Originally Posted by
Thank you for your kind words about my clericing. However you have made it so I will post again.
PvP doesn't benefit me. It will never benefit me. Then again, though I realize this is my opinion, however, I remember Struggling in the Crossroads foreve rhoping I wouldn't die by the hands of Alliance over and over cuz had no money to repair my items or worse, the quest giver is killed and now I have to wait 10 minurtes for him to respawn then it starts again. I understand private instances, too, so things like this wouldn't happen.
Here is what I really hate about PvP. You all going to deny this, but I see it happening. We get the PvP. The masses rejoice!! However, because you do not get anything for it (or it is junk) all you get is bragging rights. Sad, really, after all the devs spent alot of time and money into it. All the new players are mad cuz its nothing like PvP over at XYZ game and start complaining on the forums.
So a reward system is revamped and now it is more viable to play PvP. The masses again, rejoice!! More people join the game and Turbine has more money now from his red-headed bastard child than from LotRO. Revenge is so sweet. So I log in, not interested at all with PvP. Bunch of players in the harbor talking smack over general. They are waiting to go into whatever Pvp area they want. LFMs a tonne of PvP, wit ha few questers in between. Now it takes forever to get a party for TS together, meanwhile, I being goaded by random players into going into a PvP with them. I answer no, their tone gets nasty. I report them, well, we know how that really works.
Meanwhile, Plat farmers everywhere, with general spam going up every 5 minutes in the high traffic PvP loading areas. LAG, ensues. Money can be made from guys who don't want to take the time and effort to "grind." Even if XP isn't awarded for PvP, the fast level service that many of the farmers offer will be popular.
Oh. wait!! It's another SERVER. your server stays exactly like it is. Well, according to this thread, there would be a tonne of people in a mass exodus to the PvP server. Now the normal old severs will yet again shrink.
And the money aspect. It all comes down to how much Turbine is banking. If everyone goes to PvP, either servers or within the current servers, and it attracts more people, thus making more money, they are going to spend more time and money on PvP. Oh, I'm sure the original plan to use slayer quests as PvP areas was a good start, now the majority masses want more. I'm not talking about the old players who want PvP. We are talking about all new players who, rightly, came from AoC WOW and others to DDO. Now the Devs spend more time and money on the PvP aspects of DDO. That;s where the money is, right? Gotta get more customers. Nothing wrong about expanding the game, right? Grinding is so dull, PvP is the wave that all MMOs are riding on, so it's gotta work, right?
Now the original game is in all aspects, dead. Oh, might put a quest or two in for items, but refining the PvP areas are far more important. The few of us left on the original server, or worse on the same server with our friends only to find out all the do is PvP. They already had the characters capped, so they are ahead of the game. SOme of Permadeath people will be around, and the Rpers, and the ones who liked playing the game for what it was, a game. Finally, you'll start to see them go away, one by one. THe abuse from the PvP players both on servers and/or in the forums got to a point that they could not handle. this was not the game they joined up for. Hey, that's progress. Gotta kill a few trees.
Will it happen? I bet my car on it. Why? Cuz we are humans.
Well, that's not going to happen, you are just a doomsayer. PvP will help DDO. You forget the crowd that you will be attracting. Not NEW people, like new to MMO people, but people from EQ, AoC, WoW, etc. who have certain expectations about PvP, and for Turbine to keep them here, they cannot afford to do it half done. Going all the way will not make it optional. PvP in WoW is "optional" but I am still effected by it. The Economy is effected by it. New content will be affected by it. The forums will be effected by it. Why? Because you change the mechanics of what is DDO. You would have to, in order for PvP to work effectivaly in DDO. THe reasons we stayed or kept coming back.
If PvP is put on any larger scale than what it is now, it will kill the spirit of the game. Which was party questing. Which is the spirit of D&D. when Gary created it, it wsn't for all his friends to beat up on each other, but work as a team and beat up on the enemy.
Old fashioned? Maybe. But, according to the OP's vast opinion of me, I know nothing about economics, so my opinion doesn't matter. So I guess it won't matter when you all win and get your day as PvPers, me and my husband's 60 dollars amonth will not be there to fund further ego stroking of the young and foolish. And all of you who wanted it that are in the game right now, and probably would have been honest and fair and non abusive of the system (meaning Bet, and the others) are stuck with all riff raff from other games who don't even know who Arlos is: have fun. YOu were right, it help Turbine make more money and in return put more money into the game.
In the wrong place.
Then again, I know nothing about economics and I should read a book before even bothering to read this thread. After all, I'm a stupid troll who can't read.
So, go ahead and complain about Shroud grinders, or Reaver grinders. I do. GO ahead and complain about me, I find it amusing 5 pages in, I am still being quoted. Mock my vocabulary if you want. Only one person has actually clarified his post with me in a PM, and that I thank you. Will I change your mind about it? No, don't think so. Nor will you change mine. But the OP asked for opinions, and here's mine. Again. However, it may have not enough large words or elaborate meaning for the OP.