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Thread: The QA Lodge

  1. #101
    Quality Assurance Silthe's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Attomic View Post
    As for the binding dwarven thrower - devs, would it do me any good to bug report it? In other words, CAN it be fixed?
    I'm afraid not. The other poster was right about why it's bound, and there's nothing that can be done about it now. Sorry about that.


  2. #102
    Community Member captain1z's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Silthe View Post
    Once again though, it's losing the priority battle.


    and it should. Way bottom of the list Id say, with:

    - handwraps
    - porter to meridia
    - mods & content

    hovering around the top among other things
    Ever bleed out in a thornbush? Welcome to UD14.

  3. #103
    Hamfather totmacher's Avatar
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    what about a new adventure

    in a tavern!!!

    you can call it, the quest to free nat gan (or whatever that dude name is on the balancing pole)

    and you can put lawful evil aberrations/the devs there in character form and we have to brawl them to get our nat gan back because they stole them

    and when the devs die they drop tasty ham

    best area ever

  4. #104
    Community Member Pyromaniac's Avatar
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    My monk/cleric goes out of monk stance when using a healing scroll or wand. Bug or intended?

  5. #105
    Community Member Attomic's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Silthe View Post
    I'm afraid not. The other poster was right about why it's bound, and there's nothing that can be done about it now. Sorry about that.


    Oh, I remembered the binding at one point, but that was after I traded for it. Is there any way to check the history of an item? That would go a long way towards solving the issue of who got what (I remember the "splitting" of returning items and why they were locked down at that time).

    Just a thought.
    Quote Originally Posted by Kreaper View Post
    If a warforged eats tinsel and he's scooting on his butt in the dungeon, does he make sparks?

  6. #106
    Quality Assurance Silthe's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Attomic View Post
    Slow Fall on my monk just doesn't seem to work as described; if I jump or fall off the side of something, I'm getting roughly the same damage I used to get without it. And if it's supposed to work as it does in PnP (i.e., if there's a wall adjacent, the monk can use the wall to slow his fall a certain amount depending on level), how is that different from any non-Slow Fall classes sliding down walls?
    I looked into this. Slow Fall works a lot like Featherfall, although it doesn't slow your decent quite as much. Your Tumble score shouldn't affect it. The trick that I think a lot of people may not be aware of is that Slow Fall is a toggle. That's right, it's just like a combat stance in that it can be turned on and off. It defaults to 'on' when you first acquire it, but it's conceivable that it's somehow turned off for you. If you're wondering why it's a toggle mode, that's because there is at least one dungeon where having it (or featherfall) active makes life more difficult than otherwise. You'll know it when you see it.

    If you've sure that Slow Fall is "on" and you're still taking normal damage from falls, please submit a bug report with your character details.


  7. #107
    Founder Lifespawn's Avatar
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    every1 i know noticed that it didn't lower levels tested it every time i got a new lvl of slowfall but at 13 monk it all of a sudden started working now i can drop down ghosts of perdition with no ff on and take no damage.
    Quote Originally Posted by MadFloyd View Post
    Fernando has yet to even suggest a nerf of anything.
    Oh and by the way (referring to your sig), we aren't nerfing the Torc.

  8. #108
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    Quote Originally Posted by Silthe View Post
    I looked into this. Slow Fall works a lot like Featherfall, although it doesn't slow your decent quite as much. Your Tumble score shouldn't affect it. The trick that I think a lot of people may not be aware of is that Slow Fall is a toggle. That's right, it's just like a combat stance in that it can be turned on and off.
    I think everyone is able to figure out that it's supposed to be a toggle. The problem is that the toggling is obviously broken in at least some ways, so maybe it's broken in more. When a monk hits level 4 and gains Slow Fall, his falling animation permanently changes from the normal pose (both arms out) to a special pose (arms at sides, one leg bent and one straight). Toggling Slow Fall does not turn that pose on and off- it's stuck forever.

    In addition, if a level 4 monk jumps off the same cliff repeatedly he'll take the same damage each time, regardless of the state of the toggle.

    Furthermore, the description for Slow Fall is broken insofar as it never mentions increasing in power as you gain levels. If the low-level version is supposed to have barely any effect, the text should warn players not to expect anything from it.

  9. #109
    Community Member Zaodon's Avatar
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    Re: Slowfall

    You all *DO* realize that Slow Fall only works if the Monk is very close to/next to a wall, right?

    Works flawlessly for me. I dropped down Coalescence Chamber (that first drop at the beginning) with no FF, took 0 damage on landing. All I had to do was push into the wall the entire way down.

    Working as intended (and as per 3.5 D&D rules, I might add).

  10. #110

    Default The Demon Queen

    Is she just supposed to sit there in "Against the Demon Queen" and not do anything other than sit and look pretty being hit on?

    Is she supposed to be invulnerable to EVERYTHING in the Raid? Fire, ice, lighting, magic missles, melee weapons, transmuting weapons, arrows, etc. All list off a singular gray 0 for damage, not immune, not yellow numbers, or anything.

    Is she supposed to teleport and NEVER come back to the center circle making the raid un completable?

    If she does come back to the center, is she supposed to just sit there all pretty like, and occassionally (like once in 15 raids) toss a telekinesis?

    I've bug reported all of these, but she keeps getting worse and worse ever since mod 4. I find it funny that this raid is ignored every single time without any note, but should the titan pathing mess up in the SLIGHTEST suddenly, everything is dropped to fix it.

  11. #111
    Community Member BGP's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Angelus_dead View Post
    I think everyone is able to figure out that it's supposed to be a toggle. The problem is that the toggling is obviously broken in at least some ways, so maybe it's broken in more. When a monk hits level 4 and gains Slow Fall, his falling animation permanently changes from the normal pose (both arms out) to a special pose (arms at sides, one leg bent and one straight). Toggling Slow Fall does not turn that pose on and off- it's stuck forever.

    In addition, if a level 4 monk jumps off the same cliff repeatedly he'll take the same damage each time, regardless of the state of the toggle.

    Furthermore, the description for Slow Fall is broken insofar as it never mentions increasing in power as you gain levels. If the low-level version is supposed to have barely any effect, the text should warn players not to expect anything from it.
    I've also questioned if this was working as intended..... until I ran Tempest Spine and was thrown from the final boss. I didn't have a feather fall item on and took ZERO damage when I landed. I was a lvl 7 monk and didn't touch any walls or anything else on the way down. I do keep it on one of my bars and make sure the toggle stays on.

    Knut {16/clr} Golari {16/wiz} Bashfully {16/rgr}
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  12. #112
    Community Member Turial's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Zaodon View Post
    Re: Slowfall

    You all *DO* realize that Slow Fall only works if the Monk is very close to/next to a wall, right?

    Works flawlessly for me. I dropped down Coalescence Chamber (that first drop at the beginning) with no FF, took 0 damage on landing. All I had to do was push into the wall the entire way down.

    Working as intended (and as per 3.5 D&D rules, I might add).
    Any character can do this.
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  13. #113
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    Quote Originally Posted by Zaodon View Post
    Re: Slowfall

    You all *DO* realize that Slow Fall only works if the Monk is very close to/next to a wall, right?
    That is so completely and totally untrue, it almost seems like you're joking.

  14. #114


    Quote Originally Posted by Angelus_dead View Post
    I think everyone is able to figure out that it's supposed to be a toggle.
    On that note, and for my own curiosity, why is it a toggle?

    I haven't been able to make a monk yet, so I don't really know how it works (or is supposed to work). Are there reasons you wouldn't want it on?
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  15. #115
    Tasty Ham Smuggler Kromize's Avatar
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    There are a few things I have thought of in the past 1 minute...

    It seems that the logout due to inactivity is broken, completely. The small box pops up that says you will be logged out, but nothing more...
    I know this for a fact, because a few times now, I have had the box pop up and nothing. Once I was afk for over 8 hours, got back, and it was just sitting there saying I was gonna be logged out...

    Next, there seem to be a lot of invisible barriers everywhere preventing me from having fun exploring, jumping around stormreach. What is up with this? What a waste of possible entertainment. And why o why did you block up the cavern in house k?

    Paladins multi that would ever happen....especially with something as dishonorable as a rogue...

    Jump skill caps at 40/42....this is just wrong when, if I try, I can double that...

    Ice storm...what a worthless spell...why only 1 hit during all of that chaos it causes(graphically)?

    Where the **** are spears and pole arms?

    Monk wind stance(and some other stuff) doesn't stack with hase(or some other buffs depending on other stuff, so the rumor is)....this just isn't right at all...

    There need to be better enhancements put in for higher level, and pure classes.

    I don't know much about pnp... But I find it hard to believe that there aren't battle gauntlets of some sort in the game!(which would be spikes, bladed, or blunt) What is up with that?

    TWF doesn't work with hand wraps, or just unarmed. Two fists, two deadly weapons(for a monk), why no two weapon fighting bonuses?

    Raid system sux, put a min of 1 randomly assigned item(per 6 people) in per run, along with the current system. Make it so people can't get 2 peices of loot, but so that there will always be raid loot dropped in a raid.

    Ah...Last, but not least: DDO is not D&D PnP, quit trying to make it so. Make it your own, better, version of D&D please, for the love of the game.

  16. #116
    Uber Completionist Lithic's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by MysticTheurge View Post
    On that note, and for my own curiosity, why is it a toggle?

    I haven't been able to make a monk yet, so I don't really know how it works (or is supposed to work). Are there reasons you wouldn't want it on?
    I can think of one Gianthold walkup with the funny voiceovers that may warrant turning off slowfall...
    Star Firefall
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  17. #117
    Founder Solmage's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Silthe View Post
    I looked into this. Slow Fall works a lot like Featherfall, although it doesn't slow your decent quite as much. Your Tumble score shouldn't affect it. The trick that I think a lot of people may not be aware of is that Slow Fall is a toggle. That's right, it's just like a combat stance in that it can be turned on and off. It defaults to 'on' when you first acquire it, but it's conceivable that it's somehow turned off for you. If you're wondering why it's a toggle mode, that's because there is at least one dungeon where having it (or featherfall) active makes life more difficult than otherwise. You'll know it when you see it.

    If you've sure that Slow Fall is "on" and you're still taking normal damage from falls, please submit a bug report with your character details.

    People on Risia reported on the forums that it wasn't working. Apparently at level 13 it suddenly starts working. Before that, you toggle it off, jump down, and take 60 damage. Toggle it on, jump down, take 64 damage. Same diff.
    Last edited by Solmage; 07-18-2008 at 01:57 PM. Reason: small typo
    Devs: Thanks for making Druids available to VIPs without the pack. This more than anything, has made me want to buy the pack.

  18. #118
    Community Member Josh's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Kromize View Post
    Paladins multi that would ever happen....especially with something as dishonorable as a rogue...
    First of all, paladin's are free to multiclass in pnp, they just can't increase their paladin level after they do. What about multiclassing is wrong for the paladin? And who says rogues are dishonorable? They can be lawful good just like a paladin can.

    Quote Originally Posted by Kromize View Post
    I don't know much about about pnp... But I find it hard to believe that there aren't battle gauntlets of some sort in the game!(which would be spikes, bladed, or blunt).
    Your first statement definitely indicated this. There are gauntlets and spiked gauntlets in pnp that do additional damage. None of them are monk weapons. A monk's fists can be enhanced with magic fang; this can be made permanent. I don't know of any items off the top of my head that enhance a monk's unarmed strikes (in a supplement I don't have there may be something). I don't understand what you are talking about to be honest...big clunky gauntlets on a monk's hands? Are you serious?

    Quote Originally Posted by Kromize View Post
    Ah...Last, but not least: DDO is not D&D PnP, quit trying to make it so. Make it your own, better, version of D&D please, for the love of the game.
    This statement is as inane now as it was the first time it was uttered. I don't remember this game being called "Stormreach: A fantasy MMO using a generic rule system", it's called "DUNGEONS AND DRAGONS: STORMREACH". Get it? The other parts of this statement are nonsensical.
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  19. #119


    Quote Originally Posted by Josh View Post
    I don't know of any items off the top of my head that enhance a monk's unarmed strikes (in a supplement I don't have there may be something).
    It's in the core. It's called an Amulet of Mighty Fists.
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  20. #120
    Community Member Turial's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by MysticTheurge View Post
    It's in the core. It's called an Amulet of Mighty Fists.
    I think there is also the Battle fist for Forged.
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