I started playing DDO a week ago and managed to bring some friends along with me so we've been running our own little group when we can. So far I've kinda been the "tank" since I'm the only one in heavy armor, I never really built or planned to tank when I rolled my paladin so my first question is : How long will I be able to continue tanking before my AC stops holding up and how important will it be as we level? We're a pretty casual group so I'm only really expecting to do normal/hard.. might do some elite if I can get a group as a 2nd melee I guess but from what I've read, probably not gonna happen as a dps paladin. (Group so far is Paladin/Fighter, Rogue, Cleric, Monk, Wizard).
My second question.. I was planning on going Paladin 12/Fighter 4 but I'm wondering if it's worth it to add 2 rogue and get evasion for a dps build? If it's not, would 1 level of rogue be worth it to get max UMD? So either end up Paladin 11/Fighter 3/rogue 2 or Paladin 11/Fighter 4/Rogue 1? I'd post the builds I was debating but the character generator keeps crashing on me. On that note, any suggestions for levels, enhancements or feats for a THF paladin would be appreciated.