Ok, i finally decided that iv gone long enough without a wounding puncturing rapier. I am willing to part with some of my power loot in order to get my hands on one. you may pick two (2) items from the following list. This is first come, first serve...
+3 Wounding Dagger of Puncturing, rr Half-Orc
a golfball-sized chunk of Starmetal
rapier of unfairness
Seven League Boots
Syberis/Khyber bronze bookends
+2 vorpal cardboard longsword
1000 small metal disks
25 green dragon scales
the three-handed sword
Coyle Lovell action figure
Bloodstone (not the seeker 6 kind, the regular kind)
sword of ogre decapatation
continuum transfunctioner
+5 holy burst spiked chain of pure good
tempest tongs
coupon for a free pony ride