Hello everyone,
I want to create a ranger now that the monk has arrived. I have been looking over the forum and was intrigued by Illuminati's Iron Monk build, along with advice from yaga nub and wolfy.
I love pvp so please keep this in mind. I'm thinking of:
12/2/2 ranger pally monk mix
12 +6 item=18
17 +5 enhancement +6 item +2 tome=30
14 +6 item=20
12 +1 tome=13
15(+1 wis from monk? +2 tome +6 item=24
8 +6item=14
5 feats from 12 ranger
weapon finesse
???? maybe power attack
spring attack
combat expertise
3 feats from monk
I'm thinking the 2nd monk is better then a 3rd level of pally since I get a free feat and with the +1 wis from the monk I also get the +1 ac. lvl 15 ranger doesn't entice me too much +2 damage to one monster type.
I may have given myself too many feats here since I can't find a character generator that has included the monk? Please let me know if you see any flaws in this build idea? Any ideas on how I can improve him? What order should I take the classes? I would like to roll this guy tonight :P Please hurry.