^_^ running on a idea the good Doctorwhofan gave me I decided to start a thread about the silly things in game we girl gamers have put up with. Now mind you I know that there is no way we can keep this strictly girls only so im putting it for guys who have played females to post to. Cause lets face it even guys who play female characters (specially if they are cute elves) have had the random player who falls over their feet to impress them.
funny things that have happened to me in game so far:
1. first week in had offers of marriage proposed, had several high end items just given to me. Oh man did I get teased ummercifully from some of my former guild mate for it. But I cant blame them when someone just gives you a pearl of power X item that says something.
2. Had men insist on telling me the ins and outs of not only DDO (which at first I didnt mind because this is technically my first mmo ive tried others couldnt get past the building part cause the graphics were ugly and just couldnt do wow cause too many people from another game I knew played and they were too hardcore ie call me up middle of the night even though I have a kid to play types). But then tell me how to play PNP which ive played for well over 10 years now just cracks me up.
3. Will make all sorts of dude references then apologize when they hear my voice "oh wow your a girl..wait really your female.." hehe still makes me laugh
4. bad awful terrible jokes I mean some where I couldnt even force a laugh and almost felt bad cause you could tell they were trying but ugh just painful attempts at humor.
5. the ladder thing and I know some of you guys dont think we girls know what your doing, but their isnt any real reason to linger on a ladder while were climbing up above you so stop it already LOL. Not like ya can see anything anyway.
Also the funniest thing I had happen when I first started with kalari I had no idea that when you removed your robe you were pretty much standing around in brown skivvies. Well I was in the market place took off my robe to try another and must have had the skivvies on too long cause a guy walked up and bowed to me Lmao that was the best.
K guys and gals im sure you have your own tales, and heck there might even be some guys who had to deal with crazy gamer chicks. This thread is open for all your tales of fun and woe.