"4 extra build points are meaningless! But we don't want you to have it because you're new!"
If it is meaningless, why all the anger?
Yeah, my 16th Level 28pt build Ranger/Rogue has Dex and Wisdom as his main stats. Wouldn't do much to either one of those, if anything. I could raise my Con or Cha a point or two and that would help by a point. He is my character that got to the 1750 favor, but he got nothing but a tome for it. My Drow and 32pt builds get the same tome. So the character who did all the work, doesn't get the full benefit of it. I had a problem with it when I got the favor. It was like encouraging me to start all over with the same build, which I now have my original build plus five more (just started one last night and got him to lvl 2 this morning - and Dwarves walk funny... ). I put a lot of work, effort and grinding in to get my original where he is and get him the equipment he has... not going to re-roll him or shelve him. I'm sorry if other people chose to do away with all their equipment and reroll as soon as they hit the favor. (which is kinda dumb... at the very least mail all of your non-bound equipment to another character and then mail it back to the re-roll. I did that with my cleric when he got to lvl 8 or 9, rerolled.)
Nobody is asking for anything "Free."
The request is : "I would like all 28pt builds who unlocked the 32 point builds to get the benefit - 4 more build points - that they (28pt builds) worked for."
Not "All new builds from now on should be 32 point builds for everyone regardless of favor."
If it is indeed as meaningless as some are suggesting, then what would be the harm in it?? "I wouldn't benefit cause I deleted all my 28pt builds"??
I don't think anyone is crying "we must have this!!" - more "Please, this would be really nice."