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Thread: The QA Lodge

  1. #301
    Quality Assurance Silthe's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Mhykke View Post
    Here's a question I had about whether something is working as intended. Warforged brute fighting.

    The odd thing is, when I rage, it turns off. And when I try to click it back on while raged it says I'm too enraged to perform that action. This can't be working as intended, can it? I mean, I can use clickies and it's fine, it stays on. Only when I rage does it turn off, and won't turn on for the duration of the rage.

    I found it odd. Brute fighting seems perfectly harmonious with rage. Working as intended?
    Nope. Final verdict is that it's a bug. While many of the combat stances do not work while raging, Warforged Brute Fighting should. Please submit a bug report.


  2. #302
    Community Member Hakushi's Avatar
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    It was posted before about the rogue ability Way of the Thief Acrobat. The rogue still get knockdowned by minotaurs and in the titan room even if the ability is supposed to give complete immunity. I tested it yesterday in Three-Barrel Cove and minotaurs still knock me down, and a few weeks ago, I tested in the titan room, and it was based on the balance amount, but complete immunity shouldn't be that way. Is that intentionnal? I personally already filled a bug report about this.
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  3. #303


    Quote Originally Posted by Silthe View Post
    This is what's known in my profession as a "bug." Not only doesn't it seem like it should work that way, it really shouldn't work that way. The intention is that the higher ablation level (the durability as you call it) should take precedence with duration breaking ties. Please submit a bug report on this to make sure it doesn't get overlooked. Feel free to quote me in it. This doesn't strike me as a quick fix, but I've been wrong before.

    You want those reports per spell, or one report encompassing all spells? This is how all protects are working also. REally pain when you have only 10 pts left on it.

  4. #304
    Community Member thatguy's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Silthe View Post
    This could just be an unlucky streak for you, but it's worth us looking into, I think. It's always hard with anything involving a random number generator since it's very time consuming to get a large enough sample set to be reasonably sure the numbers are working correctly. Should be easy enough for us to look at the item though.

    Bonus Answer: Yes, I'm still here and no I'm not doing QA on Wall Street, although the developement and testing of Hirelings has felt like the current Wall Street climate on more than one occasion.

    As a more detailed answer, a couple months ago I took a new position at Turbine. I'm still part of DDO QA, just in a different capacity than before. It took me a bit to get into the rhythm of my new responsibilities, but I think I've got the hang of it now and will be able to spend time in the QA Lodge again attempting to pull back the veil of "vast and mysterious" a little bit at a time. Sorry for the sudden disappearing act.

    It's good to see your still here and haven't been kidnapped by the Lotr team.
    Quote Originally Posted by DelScorcho View Post
    The loot gods are jerks.
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  5. #305
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    Quote Originally Posted by Silthe View Post
    This is what's known in my profession as a "bug." Not only doesn't it seem like it should work that way, it really shouldn't work that way. The intention is that the higher ablation level (the durability as you call it) should take precedence with duration breaking ties. Please submit a bug report on this to make sure it doesn't get overlooked. Feel free to quote me in it. This doesn't strike me as a quick fix, but I've been wrong before.
    Making "power" take precedence over duration would mostly work in DDO for protection from energy, but it's not necessarily the ideal solution. Imagine some day you introduce a clicky that gives you 1000 pt of fire protection for 1 min. If I use it while I have my standard 32 min 120 pt of fire protect, and I'm not hit by fire during the next minute, should my initial 120 pt disappear when the clicky effect ends? That does not seem right either.
    But yes, it would also be much more complex to code I guess

  6. #306
    Quality Assurance Silthe's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by moorewr View Post
    I was curious whether we know if the concealment effect on Dusk Heart is bugged.

    The item says it has 10% concealment, but reviewing my combat log it seems I am lucky to find one "x missed you because you were blurry" messages in entire combats. So, it seems to have an effect, but at a far lower rate than the stated one.

    I'd still use it, because it is nice to have IFL on a trinket, but still...

    EDIT bonus question: does Slithe ever post, or is he busy doing QA on Wall street?
    Thinking more about this, I'm guessing your AC is pretty high. Keep in mind that attacks deal with your AC first, then Concealment. That means that 10% of the misses AREN'T from Concealment, but 10% of the HITS are turned into misses by Concealment.

    To put some numbers up to show what I mean:

    Applying AC before concealment, for a monster with a 50% chance to hit your AC, out of 20 attacks 10 would show up in the combat log as missing due to your AC, and 1 would show up as missing due to concealment. You may think this is closer to 5% concealment since 1 out of 20 attacks missed due to concealment, but it really is 10% since 1 out of 10 HITS was turned into a miss.

    In short, strip naked and fight something tough. See how many Concealment misses there are.


  7. #307
    Quality Assurance Silthe's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Missing Minds View Post
    You want those reports per spell, or one report encompassing all spells? This is how all protects are working also. REally pain when you have only 10 pts left on it.
    One bug should be fine.


  8. #308
    Founder Gol's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Silthe View Post
    One bug should be fine.

    Can you comment on the changes to Rage we see on Risia? We're getting nothing from devs on the Risia forums about it, and it's a HUGE deal. It's only going to take 1 person with epilepsy to see that and sue your (Turbine's) pants off for it.
    Last edited by Gol; 10-17-2008 at 01:10 PM.

  9. #309


    Quote Originally Posted by Gol View Post
    Can you comment on the changes to Rage we see on Risia? We're getting nothing from devs on the Risia forums about it, and it's a HUGE deal. It's only going to take 1 person with epilepsy to see that and sue your (Turbine's) pants off for it.
    Being a video game and all, I would almost assume that they would have something protecting them from being sued.

    But yes it should be an option in the menu. Maybe throw another option in there for when your underwater, another for when you get crited, and another for when someone casts sunburst right on you, or when your standing in a Hypnotic Pattern, and Shadow Walk, and when you are dead....

    {_Oxvon Oxbot Oxdoc Oxbeat Oxfu Oxton Unearth Deadbolt Daath Oxon Oxen_}

  10. #310
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    Quote Originally Posted by Gol View Post
    Can you comment on the changes to Rage we see on Risia? We're getting nothing from devs on the Risia forums about it, and it's a HUGE deal. It's only going to take 1 person with epilepsy to see that and sue your (Turbine's) pants off for it.

  11. #311
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    Is this a bug? Should I submit it? Or is it working as intended?

    While trying to cast a Cure Moderate Wounds spell last night, my Bear's Endurance (from the House P buffer) wore off. I had to make a concentration check for the Cure spell.

    I know that you lose hit points when Bear's wears off...but should it make you have to roll for a concetration check?

    It just seems odd to me because you're not taking any damage...a spell is just wearing off.

  12. #312
    Community Member Montrose's Avatar
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    Here's something that I need to bug at some point, but have not yet:

    Title: Can not click to initiate a trade if minimize the focus orb and place in the bottom-right corner of the screen.

    1) Click eye icon on focus orb to turn it to mini mode
    2) Drag and place in bottom-right corner of screen
    3) Select a player
    4) Try to click hand icon on focus orb to begin trade

    Nothing, click is lost

    Trade initiates. Note that this is a Fitts area, making this especially annoying.

    Also note that one cannot even move the mini focus window if the map is right above it in this scenario, making this doubly annoying. I either have to ask the other person to start the trade, or move my map, then move the focus window, then trade, then move everything back. :-(

    Also also note that there is no way to bind a keyboard shortcut to trade (that I have found anyway)
    You may know me as: Gannot, Gonnet, Gunnet, Ginnet, Gaxxat, Gennot, Gannut, Gxnnxt, Horseface, Izzayhay, Pailmaster, Artifactual, Gynnet and/or Barred. What? I like alts.

  13. #313
    Quality Assurance Silthe's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Cahira View Post
    Is this a bug? Should I submit it? Or is it working as intended?

    While trying to cast a Cure Moderate Wounds spell last night, my Bear's Endurance (from the House P buffer) wore off. I had to make a concentration check for the Cure spell.

    I know that you lose hit points when Bear's wears off...but should it make you have to roll for a concetration check?

    It just seems odd to me because you're not taking any damage...a spell is just wearing off.
    I can entirely see why that's happening. I don't think it's intended though, just a product of how the concentration check is coded. Could you submit a bug report on that?


  14. #314
    Quality Assurance Silthe's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Montrose View Post
    Here's something that I need to bug at some point, but have not yet:

    Title: Can not click to initiate a trade if minimize the focus orb and place in the bottom-right corner of the screen.

    1) Click eye icon on focus orb to turn it to mini mode
    2) Drag and place in bottom-right corner of screen
    3) Select a player
    4) Try to click hand icon on focus orb to begin trade

    Nothing, click is lost

    Trade initiates. Note that this is a Fitts area, making this especially annoying.

    Also note that one cannot even move the mini focus window if the map is right above it in this scenario, making this doubly annoying. I either have to ask the other person to start the trade, or move my map, then move the focus window, then trade, then move everything back. :-(

    Also also note that there is no way to bind a keyboard shortcut to trade (that I have found anyway)
    That's a wonderfully written bug report. I look forward to seeing it properly submitted.

    In that last part, do you mean when the map is higher up on the screen than the mini focus window (meaning adjacent to it) or do you mean the map is overlaying the focus window? I can guess what you mean, but it's important to be as precise as possible when reporting issues.


  15. #315
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    Quote Originally Posted by Silthe View Post
    I can entirely see why that's happening. I don't think it's intended though, just a product of how the concentration check is coded. Could you submit a bug report on that?


  16. #316
    Community Member Tanka's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Silthe View Post
    I can entirely see why that's happening. I don't think it's intended though, just a product of how the concentration check is coded. Could you submit a bug report on that?

    That also occurs when Rage wears off, as you're losing 2 Con from that which the game apparently counts as "damage".

    A while ago another Dev said it was working as intended, but I never did see why that would be an intentional effect.
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  17. #317
    Community Member Montrose's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Silthe View Post
    That's a wonderfully written bug report. I look forward to seeing it properly submitted.
    Occupational hazard.

    Which is why I don't do a lot of bug reporting, who wants to work when they are playing. Besides, I'm management now, I delegate bug reports.

    Quote Originally Posted by Silthe View Post
    In that last part, do you mean when the map is higher up on the screen than the mini focus window (meaning adjacent to it) or do you mean the map is overlaying the focus window? I can guess what you mean, but it's important to be as precise as possible when reporting issues.

    I mean that the bottom edge of the map arc rests against or very close to the top edge of the mini focus window. Above spatially on the y-axis, not the z-axis.

    A screenshot would probably help, I'll see if I can get around to taking one tonight.
    You may know me as: Gannot, Gonnet, Gunnet, Ginnet, Gaxxat, Gennot, Gannut, Gxnnxt, Horseface, Izzayhay, Pailmaster, Artifactual, Gynnet and/or Barred. What? I like alts.

  18. #318


    Quote Originally Posted by Cahira
    While trying to cast a Cure Moderate Wounds spell last night, my Bear's Endurance (from the House P buffer) wore off. I had to make a concentration check for the Cure spell.

    I know that you lose hit points when Bear's wears off...but should it make you have to roll for a concetration check?
    We had this issue talked about a while ago. The ruling from DeadlyGazebo was that the lowering of HP from CON loss is considered damage, and therefore will cause concentration checks (unless you are at 100% HP).
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  19. #319
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    Quote Originally Posted by MrCow View Post
    We had this issue talked about a while ago. The ruling from DeadlyGazebo was that the lowering of HP from CON loss is considered damage, and therefore will cause concentration checks (unless you are at 100% HP).
    Cool. I can live with that.

    I just didn't know, so that's why I asked if it needed to be submitted.

  20. #320


    Hey, Silthe, here is an odd one for you. Not that it is important at all.

    The launcher. It always states it is running version 0. While that may be correct for the launcher (no clue if it is), wouldn't it be better if it actually stated the version of the game we were currently playing?

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