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  1. #1
    Community Member avatar28's Avatar
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    Default a debate for those who built ranged barbs

    Ok, I have a human 3/2 barb/ranger currently.. Going for HV:IV, all the barb rage enhancements, PS,IPS, manyshot of course, and there is room for whatever in the end.

    The debate is whether or not I should swap diehard for ITWF at level 6, so I could switch to 2 weapons during MS cooldown.
    I believe by the time I get to making a tier 3 pos bow, there is no way i'm switching off it - unless I have a w/p bow ;-). But until my base attack bonus allows me to fire 4 arrows at once, let's face it my manyshot will be nice - but it won't seal the deal. I'm looking for a middle ground in which I can have max dps for my build pre level 10. Once I have nice power 5 bows, I believe things will look better for the 24/7 bowman.
    So I would appreciate those that actualy have this build discuss the best option for me right now to maximize this sick build.

    Just for ease of posters,I will give a brief description of my build projected to level 16.

    Torbjorn: 14/2 barb/ranger Human.

    Base stats:
    STR 17
    DEX 17
    CON 14
    INT 8
    WIS 8
    CHA 8

    L1 point blank shot; Diehard (barb) +1 STR tome used, +1 Dex tome used
    L2 (ranger)
    L3 Precise shot (ranger)
    L4 (barb) +1 STR
    L5 (barb)
    L6 Many Shot (Swap Diehard for Improved Two-Weapon Fighting) (barb)
    L7 (barb)
    L8 (Barb) +1 DEX
    L9 Improved Critical: Ranged (barb)
    L10 (barb)
    L11 (barb)
    L12 Improved Precise Shot, +1 STR (barb)
    L13 (barb)
    L14 (barb)
    L15 ( GTWF?/Iron Will?) (barb)
    L16 (barb) +1 STR

    side note: I chose true neutral alignment for a slightly better ac, and a measly bonus to saves. However I would like suggestions on how to play this alignment effectively - other than the obvious can't use PG weapons and should opt for stability armour)

    thx in advance

  2. #2
    Uber Completionist Lithic's Avatar
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    I know Diehard was a great movie, but it makes a sub-par feat. All it does is auto-stabilize you between 0 and -9hp. If you are in a party, being brought up from incap is easy, so this really only helps often if you are solo (And it helps MUCH more at low levels than it does past lvl 10).

    In any case, the game keeps track of which feat was taken when. This means the game knows you took diehard at lvl 1 when you had a +1 base attack bonus (+1BAB). This means it will not let you trade it for any feat with a requirement of more than +1BAB. Since ITWF has a BAB requirement of +6, the exchange you are proposing is impossible.

    What you may want to do is swap Diehard for powerattack. Powerattack is always nice for a barbarian,though more so if you are using 2handed weapons. Powerattack also has no prereqs, so can be taken at lvl 1.

    Another thing you are forgetting, is that many shot is ONLY available to lvl 6 rangers. No other class can select it unless they take 6 ranger levels (in which case it is free). The value of precise and improved precise shot is also questionable, but that is your choice of course
    Star Firefall
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  3. #3


    Quote Originally Posted by Lithic
    Another thing you are forgetting, is that many shot is ONLY available to lvl 6 rangers. No other class can select it unless they take 6 ranger levels (in which case it is free).
    Manyshot has the prerequisites of: BAB 6, DEX 17, Point Blank Shot, and Rapid Shot. No where in there does it specify that you must be a Ranger to take the feat.
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  4. #4
    Uber Completionist Lithic's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by MrCow View Post
    Manyshot has the prerequisites of: BAB 6, DEX 17, Point Blank Shot, and Rapid Shot. No where in there does it specify that you must be a Ranger to take the feat.
    Well if thats true, then I guess you learn somethig every day. Assuming of course that non-rangers can take it, and the description isn't just a mistake of course
    Last edited by Lithic; 07-08-2008 at 03:50 PM.
    Star Firefall
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  5. #5
    Community Member Hanam's Avatar
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    It's actually funny. Manyshot's amount of arrows is based off BAB. So, a barb 14/2 ranger has a potentially stronger manyshot than a pure ranger. Crit rage II vs rams might and favored enemy.

  6. #6
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    Quote Originally Posted by Hanam View Post
    It's actually funny. Manyshot's amount of arrows is based off BAB. So, a barb 14/2 ranger has a potentially stronger manyshot than a pure ranger. Crit rage II vs rams might and favored enemy.

    They are both 1:1 BAB Classes. There is no difference.

    (ANd yes, Manyshot can be taken as a Standard feat as long as you hit the prereqs)
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    Quote Originally Posted by Severlin View Post
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  7. #7
    Community Member redoubt's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Lithic View Post
    Well if thats true, then I guess you learn somethig every day. Assuming of course that non-rangers can take it, and the description isn't just a mistake of course
    My elf bowbarian took many shot at level 6 when he was 2 ranger/4 barb

  8. #8
    Community Member Kraak's Avatar
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    Replied to your PM. Also, Allendale's right about the feat progression. You're not going to be able to get to GTWF yet because the Human feat is a first level feat. Great idea though. I was thinking about it for level 18 but I'm primarily ranged. The only time I melee is vorp orthon's and devil's in the Shroud. BTW, people can say what they want but my str gimped ranger's max crit is only a couple of point short of my max crit on my Bongolion. Kraakakhan's still a fun build and have a great time running her. Other than the feat progression, it looks like everything else is solid. GL

  9. #9
    Community Member avatar28's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Lithic View Post
    Another thing you are forgetting, is that many shot is ONLY available to lvl 6 rangers. No other class can select it unless they take 6 ranger levels (in which case it is free). The value of precise and improved precise shot is also questionable, but that is your choice of course
    This is absolutely false.. ask any of the number of posters from other ranged builds who have 14/2 barb/ranger capped toons, or ask me who has a barb/ranger/fighter toon.. all you need is rapid shot,point blank shot, and whatever the BAB is +5 or +6.

    The value of IPS is not even arguable. IPS is a more valued feat then stunning blow,improved trip,sap,or cleave in the hands of an experienced bower. If used correctly, you can kite around mobs to line up and target the back one - coupled with many shot means the 3 monsters you are hitting simutaneously with capped Many Shot are getting all hit at the same time.. spewing 12 red numbers on your screen.. oh and double raged, crit II....means you've just cleared the room in about 3 seconds.

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