It isn't O-S-C-A-R, but what it is is beside the point. Also, this isn't a rant or a plea for change or anything of the sort. I just think it is an interesting pneomenon, and one that has been going on for 30 years in D+D, and every other role playing game in which there is a healer-type. So I don't see it ever changing.
Is any other class so often called by their class and not their name? We are so often exclusively referred to as The Cleric.
"Where is The Cleric?"
"How did The Cleric get aggro there?"
"We have to wait for The Cleric to get back from the shrine."
"Please give any cure wands you get from chests to The Cleric."
It has always been thus. When I played PnP, I had a DM who would regularly stop action cold when someone asked The Cleric to do something, saying that there was no one in the room with the name The Cleric. It happened in every game (like GURPS) that had a healing type, whether they were officially called Clerics or not. I have no doubt it would occur in Avalon Hill games if it was in any way applicable ("Please send The Cleric to the 24th Panzer Division, it is surrounded in Stalingrad! Hurry!!1!).
I guess I have heard The Rogue a few times, but that is the only other class I can think of for which this ever occurs, and nothing even close to the scale for which it happens to Clerics. I'll leave it to the deconstructionists to discern what this says about how the Cleric class is objectified and oppressed, etc, blah blah yawn yawn. In the meantime, I just think it is interesting to note.
Has anyone else noticed this? What do you think about it? Short of a live DM like I had that actually penalized people for doing it, do you think anything can or should be done to try to counter it? Do Clerics need to hire a Madison Avenue public relations consultant to be seen as anything other than a tool for the use of someone else? Or do you think that it is overly sensitive to see things this sort of thing in this light, and that The Cleric isn't representing any objectification at all? Or do you think we all just objectify each other all the time no matter what we call each other so get over it? Discuss....