I need to make sure that I have the formula for ES III correct.
I'm using a 14th level drow Paladin with a 30 Str and a 22 Cha using dual GS rapiers (+++) doing max damage as the example.
On the attack roll, I would get a +12 to the attack roll correct?
For example, I roll a 13 (which we say will be a hit, I get all my other bonuses plus another +12 from ES III.
Would this also apply to the critical confirmation roll?
A 13 is a crit using a rapier (and ES III) so I would roll to confirm the crit. I roll a 18. I add all my other bonuses. Would I include +12 to that number because of ES III?
If the attack is successful, I would get +14 to my damage. Does this damage apply before the damage roll or after and is it included in the crit damage (i.e. if I crit, will it be +56 to damage because the rapiers multiplier is 4 with ES III)?
I roll a 6 for damage plus other bonuses. I multiply them by 4 because of the crit range of a rapier using ES III. Do I add 14 to the damage or 56 for the damage because of ES III?
So would my max damage would be:
6 rapier
5 magic bonus
10 str bonus
2 drow bonus
14 paladin level bonus from ES III
37 x 4 for 148 + 78 from holy/good burst/good blast
or would it be:
6 rapier
5 magic bonus
10 str bonus
2 drow bonus
23 x 4 for 92 + 14 ES III + 78 from holy/good burst/good blast