Surely it has been discussed before a few times, but for the sake of keeping it current I'd like to resubmit the idea of incorporating an NPC or Crafting Ritual to change the appearance of Armour/Weapons/Helms/Shields which have great abilities but look completely ugly.
Almost everyone has these items and would use the option to change item appearance, and it would mean more time playing the game. It could be a Plat sink or collectible based, and it would only work on non-unique items so that you cannot change the appearance of Raid items and static rewards or elemental effects like acid and fire etc.
However it works it must include an easy to use interface which will let me chose all the colour and design options for item appearance which are randomized when an Item is created.
If such a system was introduced I would spend literally days screwing around with all of the options until I created a character look which I was satisfied with, and I'm certain a great deal of others would as well. Much of what an RPG is about is Character customization, it would have to be a win/win situation for development cost Vs player gametime and satisfaction :-)
Is it likely to happen?