A friend of mine quit the game just before the level cap went from 10 to 12. He recently re-activated his account but won't really be playing much until the fall. I'm helping level up his Dwarf Fighter so that he'll have one character playable at end-game content.
This is a 28 pt lawful good Dwarf Fighter built with 18 STR and 18 CON. Which means pretty much every other stat was dumped. 10 DEX means he'll never have a great AC. CHA 6 means despite being lawful good a Pally splash doesn't help much. And lawful means no Barbarian splash, which might have been a good fit.
So far I've kept him pure fighter, leveling him from 9th to 14th. I sharded in toughness and all the full 2H fighting chain, to go with the cleave chain he already had. I figured with no AC but a high STR/CON, might as well go full offensive. To not be a total healing sponge, I mainly use a paralyzing greataxe of PG. Between glancing blows and a the cleaves, it's a surprising amount of crowd control while still doing nice damage with PA.
Any other ideas for how best to maximize this build? I go with the Giant relic plate mail, for the DR3/- from the adamantine. I ask for rage if casters have it, otherwise carry a lot of pots. Also wear the Madstone boots.
Main weakness is probably the Will save, but don't yet have a head of good fortune. Could take Iron Will at 15th or 16th for that too. And lack of self-healing. I don't have any melee characters on my own account that don't have at least either UMD or 1+ level of Ranger or Pally for wand usage. Not sure if 1-2 Ranger levels make sense either given the 10 base DEX.
All that, stick with pure Fighter for 15th-16th? Any other feat recommendations or play suggestions? To me it just seemed as-build this needed to be a 2H max-DPS focus, but wanted to see if I might be missing something.