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Thread: Epic Levels?

  1. #1
    Founder WeiQuinn's Avatar
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    Default Epic Levels?

    Ok, I know the next level cap is at least 3 months away and will most likely only be 2 levels, leaving a level 20 cap at the end of the year or early next year.

    What I'm thinking about is Epic levels. I've started trying to plan out characters to level 30 (only one of which is a pure Ranger).
    Most of my others are multiclass Rangers that hit level 15-18 then go heavy into their second class (which doesn't really make use of epic level goodies).

    What are your thoughts on Epic levels? How many do you think we'll see? What feats would you like to see?

    Since I'm a huge Ranger fan, I'd like to see Bane of Enemies, Death of Enemies and Perfect Two Weapon Fighting just for starters.
    Gammor Barb 9 Longthorne Barb 16 Luceille Bard 17 Neckron Rngr 8 Rog 1 Rovino Blightcaster 9 Ryeva 2 Druid 12 Shandrea Ranger 2 Rogue 1 Solegiallo Cleric 15 Syris Rngr 18 Rog 1 Barb 1 Torsade Paladin 10
    Vaconmorte Dark Hunter 6 Rog 2 Weiquinn Ranger 20

  2. #2
    Community Member Babidi's Avatar
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    Lvl 20 is the max level u will see, it have been said by the devs, they will focus more on content after lvl 20.


  3. #3
    Founder WeiQuinn's Avatar
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    Hmm, OK, more content is good, but why let all the experience go to waste on capped characters? Granted I have a few low level toons, but eventually they'll hit level 20 too. Why not open up more levels instead of rolling up new characters to continue playing the game?
    Gammor Barb 9 Longthorne Barb 16 Luceille Bard 17 Neckron Rngr 8 Rog 1 Rovino Blightcaster 9 Ryeva 2 Druid 12 Shandrea Ranger 2 Rogue 1 Solegiallo Cleric 15 Syris Rngr 18 Rog 1 Barb 1 Torsade Paladin 10
    Vaconmorte Dark Hunter 6 Rog 2 Weiquinn Ranger 20

  4. #4
    Community Member EspyLacopa's Avatar
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    I think the biggest hurdle for the Epic Levels will be Epic Spellcasting.

    Anyone that has actually played in an Epic Campaign likely knows how powerful that is.
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  5. #5
    Community Member chemonz's Avatar
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    Actually IIRC the devs had said several things about the possibility of epic levels, all rather vague. But in one interview I do remember Kate Paiz saying that they were looking into the possibility of having epic levels.

    Certainly nothing definite but I don't think the possibility of epic levels has been taken off the board.

  6. #6
    Community Member Talon_Moonshadow's Avatar
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    The devs have said a few comments about looking at Epic lvls.

    But I fear that with 4.0 rules being released, that we will never see them.

    My guess is they will be preasurred into designing a new version of DDO using 4.0 guess would be that they wouls start working on it next year.

    But that's just my opinion. In fact, there are more hard facts suggesting they WILL work on Epic lvls. So believe what you want I guess.
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    Quote Originally Posted by Jandric View Post
    ..., but I honestly think the solution is to group with less whiny people.

  7. #7
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    Quote Originally Posted by Talon Moonshadow View Post
    The devs have said a few comments about looking at Epic lvls.

    But I fear that with 4.0 rules being released, that we will never see them.

    My guess is they will be preasurred into designing a new version of DDO using 4.0 guess would be that they wouls start working on it next year.

    But that's just my opinion. In fact, there are more hard facts suggesting they WILL work on Epic lvls. So believe what you want I guess.
    I doubt they will make a new ddo and we will most likely see epic levels but it will be at least a year from now.

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  8. #8


    Quote Originally Posted by Uska d'Orien View Post
    I doubt they will make a new ddo and we will most likely see epic levels but it will be at least a year from now.
    the most telling statement is that they have no plans to switch to 4.0 but that they would be incorporating some of the rules that made sense for DDO, so adding 10 lvls and getting us to lvl 30 would seem a logical step, since it will take us 3 years to get to 20 another 3 years to get to 30 sounds about right
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  9. #9
    Community Member Gennerik's Avatar
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    Default Probably allowing for it

    I'd say that Turbine is definitely allowing for Epic Level play, given that in the explorer zones they have "must be level 14-21", so the possibility is there, just I wouldn't expect it to be out soon, and this is for a few reasons.
    • Epic Spellcasting - Epic spells are much more open-ended, especially when designing your own (which is the entire point). The few spells that are in the Epic Level Handbook are nice examples of what you can do, but hardly do epic spellcasting justice.
    • Epic Settings - Face it. Epic level play rarely involves being on the plane you were born in. That means that you galavant around the cosmos fighting things that are powerful enough that the Prime Material Plane (and by extension, Stormreach) holds no interest for them.
    • Epic Monsters - Real epic monsters deserve real epic artwork. That takes time and effort, not just raising the CR on standard monsters. Short of a titan and dragons, you don't really find anything that goes above CR 20 in the Monster Manual, meaning that you shouldn't encounter anything that looks like any of the creatures we've encountered to date.
    So, if we do see epic levels, and I hope we do, I wouldn't expect it for about a year to a year and a half past the point we reach level 20, and I would expect it to be a paid expansion. Epic levels are enough of a design consideration to warrant a paid expansion, especially if they are done correctly.

  10. #10
    Founder WeiQuinn's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Gennerik View Post
    So, if we do see epic levels, and I hope we do, I wouldn't expect it for about a year to a year and a half past the point we reach level 20, and I would expect it to be a paid expansion. Epic levels are enough of a design consideration to warrant a paid expansion, especially if they are done correctly.
    I agree with your time frame estimate on epic levels. The thought of a pain expansion never occurred to me... although it should have since I wound up purchasing all of the paid expansions for SWG before I quit that in disgust. I would definately pay for an epic level expansion.
    Gammor Barb 9 Longthorne Barb 16 Luceille Bard 17 Neckron Rngr 8 Rog 1 Rovino Blightcaster 9 Ryeva 2 Druid 12 Shandrea Ranger 2 Rogue 1 Solegiallo Cleric 15 Syris Rngr 18 Rog 1 Barb 1 Torsade Paladin 10
    Vaconmorte Dark Hunter 6 Rog 2 Weiquinn Ranger 20

  11. #11


    I would pay for an epic expansion

    I think making up spells as per 3.5 may not happen. However, epic versions of the current list might be good enough for an MMO. Perhaps, a new city for the epic toons. Sharn?
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  12. #12
    Community Member Arleon's Avatar
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    I thought that I had heard somewhere that Mod 8 or whenever the level cap is increased they're adding levels 17-20. This may have been someone else's speculation that has become confused in my mind, but it does make sense as levels 19-20 don't really add anything new. Levels 17 and 18 add ninth level spells, so for a Mod to only have levels 19-20 would be a bit disappointing unless they added something from left field. Though I'll admit adding four levels would mean Turbine would need to add a lot of content.

    I hope they add some sort Epic Spellcasting, because I'm assuming Sorcerers will be able to throw a lot of Hellballs and I wouldn't mind sacrificing myself to cast a Vengeful Gaze of God.

  13. #13
    Community Member Puddles404's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Gennerik View Post
    I'd say that Turbine is definitely allowing for Epic Level play, given that in the explorer zones they have "must be level 14-21", so the possibility is there, just I wouldn't expect it to be out soon, and this is for a few reasons.
    • Epic Spellcasting - Epic spells are much more open-ended, especially when designing your own (which is the entire point). The few spells that are in the Epic Level Handbook are nice examples of what you can do, but hardly do epic spellcasting justice.
    • Fair enough.

      Quote Originally Posted by Gennerik View Post
    • Epic Settings - Face it. Epic level play rarely involves being on the plane you were born in. That means that you galavant around the cosmos fighting things that are powerful enough that the Prime Material Plane (and by extension, Stormreach) holds no interest for them.
    Doesnt really fit with the Eberron theme. Planar travel is not really something that is done in the campaign setting. Referring to below, you would more than likely be dealing with Daelkyr and other outsiders, but the settings would have to be something to do with planar confluence.
    Quote Originally Posted by Gennerik View Post
  14. Epic Monsters - Real epic monsters deserve real epic artwork. That takes time and effort, not just raising the CR on standard monsters. Short of a titan and dragons, you don't really find anything that goes above CR 20 in the Monster Manual, meaning that you shouldn't encounter anything that looks like any of the creatures we've encountered to date.
There are a lot of monsters in the various MMs that go way over 20. Scarily so.

Quote Originally Posted by Gennerik View Post
So, if we do see epic levels, and I hope we do, I wouldn't expect it for about a year to a year and a half past the point we reach level 20, and I would expect it to be a paid expansion. Epic levels are enough of a design consideration to warrant a paid expansion, especially if they are done correctly.
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