Well, thats what its all about in MMORPGs, isn't it? Time.
Initial game purchase is not how Turbine makes money, its subscription to the service. Anything they can do to make the game take longer (or to eliminate things that shorten the game experience) get priority over everything else, even customer satisfaction issues.
That, IMHO, is what I am complaining about.
Sarlona - The Ko Brotherhood :Jareko-Elf Ranger12Rogue8+4E; Hennako-Human Cleric22; Rukio-Human Paladin18; Taellya-Halfling Rogue16; Zenako-Dwarf Fighter10Cleric1; Daniko-Drow Bard20; Kerriganko-Human Cleric18; Buket-WF Fighter6; Xenophilia-Human Wiz20; Zenakotwo-Dwarf Cleric16; Yadnomko-Halfling Ftr12; Gabiko-Human Bard15; lots more
Emm.. I've not had that particular bug happen to me yet. Then again I'm not super flagrant with walls of fire either. I'll have to keep an eye open for that more often.
As for your second part, that sounds like a managerial answer to me. Just because one person wrote code, doesn't mean he understand how everything else will interact with it. Also it can be case of inherited code that was not theirs but is now. They are only now responsible for it, but may not understand how it works completely. To say that a coder can fix an issue in two days, and I say this as a coder, I find extremely arrogant and Dilbert esq. That is my personal opinion.
Also I noticed in your answer you completely didn't mention anything about the time required to go through a code review, have it pass testing by QA, and then the making and testing of said patch.
The point of my question is that I wanted to see just how many people actually had the perspective of a massive coding experience compared to people who were just whining about stuff not working, expecting it to be perfect all because they pay pennies a day. Which group is being vocal, the ones that have a clue or the ones that don't. I wanted to know so I asked. If I wanted a person or other persons to stop posting I would have told them point blank.
I do my best to post exactly what I mean without double talk. Something that is rare on forums, so when I ask a question, I'm asking a question. I've got to be reminded that people like to read behind, between, and in front of the lines just because they want to see something that isn't there.
Also, I always consider a person's opinion valid and true (but not fact.). Some times I will discount a person's opinion based on their perspective. (aka we don't agree on what should be.) Sometimes I don't understand where they are coming from so I want to know and I ask. The end result is that while you can complain to your heart's content, it doesn't help to solve the over all issue. You can claim squeeky wheel, but when the squeek can't be found how are you going to fix it?
I half wonder if it was a case of, "we are going to release a first fix patch on this day. get everything ready that you can." Afterall, sometimes the bug reports we send in can give enough hints that some bugs can be found and fixed fast while others require a lot more in depth checking.
I mean range attack fixes actually took Codog working from home to properly see what players were seeing because they didn't have built in latency, lag, etc. into the dev server for checks.
And with this, I'm done here for the week and heading on home. So some of you will be happy I won't be posting again. Other wise feel free to PM me.
Last edited by Missing Minds; 07-03-2008 at 01:02 PM.
I drink harder than you, ride harder than you and if I have spare time I might just play this game too.
Shinarel Arashin, Arishna, Tosshin, Castshin, A warforged named 5u3
Please make "Reading Comprehension" a class skill for all forum posters
Q: Does Turbine lose money if players get to exploit a bug for a longer time?
A: Of course not.
Q: Does Turbine lose money if players are not happy with their service and cancel?
A: Of course.
Remember, only n00bs and carebears remotely care of other players exploit and get "phat loots". Getting "phat loots" from an exploit doesn't affect DDO Sales one single iota. And it doesn't affect the game one single iota. No matter what you get using the exploit, you can get without the exploit, except it will take (wait for it......) ...... longer.
Anything going "ding ding ding" in your head now?
the only thing dong-ing is your own head. you could be a manager in a software development team in a company the size of turbine but you know NUTS about the gamer psyche. there are the casual gamer, powergamer and of coz those that resort to all cheats to win. each category fluxes.
a casual gamer who suddenly finds himself with lots of time can become a powergamer. a powergamer who is already top of the foodchain can become disinterested in running the quest for the 290743897th time. when that happens instead of challenging themselves, they now get kicks by challenging the system, looking for loop holes, exploits, bugs etc. of coz a casual gamer can also become an exploiter when they decide that they dun have the time and now want everything in an instant.
if you are really into gaming, seach the web, search the gaming shops. highest hits for gaming sites are usually for the cheat codes! best sales in shops are usually walkthroughs and magazines which provide gamers gaming tips. what turbine is doing is to prevent the ddo community here from having a "exploit" mentality. the moment an exploit, it means a breakdown in the balance of the gamers. (people doing blue flag in raids getting all the loot in 1 day.....)
If you want to know why...
Disagree. Easy buttons make people bored sooner and cancel their subs sooner.
Your insulting of others doesn't make your point stronger. Your final line here even explained it yet you missed it. it takes .... longer. Turbine gets paid more the longer you play.
All the arguing about whether the developers at Turbine have the time, knowledge or ability to fix bugs, or on the reasoning behind their predilection for fixing player-beneficial issues with greater speed than issues that negatively affect the player base is moot.
As far as I am concerned, the big issue is that I have not seen anyone from Turbine acknowledging or commenting on any of these assertions or practices. I have not read any explanation for why X bug was or was not fixed. Eladrin isn't here telling us that they are working on fixing bugs that are over a year old, or that the vicious handwraps bug was so easy to code that they figured they would put it in.
My GREATEST issue with the developers at turbine right now isn't that we (the paying customers) seem to be getting the short end of the stick, but that they can't be bothered to take the time for some transparency. Honestly, simply "fixing" things, and dribbling some vague flavor-text in with some of the release notes does not a happy community make. I want to know WHY THE **** X bug that was helping my monk not suck was fixed, but half the issues plaguing him were left alone, why brand new content doesn't work (alchemical bonus, half the monk abilities), why changes to the Hound and VoD were thought important enough to trump other issues. Heck, why was the TITAN raid altered so much? When there is NEW material coming out, laden with bugs, why is the development team spending their time editing content from a year ago? And in a quest that relatively few people run due to the already cumbersome mechanics involved?
I want to know what the people at Turbine are actually working on--all of our new content for the past few Mods has taken the form of relatively few quests with some mechanic encouraging or forcing the community to replay the quest(s) over and over and over and over and over and over and over and...
So, were I to apply much of this to any other profession, I'd assume to employees were cutting corners wherever they may, and taking long lunches. I understand that there is a lot to read on these forums, and that commenting on every thread would be incredibly tedious, but many of these issues are long-standing, so enduring, that they seem almost intentional. Yet, we do not know.
Oh, and the icing on the proverbial ****-cake we're being fed, instead of leaning toward more disclosure, to keep the player base informed, Turbine REMOVES its thread dedicated to these sorts of things. Perhaps Turbine is trying their hand at their own version of "Springtime for Hitler?"
Useful links: A Guide to Using a Gamepad w/ DDO / All Caster Shroud, Hard Shroud, VoD, ToD Einhander, Elochka, Ferrumrym, Ferrumdermis, Ferrumshot, Ferrumblood, Ferrumender, Ferrumshadow, Ferrumschtik All proud officers of The Loreseekers. Except Bruucelee, he's a Sentinel!
You, know, i wasn't giving my opinion on anything in my post, I just pointed as things that could be considered, by some people, by bugs HELPING us and bugs AGAINST us, that's all. My opinion is something different, going in the same direction as you, for some points. And again, this is what my poor memory let me recalls, i may be wrong, dont get me wrong, but from what i can recall, there is more things that actually is for us.