Hey all,

still on a search for WOP rapier that evades me....after 2+ years or however long DDO has been around I cant seem to pull one.

Willing to trade pretty heavy for it. Here are some items I have, i know the value to most for WOP rapier is very very high, but maybe someone has one on an alt they don't play so much and don't mind losing the 5-10% crit range in a trade.....I still hold hope.

+1 WOP short sword no rr
+2 cha tome (2)
I have another +2 tome, but need to verify which think Str but not 100% sure.
GT light repeater of Disruption
shock light repeater of disruption
planar girdes
+6 stat items
L. ingred
Green steel necklace
med ingred

let me know if you want to try and put a deal together......help a poor ranger out please! lol
