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  1. #1
    Community Member babygirl's Avatar
    Join Date
    Nov 2006

    Default Trade Chat Channel

    I have posted this thread to let those of you that dont know about the creation of a trade chat channel, so many ppl get banned for putting up trading lfm's yes I know its silly but it happens. When you go on the game simply type '/joinchannel trades' after you type that it will be added, the colour of the text you might want to change cause it will come up the same colour as your tells and for some it may be confusing, to type in the trade channel you can simply add a new window with incoming and outgoing only set to userchannel1 or whichever it is for you or you can simply respond by typing /uc1 or the channel number it is for you then type your message, you cant see all text in your general chat window. Just thought I would share this information with all of you that dont already know about it. So add it and you never know you made find something good out of it Also the toon you add it on will be the only toon that has it if you want it on every toon you have to add it on every toon.
    Last edited by babygirl; 07-13-2008 at 12:05 PM.

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