I have a capped cleric amongst several other capped characters. My cleric, however is the first character that I ever rolled and is now more than two years old. He's a 28 pt build and for the most part is nothing but a heal-bot that I only bring out to run raids with. He's not very fun to play and really needs a complete over-haul, which is where this crowd comes in. I need a new cleric, one that can take a punch, use effective crowd control, and maybe even swing an axe. I don't care about having DVs, which is why I'm leaning towards a Dwarf. This cleric can be pure or multi so long as it remains mostly cleric. I can make 32 point builds, have access to all +1 tomes, and good gear. If you have a good cleric that fits into some of these categories please jot it down, I'm open to any and all suggestions. My initial thought is to build a dwarf Cleric 15/Ftr 1 with the following stats:
Str: 16 (+2 Tome, +6 Item)=24
Dex:9 (+1 Tome, +6 Item)=16
Con: 17 (+1 Tome, +6 Item, +2 Dwaven Con)=26
int:8 (dump)
Wisdom: 17 (+2 Tome, +4 level, +6 Item, +3 Enhancement)=32
Char:6 (Dump)