it is true becouse we have tweaked this game and becouse devs build the game around us tweaked players the monks are not up to snuff when it comes to hanging for the most part they cant hang but enstead of crying over this lets bring ideas so the devs know what to do to help correct this oversight i give three ideas myself good or bad it what i would like to see.
1. a improved crit modifer line like you see for barb rage( do to the monk study into hand to hand arts his attack do more damage or somthing like that)
2. turn on special attacks yes what i mean if you have the kie you turn on a specail attack and the kie get used everytime you attack regardless if you hit or not when the attack is turned on.
3. change the crit modifer for the handwraps
if anyone has better idea please post them here or have fun flaming me