. #2


    Quote Originally Posted by Belwaar View Post
    I'd also like to see a COLD weather area where you could fight Yetis, and other creatures of the North; sorta Icewind Dale like..
    In Xen'drik they'd be creatures of the South.

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  3. #3
    Community Member Belwaar's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by MysticTheurge View Post
    In Xen'drik they'd be creatures of the South.

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  4. #4
    Community Member Xaearth's Avatar
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    Personally, I'm hoping in our travels to Shavarath in the future that we will encounter a few of the big nasties from the other side of the battleground. I think it would be awesome if we ended up having to fight a Balor Lord to convince the demons to help our meager force from Stormreach assault the devils on their home turf.
    Perhaps we convince the demon forces to launch an attack against the devils as a diversion. Sure, some of the pallies out there might not like it, but do you really expect 12 non-epic level adventurers to take on the full force of Shavarath alone?
    Mror Hold, 2nd in command - Thelanis
    Why am I a disgruntled vet? I could care less about nerfs, if the rest of the update worked.
    I hate epic, GSF !="generalist wizard", and my raid loot luck still *'in sucks.

  5. #5
    Community Member Jixxel's Avatar
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    These are just a few of my favorite things.... an Aboleth or maybe a gibbering mouther. How bout Ettins? Or maybe carrion crawlers or a displacer beast the doom of all low lvl toons? Bring in the Frost and Fire giants. Maybe have a couple of Harpies fly in for the weekend and we could get a banshee to spoil the show.

  6. #6


    Quote Originally Posted by Jixxel View Post
    gibbering mouther
    The 4E MM has what amounts to a Gibbering Beholder. It's kind of a scary thought, but it would be pretty awesome to see.
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  7. #7
    Founder Garth_of_Sarlona's Avatar
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    A hydra as a raid boss would be cool, with a neato mechanic where you had to kill her in a special way (a bit like the Hound or Titan raids)


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  8. #8
    Founder Hobble_Gobble's Avatar
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    Default Show me your chest!

    No, not know...Mimics! Make it so any random chest could turn into a mimic of appropriate level. How awesome would it be if the last three or four chests in a Reaver run all turned out to be mimics! LMAO. Naturally after the vile creatures were dispatched, the intended chests would have to spawn or the loot *****s (like myself) might complain.
    Happy Hunting

  9. #9
    The Hatchery dejafu's Avatar
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    Well, it seems obvious to me who the new raid boss should be once the level cap hits 20:

    The Tarrasque

    It makes extra sense since the Xendrik book even implies that the Tarrasque is sleeping somewhere underneath the continent.

    As for the location of the raid, have it barreling towards Stormreach from the far end of the Cerulean Hills, with the party starting at the city gates. The party has to prevent it from reaching the gates at all costs

  10. #10
    Community Member Indrn_Fretgoop's Avatar
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    booo u stole my level 20 raid idea i've been talking boiut tarrasque level 20 raid for ever!! and the pre raid would be the quest to get a god to grant us the killing blow wish
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  11. #11
    Founder Vorn's Avatar
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    A dragon turtle.


    Vorn, 30 Fighter

  12. #12
    Community Member Belwaar's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by willphase View Post
    A hydra as a raid boss would be cool, with a neato mechanic where you had to kill her in a special way (a bit like the Hound or Titan raids)

    Love that idea! How cool would it be to fight a Hydra? The only game where I've seen it done...and done nicely...was in God of War

    Yeah...we totally need some EPIC monsters. And by EPIC, i mean HUGE/MONSTROUS, like Vale. I want to take on a some crazy-ass 100ft tall monster. That would be just insane.

    I was totally having a flash back to my Baldur's Gate/Icewind Dale days...some Myconids would be really cool. Give the kobolds a break and add some gibberlings for low lvl bashing! Throw some Basilisks (spelling?) in the Subterrane (add those Myconids too!) I love the Monster Manuals b/c there's SOOOO many different types of monsters, and we don't have a whole lot of actual DIFFERENT varieties of monsters. Sure, we have 200 varites of the kobold, gnoll, etc. It'd be nice for some newer creatures to come out and play :P
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  13. #13



    Especially mutant Tyrannosauruses named Two-Maws!

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  14. #14
    The Hatchery dejafu's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Indrn Fretgoop View Post
    booo u stole my level 20 raid idea i've been talking boiut tarrasque level 20 raid for ever!! and the pre raid would be the quest to get a god to grant us the killing blow wish
    My bad, dude. But hey, the more people who suggest it, the more likely it'll happen, yes?

  15. #15
    Community Member Quanefel's Avatar
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    and many others....any new monster would be great.

    Edit! Yes to cold based creatures, why do we not have a cold based slayer area/quests yet? I personally would love it. Course, I like cold weather anyways.
    Proud Leader of the Shadowhand.

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  16. #16
    Community Member Belwaar's Avatar
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    and many others....any new monster would be great.

    Edit! Yes to cold based creatures, why do we not have a cold based slayer area/quests yet? I personally would love it. Course, I like cold weather anyways.[/

    I think it's just a matter of time. We have a lot of stereotype settings developed, i.e. Desert, Coast, Jungle/Forest, Barren wastelands, etc. The only "typical" setting we don't have yet is a cold one. I think we'll get one; I'd be really surprised if we didn't. I'm a bit sick of fighting devils...don't get me wrong, I really enjoy the new content, but I'm ready for a serious change. We need a new setting and I think a cold setting would be fantastic. Frost Giants, yetis, frost wolves, etc. would be a alot of fun. Could break out those old flaming burst weapons

    I just thought about this...going back to the'd be a really cool way to add a major quest or even a raid to 3BC...fight the Hydra on a big ship (similar to God of War). I think the newly revamped 3BC is amazing, but needs more quests or even just a raid and I think the Hydra idea would be sooooooo much fun.

    Anyways...back to work!
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  17. #17
    The Hatchery dejafu's Avatar
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    Some other ideas:

    The Inspired! We've already got hints of the Quori in DDO, now let's see their main minions in action. Have a series of mid and high level quests where Inspired agents from Dar Qat (the only other major city in Xendrik, and an Inspired stronghold) have begun to infiltrate the major power bases in Stormreach, all part of a sinister plan to let the Quori manifest physically on Eberron. This would also be a neat opportunity to introduce some psionic loot - implementing the classes may be too much (and redundant with the spell point system), but some psionic flavored items shouldn't be too much of a coding trick!

    Titans! True giants that have been in a deep slumber since the fall of their empire thousands of years ago have begun to awaken, and boy are they ****ed.

    Invasion of the Paragon Kobolds! The heirs of Kasquik the Mighty have decided to take it upon themselves to avenge the death of the kobold hero, and are flooding the old stomping grounds of their lesser kin.

    Thri-kreen! The mantis warriors have declared war on the gnolls of the desert, and the sniveling hyenamen are willing to pay big money to any adventurers who will protect them from extinction.




    Dogs and cats living together!

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  18. #18
    Community Member Belwaar's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by dejafu View Post
    Some other ideas:

    The Inspired! We've already got hints of the Quori in DDO, now let's see their main minions in action. Have a series of mid and high level quests where Inspired agents from Dar Qat (the only other major city in Xendrik, and an Inspired stronghold) have begun to infiltrate the major power bases in Stormreach, all part of a sinister plan to let the Quori manifest physically on Eberron. This would also be a neat opportunity to introduce some psionic loot - implementing the classes may be too much (and redundant with the spell point system), but some psionic flavored items shouldn't be too much of a coding trick!

    Titans! True giants that have been in a deep slumber since the fall of their empire thousands of years ago have begun to awaken, and boy are they ****ed.

    Invasion of the Paragon Kobolds! The heirs of Kasquik the Mighty have decided to take it upon themselves to avenge the death of the kobold hero, and are flooding the old stomping grounds of their lesser kin.

    Thri-kreen! The mantis warriors have declared war on the gnolls of the desert, and the sniveling hyenamen are willing to pay big money to any adventurers who will protect them from extinction.




    Dogs and cats living together!

    Mass hysteria!!!!
    I totally forgot about them! That's a good idea too. I need to go play Baldur's Gate II again....I miss the game insane amount of content...good time!

    We need some Umber Hulks!
    S E N T I N E L S
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  19. #19
    Community Member elraido's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by dejafu View Post
    Well, it seems obvious to me who the new raid boss should be once the level cap hits 20:

    The Tarrasque

    It makes extra sense since the Xendrik book even implies that the Tarrasque is sleeping somewhere underneath the continent.

    As for the location of the raid, have it barreling towards Stormreach from the far end of the Cerulean Hills, with the party starting at the city gates. The party has to prevent it from reaching the gates at all costs
    Darn it, beat me to it. Maybe I will make him my mount to ride into combat....
    Last edited by elraido; 07-15-2008 at 05:26 PM.
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  20. #20
    The Hatchery sirgog's Avatar
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    I posted a thread like this about 2 months ago, had some great ideas in it by the time it had 70 or so replies.

    My #1: Mithril Golems. Those things are mean, and should have saves high enough that smiting won't be very effective.

    #2: Frost Giants. Enough said.

    #3: More dragons. Remember, it's an Eberron setting, so metallic dragons can be evil too :-)

    #4: Might be hard to do, and extremely hard to do justice to, but a Behir.
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