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  1. #1
    Community Member Pellegro's Avatar
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    Default Long-Shot Suggestion: Reduce Shroud Timer

    This is a long shot, but I would personally find much more pleasure in the game if I could run the Shroud at least once daily on any one of my characters. I like collecting the ingredients because I enjoy making the greensteel items & weapons.

    I recognize this is a longshot, but since it would add to the "fun" factor for me, I throw it out there for consideration.

    Please reduce the shroud timer to 24 hours.

    Thank you.

  2. #2
    Community Member debo's Avatar
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  3. #3
    Founder Drider's Avatar
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    Roll more toons.. no need to change raid timers.

  4. #4
    Community Member Kris_P._Letus's Avatar
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    VERY much a long shot!!

    while yer at it, devs, i run the dragon series quite alot, as i would like to get the sword of shadows. i think it would be really fun to swing that bad boy around. could you possibly make it where you can do that dragon like any other quest? no timer at all? or, just give me my sword so i dont have to run her anymore. im getting kind of tired of running the series, and its taking the fun out of my game.

    in all seriousness op, why dont you just do that whole recall out of the shroud before the alter is purified, so you can just run parts 1-3 over n over n over to farm?

  5. #5
    Community Member Laith's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Kris P. Letus View Post
    in all seriousness op, why dont you just do that whole recall out of the shroud before the alter is purified, so you can just run parts 1-3 over n over n over to farm?
    doesn't get him to his tomes or cleansing any quicker

  6. #6
    Community Member Kris_P._Letus's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Laith View Post
    doesn't get him to his tomes or cleansing any quicker
    ohhhhhhhh yeah....fergot about that part....

  7. #7
    Community Member Gunga's Avatar
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    Put yourself out there, didn't ya.

  8. #8
    Community Member Pellegro's Avatar
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    Wow. All that hostility.

    I'm not asking for an insta-win or a "give me loot X". Recalling out is pointless because you seldom get larges in part 4 and yes, I do want the larges ....

    I'm just saying I've been kinda bored lately and wishing that I could jump into a shroud run.

    Its the diff. between once every 3 days and once a day ... really not that huge a diff.

    I guess the completions would be an issue however as I'd hit 20 alot faster. I didn't think of that. I really don't care about that.

    I just enjoy the quest .... but hey -- zing away !

  9. #9
    Community Member Kris_P._Letus's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Pellegro View Post
    Wow. All that hostility.

    I'm not asking for an insta-win or a "give me loot X". Recalling out is pointless because you seldom get larges in part 4 and yes, I do want the larges ....

    I'm just saying I've been kinda bored lately and wishing that I could jump into a shroud run.

    Its the diff. between once every 3 days and once a day ... really not that huge a diff.

    I guess the completions would be an issue however as I'd hit 20 alot faster. I didn't think of that. I really don't care about that.

    I just enjoy the quest .... but hey -- zing away !
    yeah, i wasnt tryin to put out hostility or imply that you were lookin for a inta win button. i was just tryin ta be a smart donkey.

    ive actually thought about starting to recall out after big red goes down. not like xp is that big of a deal anymore. i just cannot seem to get that last 1 xp to drop for me. and i think out of 4 runs, only 1 large has dropped for me out of red's chest.

  10. #10
    Community Member GlassCannon's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Drider View Post
    Roll more toons.. no need to change raid timers.
    Let's see you do just that with only 10 hours a week to play.

    Go ahead, try it.

  11. #11
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    Quote Originally Posted by Kris P. Letus View Post
    while yer at it, devs, i run the dragon series quite alot, as i would like to get the sword of shadows. i think it would be really fun to swing that bad boy around. could you possibly make it where you can do that dragon like any other quest? no timer at all? or, just give me my sword so i dont have to run her anymore. im getting kind of tired of running the series, and its taking the fun out of my game.
    Obviously you're being sarcastic, which means you think what you're saying sounds stupid and absurd...what's so stupid and absurd about it?

    If it takes 17 runs to get your SoS, what does it matter if those 17 runs took you 18 days or 63 days? It's just an obnoxious revenue extension scheme.

    Perhaps the Shroud wouldn't be a good place to do this since the rewards (ingredients) can be transferred/sold to other characters, but so what if someone grinds out their Sword of Shadows in three weeks instead of three months.
    Last edited by rimble; 07-03-2008 at 01:08 PM.

  12. #12
    Community Member GrayOldDruid's Avatar
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    I forgot to craft two days ago... and still have one more day and some hours before I can go back and craft on part 1....
    Also, I've been trying for two devil scales for the last 10 or so Shroud runs ( 3 characters running Shroud as fast and often as I can ).

    Even reducing timer to 48 hours would help. I'd be happy with an increased ingredient drop rate - you could at least guarantee ONE ingredient in part 4 and 5. Two large ingredients in two runs doesn't sound too bad, but ONE large ingredients in three runs is awful. I have no idea how people already have dual shard tier three weapons. I'm struggling to get ingredients for my one-shard tier three item. Then its on to the dual shard weapon ingredients grinding. I figured that I'd have at least ONE tier three item by the time I had two tier two items, two tier two weapons and ready for another tier two item and just missing the blank for a third and fourth weapon. I even have five (or so) Supreme Shards. Just can't get those dang Large Devil Scales to drop.

    I get maybe, MAYBE, 21 hours a week to play. Shroud runs are getting less and less...

    Give casual players (like me) a CHANCE to have a tier three item done before Mod 10 comes out. LOL...
    It is not about the destination, it is about the journey.
    All my Characters Loathe the stupid term " Toon "

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