Ok, I have a human 3/2 barb/ranger currently.. Going for HV:IV, all the barb rage enhancements, PS,IPS, manyshot of course, and there is room for whatever in the end.
The debate is whether or not I should swap diehard for ITWF at level 6, so I could switch to 2 weapons during MS cooldown.
I believe by the time I get to making a tier 3 pos bow, there is no way i'm switching off it - unless I have a w/p bow ;-). But until my base attack bonus allows me to fire 4 arrows at once, let's face it my manyshot will be nice - but it won't seal the deal. I'm looking for a middle ground in which I can have max dps for my build pre level 10. Once I have nice power 5 bows, I believe things will look better for the 24/7 bowman.
So I would appreciate those that actualy have this build discuss the best option for me right now to maximize this sick build.
Just for ease of posters,I will give a brief description of my build projected to level 16.
Torbjorn: 14/2 barb/ranger Human.
Base stats:
STR 17
DEX 17
CON 14
L1 point blank shot; Diehard (barb) +1 STR tome used, +1 Dex tome used
L2 (ranger)
L3 Precise shot (ranger)
L4 (barb) +1 STR
L5 (barb)
L6 Many Shot (Swap Diehard for Improved Two-Weapon Fighting) (barb)
L7 (barb)
L8 (Barb) +1 DEX
L9 Improved Critical: Ranged (barb)
L10 (barb)
L11 (barb)
L12 Improved Precise Shot, +1 STR (barb)
L13 (barb)
L14 (barb)
L15 ( GTWF?/Iron Will?) (barb)
L16 (barb) +1 STR
side note: I chose true neutral alignment for a slightly better ac, and a measly bonus to saves. However I would like suggestions on how to play this alignment effectively - other than the obvious can't use PG weapons and should opt for stability armour)
thx in advance