Belt of Seven Ideals aquired. Still need a couple Girds (2 preferred). I have an extra Large Bone or two, mediums/smalls out my ears, Jinx's Vexation, plat, Chaosgardes...
Post or PM
Belt of Seven Ideals aquired. Still need a couple Girds (2 preferred). I have an extra Large Bone or two, mediums/smalls out my ears, Jinx's Vexation, plat, Chaosgardes...
Post or PM
Last edited by Gol; 07-03-2008 at 10:38 AM.
Trade agreed upon for the 7 ideals belt (can't close on it till I get home from work) via PM. Thanks anyway, Heffty.
Still need a couple Girds tho.
Last edited by Gol; 07-03-2008 at 10:37 AM.