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  1. #1
    Community Member Zaodon's Avatar
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    Default Why do Devs generally hotfix issues that help us, and rarely ones that hurt us?

    Issues that help us
    Recalling method of VoD: hotfixed
    Vicious not hurting us: hotfixed
    Casting in armor with 0% failure: hotfixed

    Issues that harm us:
    Handwraps not working right: not hotfixed.
    New Armor/Shield alchemy bonuses: not hotfixed
    Some ghosty mobs becoming immune to firewall: not hotfixed

    Note the use of the words ""generally" and "rarely" in the title. I didn't say never. They gave monks and rogues some love in this hotfix, and fixed blade barrier. So, I didn't say never. But generally? Oh yeah, I'm spot on.

    Why, Devs? Why do you have this philosophy? Why take the position that players getting a temporary advantage is a critical issue, but players getting hosed is "Eh, whatever, we'll get to it eventually." Don't you see that as a bad philosophy for customer satisfaction? Seriously, its a video game, who cares if we get a small advantage for a few weeks. Yet, you're fine with us getting hosed for months and months at a time. Makes no sense to me,

  2. #2
    Community Member captain1z's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Zaodon View Post
    Issues that help us
    Recalling method of VoD: hotfixed
    Vicious not hurting us: hotfixed
    Casting in armor with 0% failure: hotfixed

    Issues that harm us:
    Handwraps not working right: not hotfixed.
    New Armor/Shield alchemy bonuses: not hotfixed
    Some ghosty mobs becoming immune to firewall: not hotfixed

    Note the use of the words ""generally" and "rarely" in the title. I didn't say never. They gave monks and rogues some love in this hotfix, and fixed blade barrier. So, I didn't say never. But generally? Oh yeah, I'm spot on.

    Why, Devs? Why do you have this philosophy? Why take the position that players getting a temporary advantage is a critical issue, but players getting hosed is "Eh, whatever, we'll get to it eventually." Don't you see that as a bad philosophy for customer satisfaction? Seriously, its a video game, who cares if we get a small advantage for a few weeks. Yet, you're fine with us getting hosed for months and months at a time. Makes no sense to me,
    I noticed that about the ghosts not taking firewall damage. Was running around the orchard, the I did a POP run and stuff was laughing at my firewalls.

    Well to follow your logic on fixes it may help if I say this:

    - laying down area effect spells such as solid fog and fire wall stop the rats in the pile of bones in the Orchard from spawning.
    This means I am unable to advance that objective on my 1st time character runs thru there. But................

    - Ive noticed in a few other quests that have creatures that spawn when you enter, if you lay down the same types of spells, they wont spawn. Thus I can bypass certain fights easily and have more hp/sp and resources for later.

    The two are related Im sure and its not likely you can fix one and not the other.
    Ever bleed out in a thornbush? Welcome to UD14.

  3. #3
    Community Member jmelanie7's Avatar
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    Default Fair hotfix

    They actually fixed MORE things harming us, than things helping us in that hotfix, check it out carefully

    Things that helped us, by memory:
    1-Barbarian critical range enhancement line.
    2-vicious handwraps.
    3-Vision of destruction.
    4-0% chance failure.
    5-No ki to get access to finishing move.
    6-Cleansing a greensteel item without becoming bound

    Things that were against us, by memory:
    1-Blade barriers.
    2-Friend's list.
    3-Aligning the heavens
    4-Fist of Iron
    5-Way of the Badger
    6-Sun Stance.
    7-The movement speed penalty of Mountain Stance has been reduced
    8-Higher levels of Mountain Stance now grant more Ki.
    9-The speed from Ten Thousand Stars has been increased.
    10-Paladin divine sacrifice.
    11-Way of the assassin II now works!!
    12-Crystals from titan raid does not longer go in the collectible bag ( that was annoying)

    Ok so it may be only me, but from what i can recall, it is evident that we RECEIVED more than what has been taken away from us, no!?

  4. #4
    Community Member captain1z's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by jmelanie7 View Post
    They actually fixed MORE things harming us, than things helping us in that hotfix, check it out carefully

    Things that helped us, by memory:
    1-Barbarian critical range enhancement line. - I cant comment...... no barbs
    2-vicious handwraps. - but didnt fix ghost touched or other handwraps
    3-Vision of destruction. - reportedly made hound harder
    4-0% chance failure. - non - issue, we knew it was coming and wizards get very little benefit from wearing armor
    5-No ki to get access to finishing move. - again cant comment.... no monk
    6-Cleansing a greensteel item without becoming bound - peopl were selling these at crazy prices.. im indifferent on the matter

    Things that were against us, by memory:
    1-Blade barriers. - also affected mobs that like to spam BB... like the gnoll in shroud
    2-Friend's list. - was weird but not critical
    3-broken monk stances - a buncha class features that didnt work well, got shot in the foot, but was given a cane at the same time
    4-Paladin divine sacrifice. - more dps, cant complain..... no one really uses this tho.... do they?
    5-Way of the assassin II now works!! - fix that but the change affected anyone with stealth.....I dont like the change (yet?)
    6-Crystals from titan raid does not longer go in the collectible bag ( that was annoying) - ok that helps

    Ok so it may be only me, but from what i can recall, it is evident that we RECEIVED more than what has been taken away from us, no!?

    I see your list more like this....... its the whole 1/2 empty, 1/2 full arguement
    Ever bleed out in a thornbush? Welcome to UD14.

  5. #5
    Founder adamkatt's Avatar
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    I figure they fixed what they had time for.
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  6. #6
    Community Member captain1z's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by adamkatt View Post
    I figure they fixed what they had time for.
    I would disagree with that because what was fixed seems highly selective.....................

    In the example above:

    - Viscious was fixed but ghost touch, deception and handwraps not bypassing DR was not. this was a high priority for dps monks. to take away a source of dps (broken or not its the only one they had that worked properly in its brokenness) and not replace it with legitamate WAI handwraps is like a slap in the face....sorta.

    - spell failure in hvy armor was fixed but this was not crutial because no caster in his right mind would wear armor that is just gunna raise his encumbrance and cant be switched out as fast as robes...... plus the AC bonus is useless to them. It was just a fun gimmick you could do in easy quests just for fun. not high priority

    - VOD was wiping many parties, it even says so in the release notes. Fine, you cant/should not be able to re-enter any raids I can think of. This just means you will wipe once inside and not multiple times.... saves on cash I guess.... you either get it done or you dont. Why would you make the hound harder? people are still wiping in there also and unless they fixed that, you can still re-enter and there is a shrine.......I dont see the logic here. take time to make sure one seals off then do work in the other and not seal that one.

    - Monk moves - yeah they increased the durations and effectiveness on the moves but made them harder to perform. Class abilities are supposed to support the user. Someone dies and a cleric will raise them if he has the sp but monks are unreliable. A monk can say "my special move with hurt the boss really bad, but Im not sure if I can generate enough ki and perform the proper attack sequence needed to pull it off" "dont count on it but Ill do it if everything works out in my favor..... oh yeah and please dont PK anything or firewall or attack them before me...... just makes it harder for me"

    - divine sacrifice very few people use at all........... to invest time working on it when other issues are more pressing seems uneccessary to me.

    Im not griping really, I think for the most part the devs do a great job and I cant do any better myself so I really cant say much. What I am saying is that I dont think the fixes vs non fixes had anything to do with time.

    Teleporter to Meridia - thats all Im saying
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  7. #7
    Founder Drider's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by captain1z View Post
    I see your list more like this....... its the whole 1/2 empty, 1/2 full arguement
    Or the glass is just the wrong size.

  8. #8
    Community Member Auran82's Avatar
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    If mobs don't spawn because someone cast an AOE effect where they would spawn all you have to do to fix it is the person who cast the AOE effect needs to recall from the quest/area and the MOB will spawn.

  9. #9


    EXPLOITS should be fixed as soon as to prevent misuse and more important to prevent players having the mentality of "if turbine has this it should be ok"

    1. evasion - working with med or hvy armor
    2. destruction - red names can be destructed
    3. tome pages - farming w/o completion
    4. summoning - making mobs unresponsive
    5. portals - can be enfeebled making crit effects auto

    these are just some of them. look at the amount of discussion over the validity of their use....
    If you want to know why...

  10. #10
    Community Member Falco_Easts's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Drider View Post
    Or the glass is just the wrong size.
    Or someone has been drinking beer out of my glass when I wasn't watching
    A friend will bail you out of jail.
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  11. #11
    Community Member Talon_Moonshadow's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Drider View Post
    Or the glass is just the wrong size.

    I'm gonna have to remember that one.
    I gave up a life of farming to become an Adventurer.

    Quote Originally Posted by Jandric View Post
    ..., but I honestly think the solution is to group with less whiny people.

  12. #12
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    Quote Originally Posted by Drider View Post
    Or the glass is just the wrong size.
    The glass is never the wrong size as long as its full of a tasty alcoholic beverage sir !

  13. #13
    Community Member Gunga's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Drider View Post
    Or the glass is just the wrong size.
    **** you and your sensibilities.

  14. #14
    Community Member jmelanie7's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by captain1z View Post
    I see your list more like this....... its the whole 1/2 empty, 1/2 full arguement
    You, know, i wasn't giving my opinion on anything in my post, I just pointed as things that could be considered, by some people, by bugs HELPING us and bugs AGAINST us, that's all. My opinion is something different, going in the same direction as you, for some points. And again, this is what my poor memory let me recalls, i may be wrong, dont get me wrong, but from what i can recall, there is more things that actually is for us.

  15. #15
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    Quote Originally Posted by Zaodon View Post
    Issues that help us
    Recalling method of VoD: hotfixed
    Vicious not hurting us: hotfixed
    Casting in armor with 0% failure: hotfixed

    Issues that harm us:
    Handwraps not working right: not hotfixed.
    New Armor/Shield alchemy bonuses: not hotfixed
    Some ghosty mobs becoming immune to firewall: not hotfixed

    Note the use of the words ""generally" and "rarely" in the title. I didn't say never. They gave monks and rogues some love in this hotfix, and fixed blade barrier. So, I didn't say never. But generally? Oh yeah, I'm spot on.

    Why, Devs? Why do you have this philosophy? Why take the position that players getting a temporary advantage is a critical issue, but players getting hosed is "Eh, whatever, we'll get to it eventually." Don't you see that as a bad philosophy for customer satisfaction? Seriously, its a video game, who cares if we get a small advantage for a few weeks. Yet, you're fine with us getting hosed for months and months at a time. Makes no sense to me,

    Because people use those bugs which benefit them to gain advantage. That advantage can be used to unbalance. Much like those unscrupulous people who use exploits in raids to get loots easier and with less or even none of the danger those who man up (no offense to the female players, just a turn of phrase) and do it the right way.

    If the player base did not rampantly utilize these issues to their benefit then the devs would not have to worry about them and could focus on the other manner of bugs.
    I drink harder than you, ride harder than you and if I have spare time I might just play this game too.
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  16. #16
    Founder Chelsa's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Zaodon View Post
    Issues that help us
    Why, Devs? Why do you have this philosophy? Why take the position that players getting a temporary advantage is a critical issue, but players getting hosed is "Eh, whatever, we'll get to it eventually." Don't you see that as a bad philosophy for customer satisfaction? Seriously, its a video game, who cares if we get a small advantage for a few weeks. Yet, you're fine with us getting hosed for months and months at a time. Makes no sense to me,
    Seriously, its a video game, if it is such a small advantage why the complaint?

  17. #17
    Community Member dior10276's Avatar
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    Default Here Here!!

    I Second that, oh maybe i am way further down the list on that, but agree. LOL!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  18. #18
    Community Member salmag's Avatar
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    It seems evident that the devs are listening to someone other then their current player base. Not that there is anything wrong with that, mind you, but the current player base is continuing to PAY for this game, as well as the infusion of some investors. Majority of the complaints found here and elsewhere fall upon deaf ears. Maybe they read them, maybe they don't. This is something that we just don't know. They took away a very informative (albeit possibly argumentative) method of conveying information to the current player base (WDA), and that leaves us even more in the dark.

    The Stratics Chat was probably the least informative means to bring us possible information. I read then re-read it over and over, and I still do NOT see a definitive answer towards any question asked. A lot of stuff we already knew about was re-asked. When asked about things we did not know about, we received guacomole.

    Back on topic: The point is - the hot fix addressed issues that were not DESPERATELY needed at this point, while ignoring issues that should have been done. But this is how DDO has been since beta.

    another side note: Why should a dev have to take it upon himself to fix something on his own time that the player base deemed important? The player base obviously deemed it important since the dev was getting "ribbed" for it. Shouldn't that raise some red flags and some concerns.

    Bottom line: DDO devs, please start opening up better communication with your customers. The forums are filled with posts and posts of topics where people ask the devs for an answer only to be answered by other players (sometimes it is correct, most of the time it is opinion), with no hint that a dev saw it.

  19. #19


    Quote Originally Posted by salmag View Post
    It seems evident that the devs are listening to someone other then their current player base. Not that there is anything wrong with that, mind you, but the current player base is continuing to PAY for this game, as well as the infusion of some investors. Majority of the complaints found here and elsewhere fall upon deaf ears. Maybe they read them, maybe they don't. This is something that we just don't know. They took away a very informative (albeit possibly argumentative) method of conveying information to the current player base (WDA), and that leaves us even more in the dark.

    The Stratics Chat was probably the least informative means to bring us possible information. I read then re-read it over and over, and I still do NOT see a definitive answer towards any question asked. A lot of stuff we already knew about was re-asked. When asked about things we did not know about, we received guacomole.

    Back on topic: The point is - the hot fix addressed issues that were not DESPERATELY needed at this point, while ignoring issues that should have been done. But this is how DDO has been since beta.

    another side note: Why should a dev have to take it upon himself to fix something on his own time that the player base deemed important? The player base obviously deemed it important since the dev was getting "ribbed" for it. Shouldn't that raise some red flags and some concerns.

    Bottom line: DDO devs, please start opening up better communication with your customers. The forums are filled with posts and posts of topics where people ask the devs for an answer only to be answered by other players (sometimes it is correct, most of the time it is opinion), with no hint that a dev saw it.
    the assumption you make here is that the forums is the ONLY SOURCE of feedback from the player base. FACT is the player base >>> forum goers. however, i do understand that fustration as they always quote "player feedback". WHERE is this feedback from, WHO provided the feedback and HOW is the feedback collected. this feedback is a mystery...... just as mysterious as "you are killed by something"
    If you want to know why...

  20. #20
    Community Member salmag's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Aranticus View Post
    the assumption you make here is that the forums is the ONLY SOURCE of feedback from the player base. FACT is the player base >>> forum goers. however, i do understand that fustration as they always quote "player feedback". WHERE is this feedback from, WHO provided the feedback and HOW is the feedback collected. this feedback is a mystery...... just as mysterious as "you are killed by something"
    I never said the forums were the ONLY source, and I didn't assume that at all. I even mentioned the Stratics Chat, which is not ONLY forum users. I only mentioned the forums because that is where WE are posting our comments. I do agree with you and I understand exactly what you are saying though. And you ask a very good question. Where is the "Player Feedback" coming from?

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