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Thread: The QA Lodge

  1. #381


    Quote Originally Posted by Strakeln View Post
    Here's an interesting little tidbit: a party member of mine d/c'd and came back in the middle of Waterworks, and was suffering this problem. The cool thing was, he could see things we couldn't... like enemies around corners, or (here's a real surprising one) chests that hadn't yet spawned!
    Had something similar happen to me in Prey of the Hunter-
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  2. #382
    Community Member Tharlak's Avatar
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    Default Korthos Island - Zone In issue.. XP bonus!

    Ok, so I roll a new character and start adventuring. I skip the tutorial, I have run new characters through already, I get 1000xp and start quests.

    Coming out of Cannith Manufacturing I hang in the loading screen to the explorer area. I shutdown DDO and restart. My character is once again at the shipwreck site with all gear and xp. I'm given the option to skip tutorial and receive another 1000xp.

    I have not tried to recreate.

  3. #383
    Community Member The_Phenx's Avatar
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    Default New fun issue

    Nice fix ont he ability to stay centered and attack while holding a wand or scroll but I found a buggy with it.

    When on a monk.

    Equip a wand/scroll

    Hit cleave or great cleave.

    Nothing happens but the timer activates.
    Ghinsuu, Spikey, Preying, , Pyroclastic
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  4. #384

    Default possible mail bug

    before I report this I just wanted to check to see if just made a noob move

    I had an item mailed to me in a trade (w/p longbow) and I had some spam mail in my unconfirmed mail slot, I decided to report the spam mail so I highlighted it and clicked report well all the unconfirmed emails just disappeared including the one with te item attached, is report supposed to be on all unconfrimed emails or is it supposed to be on the highlighted ones
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  5. #385
    Uber Completionist Lithic's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by ArkoHighStar View Post
    before I report this I just wanted to check to see if just made a noob move

    I had an item mailed to me in a trade (w/p longbow) and I had some spam mail in my unconfirmed mail slot, I decided to report the spam mail so I highlighted it and clicked report well all the unconfirmed emails just disappeared including the one with te item attached, is report supposed to be on all unconfrimed emails or is it supposed to be on the highlighted ones
    Isnt there a "report all" button? If not, then maybe once reported the game activates the unconfirmed "Delete all" button instead of just "delete" like it's supposed to.
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  6. #386
    Community Member SamSneak's Avatar
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    Default Sunswords

    They say slashing, but with imp crit slashing their crit range doesn't increase?
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  7. #387
    Community Member SamSneak's Avatar
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    doesn't include meridia, but the spell and the items that cause the spell to work does...
    <X> - "Its not your class, race or items that defines you. Its your actions. "
    Vanhelsing, Hammer, Thunderstone, Phoenixhawk, Drakehawk, Luckystrike, Pawnshop, Novahawk, Delux

  8. #388


    Quote Originally Posted by Lithic View Post
    Isnt there a "report all" button? If not, then maybe once reported the game activates the unconfirmed "Delete all" button instead of just "delete" like it's supposed to.
    No the button is just report, which I took to mean report the highlighted mail, but I could be wrong and it meant report all mail, thats what I am trying to figure out before I open a bug report
    Fallen former minion of the Gelatinous Cube
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  9. #389
    Founder Garth_of_Sarlona's Avatar
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    stat damaging effects like Weakening still don't work on handwraps. Shall I continue to bug report?


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  10. #390
    Founder Aesop's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by willphase View Post
    stat damaging effects like Weakening still don't work on handwraps. Shall I continue to bug report?

    They don't?

    My Maldroit of Bone Breaking seem to

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  11. #391
    Quality Assurance Silthe's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by SlipperyPete View Post
    How about the problem with the tool bars not locking? Is this a bug, if not why? If yes, will it be addressed?
    There are two aspects to this.

    First, there is a bug where sometimes (possibly always, haven't checked myself) where if you lock the toolbars, you can still move icons once before they lock down. This is a bug already in our reporting system so there's no need to report it yourselves.

    Second, there's an issue where the toolbars themselves can be moved around your screen after they've been locked. Preventing this movement was never the intended functionality of the bar lock, so as far as this thread is concerned, it's not a bug.

    That being said, it was never deliberately decided not to have this functionality, it just wasn't in the initial design. Feel free to discuss this on the forum, but for this thread, it's not a bug.


  12. #392
    Community Member thatguy's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Silthe View Post
    There are two aspects to this.

    First, there is a bug where sometimes (possibly always, haven't checked myself) where if you lock the toolbars, you can still move icons once before they lock down. This is a bug already in our reporting system so there's no need to report it yourselves.

    Second, there's an issue where the toolbars themselves can be moved around your screen after they've been locked. Preventing this movement was never the intended functionality of the bar lock, so as far as this thread is concerned, it's not a bug.

    That being said, it was never deliberately decided not to have this functionality, it just wasn't in the initial design. Feel free to discuss this on the forum, but for this thread, it's not a bug.

    I have my tool bars and spells and such in those bars exactly were I want them. It is a real annoyance when in the middle of combat you drag something out of those bars that you need and then can't find it in time and then die because of it. If it was never really intended to have them locked in place and have the icons locked in place in side the tool bars then the original intention of locking them was not very useful or implemented properly. What is the sense having a mechanism in place that locks the bars but doesn't REALLY lock them? Tool bars get in the way at higher levels, you have to be able to lock them so you won't have to worry about them moving around trying to click on people in your party to heal them and what not. IMHO, it just makes no sense.
    Quote Originally Posted by DelScorcho View Post
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  13. #393
    Quality Assurance Silthe's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by thatguy View Post
    I have my tool bars and spells and such in those bars exactly were I want them. It is a real annoyance when in the middle of combat you drag something out of those bars that you need and then can't find it in time and then die because of it. If it was never really intended to have them locked in place and have the icons locked in place in side the tool bars then the original intention of locking them was not very useful or implemented properly. What is the sense having a mechanism in place that locks the bars but doesn't REALLY lock them? Tool bars get in the way at higher levels, you have to be able to lock them so you won't have to worry about them moving around trying to click on people in your party to heal them and what not. IMHO, it just makes no sense.
    The icons are supposed to lock in place. The fact that they seem not to is a bug, as I mentioned.

    Honestly, it never occured to me that locking the toolbars would fix them in place on my screen. I've rarely accidentally moved them, but then I don't use as many as a lot of other people. The point being that the initial design for locking toolbars didn't include locking them in place, just the icons in them.

    If you want to talk about the quality of that design, please use another thread so that devs will be able to find the discussion easier.


  14. #394
    Community Member thatguy's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Silthe View Post
    The icons are supposed to lock in place. The fact that they seem not to is a bug, as I mentioned.

    Honestly, it never occured to me that locking the toolbars would fix them in place on my screen. I've rarely accidentally moved them, but then I don't use as many as a lot of other people. The point being that the initial design for locking toolbars didn't include locking them in place, just the icons in them.

    If you want to talk about the quality of that design, please use another thread so that devs will be able to find the discussion easier.

    I just wanted to make that point while it was fresh in mind. Honestly, I wasn't expecting a response but I do appreciate it. I am sure it will be taken care of.
    Quote Originally Posted by DelScorcho View Post
    The loot gods are jerks.
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  15. #395


    On a similar note, what about how you can scroll back up in the chat window when the UI is hidden? I find myself responding to messages all the time that are a few minutes late because I am several lines up.
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  16. #396
    Community Member HumanJHawkins's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Silthe View Post
    The icons are supposed to lock in place.
    As a related note, the hotbars themselves will not stay in place properly during some actions... Here's how to reproduce the issue:

    1) Drag a hotbar (or any other UI window) to the very edges of your screen.
    2) Alt-enter to go into windowed mode. The hotbars (generally) get adjusted well.
    3) Alt-enter to go back to full screen.

    RESULT: The hot bars are restored closeto their original position, but not exactly. Hotbars on the very edge of the screen are pushed in to overlap other nearby hotbars.

    BEST OPTION: Put the hotbars exactly where they started. You are obviously storing the coordinates, but some other "too close to the edge" routine is messing them up. Prevent that.

    ALTERNATE OPTION: Apply the same rules for where hotbars can be placed when a user drags them, as after the screen is restored. It would be annoying to lose a few mm of screen real estate, but less annoying than having to rearrange the hotbars every time.
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  17. #397
    Community Member liamfrancais's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Silthe View Post
    The icons are supposed to lock in place. The fact that they seem not to is a bug, as I mentioned.

    Honestly, it never occured to me that locking the toolbars would fix them in place on my screen. I've rarely accidentally moved them, but then I don't use as many as a lot of other people. The point being that the initial design for locking toolbars didn't include locking them in place, just the icons in them.

    If you want to talk about the quality of that design, please use another thread so that devs will be able to find the discussion easier.

    That is weird that locking them did not include the toolbars staying in one place because I have to say it is much more common for me to move an Icon off a locked toolbar then to move a locked toolbar.
    Liamfrancais- Human Pally 16 (Mythical), Balto-Drow Sorc 16 (Mythical), Baltaz-Drow Rgr 16 (Forgotten Legion), Adarforged-WF Barb 16 (Mythical), Bringit-Dwarf FTR/barb 12/4 (Just Me), Zudomon-Elf wiz 15 (Twisted Fate), Rudadonna-H clr 16 (Mythical)

  18. #398
    Community Member Lorien_the_First_One's Avatar
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    Default serious mail bug

    I've posted this in the general thread for people to read as well, but I wanted to make sure this stayed on the dev radar as it is a rather upsetting bug when it hits.

    If you click "report" for a message in your unconfirmed inbox EVERY message in that inbox is autodeleted without warning, even with attachments.

    I've bug reported it, but I'm more concerned with making sure others know so that they don't have unfortunate things happen to them too.

    This is a serious bug. I'm told by others its been around for a while. Because of the serious consequences of this bug, if you can't hotfix it quickly, PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE consider disabling the button until you can fix it. Given the low spam levels these days its just not worth the risk of people hitting this bug.

  19. #399
    Quality Assurance Silthe's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Lorien the First One View Post
    I've posted this in the general thread for people to read as well, but I wanted to make sure this stayed on the dev radar as it is a rather upsetting bug when it hits.

    If you click "report" for a message in your unconfirmed inbox EVERY message in that inbox is autodeleted without warning, even with attachments.

    I've bug reported it, but I'm more concerned with making sure others know so that they don't have unfortunate things happen to them too.

    This is a serious bug. I'm told by others its been around for a while. Because of the serious consequences of this bug, if you can't hotfix it quickly, PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE consider disabling the button until you can fix it. Given the low spam levels these days its just not worth the risk of people hitting this bug.
    This has been listed on our Known Issue list for a couple weeks now. It is not going to fall off our radar. At the moment, I don't have any information on when a fix will be coming however. It certainly doesn't hurt to make sure people are aware or it though.

    Everyone should make a habit of checking our known issue postings regularly to avoid getting stung by any of the nastier issues before we can fix them.

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  20. #400
    Community Member HumanJHawkins's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by liamfrancais View Post
    That is weird that locking them did not include the toolbars staying in one place because I have to say it is much more common for me to move an Icon off a locked toolbar then to move a locked toolbar.
    I didn't post this as in any way related to locking the toolbars. I never lock my toolbars because I have to change them too often.

    Regardless of whether they are locked or not, they get jumbled a bit when going between windowed and full screen mode. Clearly it is intended that their psitions be remembered, because they get put back almost right. But they are off just enough so that one bar may cover another, etc.
    Sarlona - Nyr Dyv Raiders
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