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Thread: The QA Lodge

  1. #461
    Community Member Hakushi's Avatar
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    If you return a bag without the item in, how is it supposed to work? Can you get a new bag once the timer is up to get the same, or a new bounty? Is it normal if once you returned the bag empty, thus failing the bounty quest, every time you talk to the bounty posting, you repeat a failed quest because it says you misplaced your bag?

    From what I understand, there's a place where the guards place bounties, and if you come up that way, you can take one and go on a hunt for a rare monster the guards wants dead, and you have to come up with the proof in the bag. Once you are back, you just place the bag there on the board with the proof in, but if you bring an empty bag, someone else will be able to do it, and you will be able to take a new one to hunt a new monster, or the same. Did I understood it correctly? Or it's not working as intented.
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  2. #462
    Founder Ryvin1's Avatar
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    Default Acrobat II

    For some reason I get knocked down in the Titan Warforge mission even though I have Acrobat II and should not be able to be knocked down. Also my speed boost from showtime doesn't seem to work, I get the +4 dex but don't seem to run any faster. Is it supposed to work like this?

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  3. #463
    Community Member cardmj1's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Ryvin1 View Post
    For some reason I get knocked down in the Titan Warforge mission even though I have Acrobat II and should not be able to be knocked down. Also my speed boost from showtime doesn't seem to work, I get the +4 dex but don't seem to run any faster. Is it supposed to work like this?
    My acrobat had the same issue a few weeks ago. Am I bugged or there something else that I did not catch going on?

  4. #464
    Founder & Hero Steiner-Davion's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Hakushi View Post
    If you return a bag without the item in, how is it supposed to work? Can you get a new bag once the timer is up to get the same, or a new bounty? Is it normal if once you returned the bag empty, thus failing the bounty quest, every time you talk to the bounty posting, you repeat a failed quest because it says you misplaced your bag?

    From what I understand, there's a place where the guards place bounties, and if you come up that way, you can take one and go on a hunt for a rare monster the guards wants dead, and you have to come up with the proof in the bag. Once you are back, you just place the bag there on the board with the proof in, but if you bring an empty bag, someone else will be able to do it, and you will be able to take a new one to hunt a new monster, or the same. Did I understood it correctly? Or it's not working as intented.
    You should be able to return an Empty Bounty Bag with no real penalty. I believe it puts you on a timer for a couple of days. Once that timer is up you shuold be able to get another Bounty Bag.

  5. #465
    Community Member WFPinkie's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Hakushi View Post
    If you return a bag without the item in, how is it supposed to work? Can you get a new bag once the timer is up to get the same, or a new bounty? Is it normal if once you returned the bag empty, thus failing the bounty quest, every time you talk to the bounty posting, you repeat a failed quest because it says you misplaced your bag?

    From what I understand, there's a place where the guards place bounties, and if you come up that way, you can take one and go on a hunt for a rare monster the guards wants dead, and you have to come up with the proof in the bag. Once you are back, you just place the bag there on the board with the proof in, but if you bring an empty bag, someone else will be able to do it, and you will be able to take a new one to hunt a new monster, or the same. Did I understood it correctly? Or it's not working as intented.
    The bounty bags in the harbor do let you return an empty one and get a new one once the timer expires. The bounty board in Waterworks though is broken, so once you turn in an empty and fail the quest, you can't ever get another bag. It just keeps telling you that you've misplaced your bag and thus failed the quest, over and over and over.

  6. #466
    Community Member iamsamoth0's Avatar
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    Red face Good to know!

    Quote Originally Posted by WFPinkie View Post
    The bounty bags in the harbor do let you return an empty one and get a new one once the timer expires. The bounty board in Waterworks though is broken, so once you turn in an empty and fail the quest, you can't ever get another bag. It just keeps telling you that you've misplaced your bag and thus failed the quest, over and over and over.
    For the utter silly completest in me.
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  7. #467


    Weapons with the "of Deception" suffix seem to break Arraetrikos' root in Shroud 4.

    I generally get movement (since I use these a lot) every most every other Shroud, but since someone brought it up in the forums I switched to non-Deception weapons and haven't seen him move in Shroud 4 once (5+ in a row and counting).

    Is this working as intended? It certainly is a negative (granted it only applies to one part of one quest) to a weapon suffix that's generally considered junk anyways.
    Last edited by SableShadow; 02-06-2009 at 11:11 PM.
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  8. #468
    Community Member Hakushi's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by WFPinkie View Post
    The bounty bags in the harbor do let you return an empty one and get a new one once the timer expires. The bounty board in Waterworks though is broken, so once you turn in an empty and fail the quest, you can't ever get another bag. It just keeps telling you that you've misplaced your bag and thus failed the quest, over and over and over.
    Thank you for this, now I know I'm not the only one with this problem, that's exactly whats happening to me. I forgot to mention it was the Waterworks bounty posting.

    Quote Originally Posted by iamsamoth0 View Post
    For the utter silly completest in me.
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  9. #469
    Community Member WFPinkie's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Hakushi View Post
    Thank you for this, now I know I'm not the only one with this problem, that's exactly whats happening to me. I forgot to mention it was the Waterworks bounty posting.

    I learned it the "hard" way.
    Glad to share! I really like the bounty bags for my low levels (I have a tendency to re-roll a lot ;>) The other frustrating thing is some of the bounty bags from the two guys standing by the fountain don't work well. If you read the description on the bag, it'll say something like "collect Kobold Kobold Spear Tips" instead of "Kobold Warrior Spear Tips", so you never get any collectables. I immediately turn those back in empty. There's also one that wants "Kobold Clerics". Since there's not Kobold Clerics anywhere that I've ever found (Shamans and Witch Doctors, sure, but not clerics) you can't fill that one either. (Shamans and Witch Doctors used to count before they made the collect drop as those treasure bags.) I hope they fix those some day. They're a great addition to those of us that like to collect. ;>

  10. #470
    Quality Assurance Silthe's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by WFPinkie View Post
    Glad to share! I really like the bounty bags for my low levels (I have a tendency to re-roll a lot ;>) The other frustrating thing is some of the bounty bags from the two guys standing by the fountain don't work well. If you read the description on the bag, it'll say something like "collect Kobold Kobold Spear Tips" instead of "Kobold Warrior Spear Tips", so you never get any collectables. I immediately turn those back in empty. There's also one that wants "Kobold Clerics". Since there's not Kobold Clerics anywhere that I've ever found (Shamans and Witch Doctors, sure, but not clerics) you can't fill that one either. (Shamans and Witch Doctors used to count before they made the collect drop as those treasure bags.) I hope they fix those some day. They're a great addition to those of us that like to collect. ;>
    I'm curious what you like about the bounty bags. A lot of the comments we've gotten are that they're too hard to complete for very little reward. I'd love to hear some feedback from people that really like them.


  11. #471
    Founder Eelpout's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Silthe View Post
    I'm curious what you like about the bounty bags. A lot of the comments we've gotten are that they're too hard to complete for very little reward. I'd love to hear some feedback from people that really like them.

    Me too!!

    Somewhat kidding aside. They are not a bad little bonus, since you are running the quests anyways there is not a ton of farming that you have to do for those. I would really like to see some bigger xp bounties for levels 5 to 9 or 10. I know there is a ton of xp to be had out there, but those lower to mid level blues can wear down on you after a bit and it would be nice to have a little more incentive to run characters in that level range. This is only my opinion.

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  12. #472
    Founder & Hero Steiner-Davion's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Silthe View Post
    I'm curious what you like about the bounty bags. A lot of the comments we've gotten are that they're too hard to complete for very little reward. I'd love to hear some feedback from people that really like them.

    Silthe, I'd have to agree with that sentiment about too hard to do, for way too little reward. You get the bag for a rare encounter, and it is then not guarenteed to spawn during your next run through that instance. So now you face teh uandry of do you keep the emtpry bag or do you turn it in empty and get put on timer.

    Last time I did one, I thik that I got maybe 200 XP or something. It is truly trivial. Only great if you are about to level right at that point in time. Even if it was gold, you can get what maybe two useful potions for 200 gold. Now I'm not enitrely certain, what the reward should be, but I can only imagine how much coding time went into that addition to the game, versus how ,uch it is truly used and by how many people. The ratio is really off.

  13. #473
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    Quote Originally Posted by Silthe View Post
    I'm curious what you like about the bounty bags. A lot of the comments we've gotten are that they're too hard to complete for very little reward. I'd love to hear some feedback from people that really like them.

    IMO, its inventory/Quest management that gets in the way of the bounty's. It would be nice if we didnt have to have the bounty bags and the rare items we need to collect went into the invisible bag (You pick the item up, but it doesnt take an inventory slot) like Lotro.
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  14. #474
    Founder Solmage's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Silthe View Post
    I'm curious what you like about the bounty bags. A lot of the comments we've gotten are that they're too hard to complete for very little reward. I'd love to hear some feedback from people that really like them.

    I'd have to say I would love to hear his reason too. They really ARE very hard to complete, and I think they should grant huge xp or gold boosts to make it worthwhile.

    Then again, I also think that quests should be changed so that 25% of the quest EXP is for completion, and the rest is split up into completing the optionals. Rescued Arlos? Sure, he's 1k exp. Rescued the other prisoners, here's another 1k. Etc etc. The only caveat? The system would need to be changed to assign this exp at completion only.
    Devs: Thanks for making Druids available to VIPs without the pack. This more than anything, has made me want to buy the pack.

  15. #475


    I like them. But I don't like the "wait one day" even when you fail to fill the bag. I do not run quests until I fill the bag... more like, I take a bag when I run a quest and hope to get lucky and fill it.

    As a result, I don't often get to redeem them - but I have, and will continue to try

  16. #476
    Founder & Hero Steiner-Davion's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Impaqt View Post
    IMO, its inventory/Quest management that gets in the way of the bounty's. It would be nice if we didnt have to have the bounty bags and the rare items we need to collect went into the invisible bag (You pick the item up, but it doesnt take an inventory slot) like Lotro.
    Silthe, I should have mentioned this as well.

  17. #477
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    Quote Originally Posted by Silthe View Post
    A lot of the comments we've gotten are that they're too hard to complete for very little reward.
    In addition to the obvious weirdness of a so-called "bounty" that is paid only in experience and attaboys (instead of money), there's a design flaw in that the only characters with a good chance to fill a bounty bag are those belonging to very experienced players who know the low-level quests really well.

    Unless you have excellent knowledge of which low-level monsters are easy or hard to find, then attempting to fill bounty bags can be counterproductive, because the time spent messing with them will reduce your XP/minute below if you simply quested around. It's only a genuine XP gain if you know how to fill the bag "for free" as you do some other quest. After all, returning the bag only provides as much XP as 3-5 minutes of questing. It's self-defeating: If you know where everything is, then you probably don't need any help getting lowbie XP, but if you don't then the bags won't really help.

    It would probably have been better to leave them for higher-level areas, when the time needed to advance in level is longer. That means there's a much bigger window of time during which the bag can be a meaningful benefit. A "daily quest" that is repeated every 24 hours doesn't make much when you can advance nearly a level per hour and quickly leave the quest behind.

    But if there was a goblin bounty-taker in Tangleroot and an Undead bounty taker in Jorasco, that could make more sense. That way, the daily quests could function as a true XP boost for casual players (hardcore players would benefit less, because most of the time they wouldn't be able to take a bag because it hasn't refreshed yet)

  18. #478
    Community Member darkrhavyn's Avatar
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    I thought the bounty bags were a unique and creative addition to the landscape. I still do. But I have to admit that the XP you get for doing them is very trivial --and yes I understand that you got xp for completing the optional while in the quest so I assume thats why it is fairly low ---

    The one in waterworks seems about on par with the other rares in the sewers...the ones in the harbor are way too low for the amount of time it takes to collect the skull bones or spears, etc.

    I agree with others that I would like to see them at higher levels...but ramp up the XP or give a unique reward...I love additions that flesh out the landscape and give those little extras.
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  19. #479
    Community Member iamsamoth0's Avatar
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    Talking Wow, thank you all for the responses!

    I am glad that finally I have shed my robe of the Thread Killer!
    This has to be the best , most constructive conversation that arose from something I started. =)
    It sounds as if the lower level ones were simplified, and the mid- higher ones were tempered for reward they would be a nice addition to the world.
    It's already incredibly easy to fly past all of the low level content. I've not even really begun to get around the new player island.
    I still wish they would have kept Kobold Island. And the trick for getting into the harbor by doing the low road were such great touches. Mmm, the good old days....
    I can't wait to try out these new pouches.
    I finally started getting my arrows and bolts under control, I must have had 8-10 pages of ammo. The blessing of quivers! Along with the success of the bags. I've not even crafted yet.
    So, here's to all the great work so far.
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  20. #480
    Community Member WFPinkie's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Silthe View Post
    I'm curious what you like about the bounty bags. A lot of the comments we've gotten are that they're too hard to complete for very little reward. I'd love to hear some feedback from people that really like them.

    For me, if I'm leveling a new character, I always pick up a round of bags from the harbor because I'm going to be doing the quests where those bounties drop, like Garrison's, Durks, Butcher's Path, etch. Easy enough to pick up the prayer beads, et al while doing the quest. You get a little extra experience (sometimes just that little extra bit can get you a level) and still get the collectables to turn in for cash or auction. I personally don't think they're hard to complete, if you've in to doing every quest. If you're going to favor, then what does it hurt to pick up a bag and fill it. Of course, after like level 5, I don't bother because I've moved on to bigger and better quests than the kobolds. (For those that would say "just join a PUG for experience", I'm usually either soloing or part of a duo-team. So, the little extra XP is worth it to me.)

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