If you return a bag without the item in, how is it supposed to work? Can you get a new bag once the timer is up to get the same, or a new bounty? Is it normal if once you returned the bag empty, thus failing the bounty quest, every time you talk to the bounty posting, you repeat a failed quest because it says you misplaced your bag?

From what I understand, there's a place where the guards place bounties, and if you come up that way, you can take one and go on a hunt for a rare monster the guards wants dead, and you have to come up with the proof in the bag. Once you are back, you just place the bag there on the board with the proof in, but if you bring an empty bag, someone else will be able to do it, and you will be able to take a new one to hunt a new monster, or the same. Did I understood it correctly? Or it's not working as intented.