Sunday july 13th at approx 3pm cst STORMBRINGERS will be hosting a welcome to Argo party; located in the harbor in the habormaster area. There will be giveaways of lowbie items and even a few really nice items. We know how hard it can be to get a lowbie going especially if you are new to the game. We will have all races and classes represented to answer both quest and build questions. We believe that the way to keep this game strong and continue the legend of ARGO, it is of the utmost importance to give newbies a great headstart.
We will be offering recruiting to our guild but this IS NOT the purpose of this party. We really want to show people how friendly and helpful this server can be. We hope that you do decide to apply to our guild, however since we have made many friends in many great guilds,we may not be the guild for you, so we can certainly point you in the right direction.....(although we want first shot at you LOL). STORMBRINGERS also sponsors the ARGOKIDS guild for kids to age 14, with their own website and access to our forums for help with builds, quests etc. Our main REQUIREMENT to be a STORMBRINGER is that you wear that badge with pride.. and you treat both guildies and nonguildies with the utmost respect.
STORMBRINGERS is a founding guild here on ARGO and are very proud to still be going strong. We believe that everyone that plays this game should have access to friends and alliance guilds for raids, special events etc. I feel fortunate to have made many great friends in so many of the big guilds here on ARGO..we want YOU to have the same experience that we have had. And we are here to help you make that happen
PLEASE join STORMBRINGERS Sunday at 3pm cst at the harbormaster area in the harbor
UGHH, proud leader of STORMBRINGERS