Welcome one and all to the first ever tourament! High and low levels all! See if you can be the top of your level section!

The tournament will be a series of DM or CTF macthes (with all rules apply, whoever cpatures the most flags or whoever kills the most) untill the final macth of two teams doing a quest for the most kills.

Here are the Level ranges and there final macth Quests:

Levels 1-4

Kolbolds Assault

Levels 5-7

Gladewacth Outpost

Levels 8-10


Levels 11-13

Prison of the Planes

Levels 14-16

Prison of the Planes ELITE


CTF and DM rules apply of course and Before a macth begins...

Both Team Leaders roll to see who get higher, The one with the highest (d100) Gets to choose 3on3, 2on2, 1on1.

If you plan to enter, Please have at least a full team (total 3) If your entering for your guild (for say.... Rise of Immortality) YOu can have anyone that on join you. So it could be a different three members (including leader) everytime.

Post below your team and youll be entered
